
  • It is time for a new “wildlife news” thread. Please put  your news, links and comments below in comments.

  • By George Wuerthner State Fish and Game agencies are in the midst of a funding and mission crisis. They appear unable to adapt to shifting political and demographic changes much as the Republican Party is failing to adjust to new voter realities. The crisis is nowhere more evident than in their attitudes towards predators like…

  • If you  come across interesting wildlife news, please post it as a comment below.

  • Ancient petroglyphs stolen from California site recovered. Reuters Important petroglyphs that were stolen from a site in California were cut out of the rocks using power tools. They have been recovered but the thieves have not been identified. Critics: Nevada wildlife director’s ouster could endanger effort to prevent sage grouse listing. Reno Gazette-Journal Those who…

  • Some recent stories about wildlife certainly deserve to be mentioned, and with a link if possible. Trap set for wolf gets a cougar instead, then a Park employee- It was set  on the Glacier National Park boundary, and a cougar stepped on it and was found caught by a Park Service employee.  The cougar was…

  • Study: “The impact of free-ranging cats on wildlife in the United States-“ The Wildlife News has reported earlier on the large number of birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibian, the common cat, felis domesticus, kills. Because cats are so highly regarded by many as pets, a look at their side effects on wildlife makes for  intense…

  • After the horrific tragedy in Newtown Connecticut, ecologist and animal advocate Marc Bekoff penned an essay in which he argued that “cruelty, violence and warlike behaviors in other animals are extremely rare” (Humanlike Violence is Not Seen in Other Animals).  As evidence, Bekoff relies heavily on an essay by John Horgan critiquing the idea that…

  • Due to petitions of a number of environmental groups, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) appears likely to list the wolverine under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Once found across much of the West and northern-tier states from Minnesota to Maine, wolverine are now limited to a few isolated populations in the western United…

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