September 8, 2008
JB took the time to come up with a lot of data on this topic, but his comment went into spam because WordPress don’t like URLs in comments very much. I just found it there buried with the typical spam. I am making his comment into a post to make up for the problem (and…
Joel Connelly: Protection still crucial for grizzly recovery. Seattle P-I. The lawsuit over the delisting of the grizzly bear in the Greater Yellowstone is still out there, and going to the 9th circuit. Interesting, because I wasn’t aware that the district court had rulled against the plaintiffs. Connelly’s column isn’t about that, however. It’s about…
Sarah Palin’s record on environment is abysmal. By Rick Steiner. Seattle P-I. Guest Columnist. Palin may have the worst record on the environment of any candidate for the president or vice presidency in history. She won’t even protect Bristol Bay from the huge Pebble Mine (her daughter is named Bristol), and so much of the…