September 19, 2006
This is the followup to an earlier story below. Steven Benson of the Idaho Mountain Express has written a long story about the emergency Sunday meeting in Stanley last Sunday that lasted for hours. Read article. Sept. 21. Now the Challis Messinger has its article on the meeting. It’s by Anna Means. Read article. The…
Penned elk shooting is now really a hot topic in Eastern Idaho. They expect a big turnout. Idaho State Journal article (Pocatello).
I get a lot of email about wolves in Yellowstone. Is this a good time to see them? NO Dr. Doug Smith told me that the only viewing action is off and on in the Lamar and lower Slough Creek Pack and in Antelope Creek (that’s on the road between Tower Falls and Mt. Washburn).…
What Idaho officials say and what Rex Rammell says seem to differ greatly. Article in the Times-News
After years of decline, beaver are returning to Yellowstone Park. Before and after wolves were reintroduced, it was predicted that by clearing elk of the the dying willow patches, the willows would grow and beavers come back. While the cause of beaver coming back is not certain, it is in line with predictions made over…