May 7, 2008
Two decisions from Judge Molloy today on the litigation brought by the coalition of conservation and animal rights groups against the federal government’s decision to delist the Northern Rocky Mountain Gray Wolf. The first is Judge Molloy’s decision on a motion made by the federal government requesting an extension of two weeks to respond to…
Montana, Wyoming, Idaho head to court to keep control of wolves. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press The states are seeking to intervene in the delisting lawsuit. No doubt, they will be allowed to do this by the court. The legal purpose for intervening in a lawsuit is to make sure the court hears relevant arguments…
The ugly economy of killing wildlife. Writers on the Range in High Country News. By Lisa Upson and Wendy Keefover-Ring. Predator control looks a lot different on the ground. Writers on the Range in High Country News. By Bonnie (Kline is the is executive director of the Colorado Wool Growers Association)
Agencies issue plan to run Columbia dams, conserve salmon. By Jeff Bernard. Associated Press. It is very expensive, but does not remove the major problem — the dams on the lower Snake River. It may or may not meet the demands of U.S. District Judge James Redden who has been very hostile to past Administration…