gasoline prices

  • Slogan might sway elections, has no effect on gasoline prices- Whenever the price of gasoline rises, we hear what is by now a coordinated shout that there needs to be more domestic oil drilling and “damn, the damn bunnies” and the rest of the wildlife too.  Thirty seconds thought tells a person that a short…

  • The argument that more drilling, fewer regulations will bring down oil price spikes is a tired old story- The oil industry recycles it for every international crisis, nevertheless; and the media take it seriously (sort of). Once again they are exposed, although simple logic tells us that a strategy that takes years to implement will…

  • It was important to drill everywhere even if it would only reduce gas prices by a penny or two over 20 years- That’s were the Republicans were saying just a couple months ago. It was the only solution, they said. In Pocatello, Idaho the price of gasoline is $1.89/gal. $1.75 (11/25). This summer it hit…

  • Big Oil’s biggest quarter ever: $51.5B in all. By John Porretto. AP Business Writer. So far Speaker Pelsosi has kept nervous Democrats in line on big oil’s plan’s to use the high price of gasoline to gain leases in fragile off and on-shore public lands. The counterattack should be easy. The headline above shows the…

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