April 15, 2008
Northern New Mexico rancher kills 39 pronghorn with a shotgun and ATV. By Jeff Jones. ABQJournal.com Note this newspaper will let you read one article for free. A 1997 New Mexico law allows ranchers to shoot “crop-threatening game.” There is too much of this going on in the West, and it is time for a…
Record number of grizzly bears were killed in British Columbia last year. By Mark Hume. The Globe and Mail. Usually about 300 grizzlies are taken. In 2007 it was 430. Is this sustainable?
4 tribes agree to settlement on restoring salmon runs. By Hal Bernton. Seattle Times. Environmentalists: Agreements won’t save salmon. Deals reached with Idaho and Northwest tribes provide funding for habitat work. By Greg Stahl. Idaho Mountain Express. Related, the presidential candidates on dams and salmon. Candidates not ready to take sides on salmon, dams. By…