April 27, 2008
Today, Monday April 28, EarthJustice is expected to file a lawsuit trying to overturn the delisting of wolves one month ago — the handover to virtually unrestricted state management. Wyoming management has resulted already in at least ten, and probably many more, dead wolves from what was the state’s population of 188 wolves. The photos…
Alberta suspends grizzly hunt for the fourth year pending the results of a five year study. The Canadian Press.
This is from the League of Conservation Voters, the longest standing of the conservation groups that try in influence the outcomes of elections. Environmental Groups Announce Top 2008 Electoral Targets. LCV News Release. April 24, 2008
Alberta govt. suspends wolf-poisoning program. Cathy Ellis, Canwest News Service
Protection weighed for sage grouse in West’s energy areas. By Scott Sonner. Associated Press.