October 30, 2008
This is a surprise, for sure. What does it mean? Kempthorne announces federal bison initiative. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. It seems to me that on the basis of what JB and others have commented here, that this plan (assuming it to be real) could withstand a petition for putting the bison…
Wyoming is the biggest thorn in the delisters side- As folks pretty much all know, the Bush Administration, mostly likely at the initiative of Secretary Kempthone and cronies, is trying for one last quick stab at delisting the wolf before a new President replaces them. If folks work hard, they will probably be defeated again;…
Backpacker Magazine. Feds Hounding Rocky Mountain Wolves- The sad truth is the agency (USFWS) that reintroduced the wolves to Idaho and Wyoming has now become their enemy. Only an election victory can alter this, IMO. Feds Hounding Rocky Mountain Wolves. From Backpacker Magazine’s Daily Dirt.