February 6, 2009
Without providing a shred of evidence Cal Groen says wolves are decreasing big game numbers- Here is the brief story, rife with contradictions and no evidence except his own say so. It would be great if some reporters asked him where he got his figures, disentangled the confusion outlined below, and were actually given a…
New USDA Secretary gives some indication he won’t be agribusiness as usual- Here is the story from New West. Vilsack Says USDA is for “Eaters” Too and He Gets a To-Do List. By Courtney Lowery, 2-06-09
2008 was a year of no growth. It ended with 2 breeding pairs of wolves- Update (2/6/09) Feds: Killings hamper Mexican wolf population – AP Update (2/6/09) CBD Press Release – Mexican Wolf Breeding Pairs Drop to Two in 2008: Federal Trapping and Shooting Brings Reintroduced Population of Endangered Species to Brink of Collapse ~ be Here is the…
People want to be proud to live in such great country, but they need to be inspired- It’s a sad day when a small economic activity can such as running cattle on the range can trump wild buffalo, elk, trout, grizzly bears, and can continue to dominate and desecrate the Yellowstone country’s great mountains, rivers,…
Opposition to bill brings out the real issue — cattle industry’s control over the rest of us- The cattle industry won’t even support property rights (except their own), much less wildlife. As this country runs into hard times how much abuse on the part of a small segment of population will the average Montanan put…