
  • Another subsidy to private Ag interests at the public expense. Other states require testing of 100% of each private elk herd but the Idaho Legislature is requiring much less from Idaho’s elk growers and slipping money away from funds intended for the enhancement of wildlife. Idaho Senate Bill 1085 would require testing of “not more than…

  • Helicopter netting of elk as part of a brucellosis study Yesterday the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks was out using a helicopter to capture elk with nets so that they could test them for brucellosis, attach radio collars, and implant vaginal devices intended to drop out when the elk give birth or abort…

  • The wolf bills are probably dead I’ve rewritten this post as it appears that there is still a chance for a bill to move in the Senate. The bill that would have removed wolves from the Endangered Species Act has failed and the bill which would have removed protections for wolves in Idaho and Montana…

  • Cumulatively they lost $9600 and 12 years of hunting privileges. Another form of poaching that is probably more common than this one incident might indicate. This case shows how difficult it is to convict many poachers. It took two years to catch someone using the bait station after it was first discovered. Is poaching becoming…

  • Park County bison tests positive for brucellosis By BOB MOEN – Associated Press. Herd tests positive for brucellosis By BRENNA BRAATEN – Cody Enterprise.

  • Tony Mayer faces loss of hunting privileges and prison. After one of the charges, a felony, had been dismissed due to improper procedure with rating the elk antlers on the Boone and Crockett scale, the charge has been refiled. Tony Mayer, the founder of an anti-wolf website, once again faces a lifelong hunting ban. Felony…

  • Montana and Wyoming infections and capture of elk. The last week has been filled with many stories about brucellosis and its impacts on wildlife and livestock. First, Montana has announced plans to capture and test elk for brucellosis then place radio collars on those females that test positive to see where they go and where…

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