August 28, 2007

  • George Wuerthner, who wrote the essay below, is the editor of Wildfire: A Century of Failed Forest Policy published by Island Press. He has 33 other books on natural history and ecological topics. This essay is a reflection on the current fire season compared to the past and what should be done. Wildfires in the…

  • This link to the WWP Blog is to a piece is by Debra K. Ellers, Western Idaho Director of Western Watersheds Project. She wrote in response to a story in the McCall, Idaho newspaper that was complaining about wolves making it hard to raise sheep in the mountains of the area (actually, wildfires in recent…

  • The BLM is going to remove about half the wild horses in the Great Divide Basin of south central Wyoming. Story by Cat Urbigkit in the Casper Star Tribune. I found it interesting that they have done a genetic analysis of the origin of the horses. post 1514

  • This fire will be monitored and treated as a wildland fire (allowed to burn as long as it does not surpass pre-established conditions). Arizona Lake and Creek are in the extreme NE part of the Park adjacent to the huge Teton Wilderness on the national forest. Much (most) of the west half of the Teton…

  • Bear brains and bear noises are so sensitive to odors that that their perception of their surroundings is totally unlike humans. Story on bear brains by Michael Jamison. Missoulian (mirrored in the Casper Star Tribune). post 1511

  • Rocky Barker’s blog: Homes in Ketchum area are the hardest fuel to treat. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. Regarding the impact of the Castle Rock Fire, Barker writes; “This [fire] will have bigger economic impacts than the Murphy Complex did on ranchers and the fires near McCall are having on little communities like Warren and…

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