July 16, 2008
White House puts warming threats on back burner. It rejects the EPA staff’s findings on greenhouse gases and passes the issue on to the next president. By James Gerstenzang and Janet Wilson, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers. – – – – Bush’s popularity is falling towards 20%; nothing can be done. Let’s face it, the…
For Immediate Release: July 16, 2008 Contact: Carol Goldberg (202) 265-7337 SUIT TO UNCOVER HUMAN HAZARDS OF FEDERAL WILDLIFE ERADICATION — Secret Agency Review of Poisonings, Crashes, Explosions and Terror Risks – PEER : Washington, DC — What you don’t know surely can hurt you is the theory behind a lawsuit filed today by Public…
This is another great report by Kathie Lynch. Unfortunately, it looks like wolf watching in the Park might now be pretty slow until autumn. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – Yellowstone wolf field notes, July 8 -10. By © Kathie Lynch The Druid Peak pack finally moved their pups to their rendezvous site!…
We’ve seen this heedless rush to oil shale before, just ahead of the inevitable bust. By Senator Ken Salazar. Salt Lake Tribune (reprinted from the Washington Post). Salazar is a U.S. Senator from Colorado, the state where much of the oil shale lies.
Under Idaho’s you-can-shoot-a-wolf-for-worrying-your-cow-dog-or-whatever law, Idaho Fish and Game has ruled that 2 of 3 shootings were justified. It says a third is still under investigation. Story. According to rumors in Stanley, the third was a shooting of a Basin Butte wolf that came down to where the pack regularly hunted ground squirrels only to find…
The Forest Service did deny the expansion in size of several of them and has imposed a few restrictions. The Muddy Creek feedlot was the source of infection of elk to brucellosis several years back when Wyoming first lost its brucellosis free status. Story. Elk feed areas get 20 years. Forest supervisor rejects additions to…
“Diary of a Mad Voter: Joan McCarter” Wildfires: House Passes Proactive (Really?) FLAME Act “When it comes to being forward thinking, proactive and strategically-thinking, the last organization that comes to mind is Congress. But this time, with the FLAME Act, they’ve done it.” By Joan McCarter, New West. 7-15-08 McCarter argues, correctly I think, that…