June 21, 2011

  • Salazar extends ban on filing new mining claims on a million acres of public land near the canyon- Addition: Sierra Club happy (see bottom) Salazar put the ban in place in 2009 after worry he would not. Now he has extended it six months. The Bush Administration had encouraged filing claims. which are property rights.…

  • President Obama’s recent nominee for assistant secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks for the Department of the Interior is catching criticism from some of the industry groups she would be charged with regulating. Rebecca Wodder, CEO of American Rivers and former Wilderness Society official would be Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s second in command. As head…

  • Canadian tar sands are not just about turning Alberta’s boreal forest into a wasteland. Transport of the product has many dangers, ill-effects. ____________ They haul their giant equipment around the world disrupting the roadside environment to dig tar sands in Alberta, turning hundreds of square miles into lifeless pits. Ah, but they produce oil!  They…

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