cutthroat trout

  • Finding where the mackinaw spawn via transmitter should help zero in on them- We recently ran a story on the need for more money for Yellowstone Park to get ahead in their battle against the non-native, illegally planted lake trout that have all but wiped out cutthroat trout from Yellowstone Lake.  One of the most…

  • Tiny radio transmitters attached to lake trout may allow managers find and destroy their spawning beds- The illegal or accidental introduction of lake trout to Yellowstone Lake has heavily damaged the native Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout Fishery in the Lake, and more importantly in the spawning streams where they used to provide food for many kinds…

  • Gradual purchase of private lands made the dam pointless- You have probably crossed Spread Creek if you visited Grand Teton National Park. It is a broad swath of gravel with a tiny stream running through the sun-baked rocks. I didn’t know the cause of this for many years. Finally I was shown the crumbling old…

  • Park hopes to reduce invasive trout species The only native trout in Yellowstone National Park are Yellowstone and Westslope Cutthroat, and Arctic Grayling. Over the years those species have been reduced in population due to competition, predation, and hybridization due to other introduced trout. Lake trout, brown trout, and rainbow trout have become well established…

  • No. That’s a story line intended for the media. The reality is more prosaic- The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has just made a controversial decision to make a big reduction in pelicans at Idaho’s two pelican nesting colonies. They are at Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge on the Snake River and Blackfoot River Reservoir in…

  • Gill-netting culls 73K lake trout from Yellowstone Lake. By Mike Stark.Billings Gazette. The more nets they throw into Yellowstone Lake, the more pesky lake trout they seem to catch. Despite the increase haul of this introduced cutthroat trout-eating predator, the Yellowstone cutthroat are just barely holding their own, if that.

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