October 10, 2007

  • This story appeared Oct. 6 and is fairly moderate in tone, despite the headline — “their struggle” isn’t much compared to the multitude of other things that kill cattle and sheep. Montana’s Department of Fish and Wildife and Parks, which does just about all on-the-ground decision making about wolves today, is also moderate. Montana’s Department…

  • George Wuerthner has a good piece how metaphors affect the way we perceive our natural resources. Working Wilderness and Other Code Words. New West. By George Wuerthner. In fact my use of the term “natural resources” implies a point of view, namely that elements of the natural world exist just for our use and have…

  • Rocky Barker has a short and interesting blog as to how the presence of roads affects the interaction of predators and prey. Yellowstone moose use roads to outsmart grizzly bears. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. Update: I just found this. It’s the same story with a somewhat different slant on the matter. It’s from Science…

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