June 3, 2011

  • The Challis (Idaho) wild horse herd is the largest in Idaho, occasionally growing to 400 or so animals. It maintains very distinct boundaries — on its north the Salmon River, on the south Road Creek, on the east U.S. Highway 93, and on the west the East Fork Salmon Road. Every 2-3 years the U.S.…

  • It’s pretty good — 15 wolf packs is the goal- The release of the new plan came after huge public input — almost 70,000 comments and 19 public meetings around the state. Story: State releases revised gray-wolf plan. By K.C. Mehaffey. The Wenatchee World published in the Seattle Times. The crazies, having been defeated at…

  • Obama and Salazar take back the crumbs they kicked Wilderness advocates ‘Wild lands’ order revoked – BLM can no longer grant wilderness-like protection – Idaho Mountain Express Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar wrote a memo to bureau Director Bob Abbey on Wednesday confirming that the BLM is not authorized to designate any of its land…

  • Long battle to keep off-roaders out of the bottom of Salt Creek- Salt Creek is a wet canyon in Canyonlands National Park. So it is rare and very valuable. Way back near the time the national park was created, NPS left it open to ORVs, not realizing how the use would grow. The mudboggers surely…

  • Ten reasons why decentralized solar is much better- And this is article does not even mention the negative effects of big solar on wildlife. Meanwhile, however, GE and others secure largest thermal solar project. Clean Technica

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