March 6, 2008
A coalition of conservation organizations and individuals is calling on Congress to de-fund Wildlife Services [Killers] Predator Eradication Program. This directly confronting attempts of the livestock industry to gain more money for Predator Control. Read the exceptional letter the coalition sent to congresspeople linked to at the end of this Press Release, the other links…
This article in New West is a good update on the status of the National Forest roadless area issue. Roadless without a map. Hazy Horizon for West’s Roadless Lands. By David Frey. In fact there is a very good map of the roadless areas on-line. It is an interactive map to which you can contribute…
This open letter to Cal Groen, director of Idaho Fish and Game, was published in the Challis Messenger today. Cost of control. By Gloria Carlton
Opinion in the Seattle Times. By Brenda Peterson. Major guest opinions like this are very helpful reminding Americans and others why the wolves were restored and what is at stake with state management.
A 60-hour flood of water is being released from Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River in what is supposed to be renewal of the Grand Canyon’s dwindling sandbars, beaches, vegetation, and habitat for rare and endangered fish. This is the third time such a flood has been created since the giant dam and reservoir…
Eleven conservation groups have notified the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service they will be sued for issuing their rule delisting the wolf in the Northern Rockies. Story (one of many similar). This, of course, has been expected for a long time. So to try to shore up what might be a losing action on their,…