November 16, 2006
It’s time to reauthorize the controversial, disease-spreading winter elk feedlots on US Forest Service land in Wyoming. The Forest Service has been doing it annually and they figure they can do so again and get away with it again.
How many grizzlies live in the Northern Continental Divide ecoystem (that’s Glacier National Park and about 6-million adjaccent acres)? A massive first-of-its-kind DNA study was undertaken several years ago using this new method which avoids the pitfalls of direct observation plus interpolation which has been the past method. The Daily InterLake reports today the number…
The Coalition of National Park Service Retirees reports that decreased use of Yellowstone Park by snowmobiles has been the greatest factor favoring air quality in the Park the last few years. Read about it in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. By Cory Hatch.