October 15, 2006

  • Drilling for gas on The Mesa (Pinedale Anticline). Pinedale, WY and Wind River Mountains in the background. Photo by Ralph Maughan. One well takes up a fair amount of space and disturbance. Over 3000 wells are planned in the Green River Basin beneath these mountains.

  • A bull elk from the Pine Mountain “Ranch” in Eastern Idaho has escaped. It was shot by state officials after wandering about 10 miles. The ranch said they didn’t know the 7-point antlered bull was missing. Earlier 160 or so domestic elk broke out of another Eastern Idaho shooter elk operation, making international news. Read…

  • Secretary of Interior, Dirk Kempthorne (former governor of Idaho) is likely gearing up to change the ESA. Of course as DOI Secretary he can’t pass any laws, but he can undertake the writing of new regulations. Story in the Great Falls Tribune As a US Senator he was one of the few Republicans who sought…

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