July 31, 2008
The following report is by Idaho Fish and Game Department. It is put out once every two weeks. RM – – – – – – IDAHO WOLF MANAGEMENT BI-WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT To: Idaho Fish and Game Staff and Cooperators From: IDFG Wolf Program Coordinator, Steve Nadeau Subject: Status of Gray Wolf Management,…
Ron Judd. Seattle Times columnist writes about Washington’s wolf pack. The Methow’s “Lookout Pack,” as it’s being called, is the first verified litter — emphasis on “verified” — in this state since the gray wolf was hunted to extinction in the 1970s. But the pack, living in the hills above Twisp, Okanogan County, probably isn’t…
Do bighorn sheep roam the Pioneers? Project seeks to determine if these elusive mountain climbers occupy rugged range. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mounain Express.
Wildlife Services has done away with easily accessible national tolls of the all the wildlife it kills for the livestock industry and others. Now, you have to tally up the state tabs and do the math yourself yourself – carnivore “controls” keeps trending upward : Agency makes it tough to keep tabs on animal kills…
“Uncle” Ted Stevens, the uncivil, anti-conservation, senatorial spokesman for Big Oil from Alaska, has been indicted on 7 felony charges. Bye bye to another real villain! He will lose general election or the primary, but he is going to be gone. Kate Sheppard. Senator Ted Stevens’ (Non-) Environmental Legacy — And The Alaska Senate Race.…
Wildfires strengthen. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole News and Guide. Although the unusually early California wildfires have cast a pall over much of Nevada and Idaho for a month, the wildlfire season in the interior is finally underway.
Need a good laugh that isn’t funny? The Elk Vaccination Follies. By Bill Schneider. New West. “FWP has doubled the elk quota around Yellowstone with minimal public input and is now talking about capturing 350 elk in the Paradise Valley to test the prevalence of brucellosis, which is commonly believed to be very low.” Robert…
Wyoming, Idaho and Montana put their planned wolf hunts on hold. By Bob Moen. Associated Press writer