November 28, 2008
There could be 573,000 acres of new Montana designated Wilderness!! But the reality is the total price paid would represent a net loss- Several mainstream groups have joined forces with representatives of the wood products industry in a grand attempt to end what I call the “Wilderness Drought.” But, the bill that has come out…
Are the Sloughs gone? Plus five new wolf groups- As wolf mortality has increased there has been a general redistribution of wolves in the Northern Range. All the packs are affected, even the Druids. The Slough Creek Pack may no longer be intact. Two more dead members of the pack have been found and the…
Burns on private industrial forest lands versus multiple use national forest land- Giving Thanks for Burned Forests. By Matthew Koehler. Guest opinion in New West. If you want to see a real “moonscape,” check out burned over industrial forest lands that were already clearcut.