December 18, 2007

  • You might say, “how’s that? I know it is awful language and a fraud, but how is it dangerous to wildlife watching and hunting in general? It is dangerous because it arguably transfers ownership of the state’s wildlife to outfitters. Let me write that again, it implicitly transfers ownership of Idaho wildlife from the state…

  • George Wuerthner writes his usual kind of essay — sustained argument based on, logic, and data from scientific papers — the kind of material politicians usually ignore 🙁 Idaho’s wolf plan panders to hunters and ranchers. George Wuerthner. New West. One thing Wuerthner doesn’t quite get right is that the plan is not a pander…

  • That dead boy surely seemed to scare a lot of Utahans, and not surprisingly the quota on bears is to be increased by 20% — good news for bear hunters in short run, but it will do little or nothing to reduce “problem bears” because the wrong bears will be killed. Editorial in the Salt…

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