November 17, 2006
Of all those wilderness, plus side-payment (to non-wilderness interest) bills that have suddenly emerged, this is the worst. Washington County, Utah is the fastest growing part of the state because it is scenic desert country–warm in the winter, and cool in one’s air conditioned house in the summer. It’s a magnet for LDS retirees and…
Scott Stouder is a field coordinator for Trout Unlimited in Idaho. He lives in Riggins where steelhead fishing on the Salmon River and the short salmon seasons are very important. Stouder is warning of Idaho’s development-oriented position of the Bush roadless area policy. Stouder’s piece in today’s Idaho Statesman.
The gas companies are not reclaiming the land as they are supposed to. I can hardly believe it, and they promised in their advertisements! 😮 Here is the sorry, but hardly surprising story in the Billings Gazette.
Good news from Oregon. This was in the Oregonian.
Bill Schneider has a fine article on the defeat of Richard Pombo. Read it in New West. In the view of most conservationists, Pombo wasn’t just an opponent, not an adversary, but a crazy man throwing bombs at everything good and decent. He had to be cut down.