February 28, 2007

  • Bill Schneider asks if Mark Rey, Undersecretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources & Environment (he rules over the Forest Service, and the chief forester has no choice but to be his lackey) is the member of government hardest on public lands now that Richard Pombo, ex-chair of the House Resources Committee, was put out to…

  • The first public hearing on the delisting of the wolves in the Northern Rockies was held Feb . 27 in Cheyenne, and it was dominated by people who oppose delisting. This was the only Wyoming hearing planned, but a second hearing at Cody was recently announced under pressure from Wyoming’s lone US Representative Barbara Cubin,…

  • Story in the Las Cruces Sun-News. AP

  • This story is from USA Today. It’s a bit humorous in a way, despite the obvious danger. This most persecuted canid has truly conquered North America. Coyotes at Chicago’s O’Hare cause delays.  By Judy Keen. One person quoted in the article says the coyotes are venturing closer and closer to cities. That’s wrong. They live…

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