January 25, 2008

  • This came from the Billings Gazette and was republished today in Casper Star Tribune. Ranchers say they are being squeezed. It is true the Western Watersheds Project is trying to establish the rule of law on the Bighorn National Forest, and if you have have read the posts of Robert Hoskins about the defective nature…

  • This is an editorial in the Idaho Mountain Express. Clear thinking and biology should drive wolf management. View of the Idaho Mountain Express. Idaho influential decision-makers are not alone in their self-centered thinking. Other Western States that have wolves, or may have migratiing wolves arrive, consistently make statements warning of disaster if wolves show up,…

  • Here is another story on effort by the woolgrowers to take over and divert bighorn sheep management in Idaho. It is on the front page of the Magic Valley Times News today. I’d judge the article to be just fair in its accuracy. Battle over bighorns. State seeks solutions to domestic vs. wild sheep conflict.…

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