February 18, 2009
The “tournament” is scheduled for Saturday Feb. 21st, in Challis After reading about the coyote killing contest this Saturday, Feb. 21st, in Challis, sponsored by the Bent Rod Sports, I guess I’ll not be doing any more business there. If you are willing, the groups that put out the press release below, encourage you to…
Latest Montana wolf news from Montana Fish, Wildlife, Parks- There is some interesting news here, mostly regarding research about to be published or recently published. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – MONTANA WOLF PROGRAM WEEKLY REPORT To: Interested Parties From: MFWP Wolf Program Coordinator, Carolyn Sime Subject: Wolf Program Activities and Related…
Stimulus bill contains a lot of money that could be spent on parks, fish, wildlife, forest roads and trails- The stimulus bill contains a rare infusion of major money for projects related to wildlife, fish, forest thinning, repair of decaying infrastructure, and more (folks are still looking). If used correctly, this could create a lot…
The most recent on Wyoming’s elk feedlot fiasco – Debate Rages Over Elk Feeding – Kirk Johnson, New York Times thanks jdubya
Bunnies, cowboys, culture, economics, demographics, the West Can America’s West stay wild? Christian Science Monitor Between 1970 and 2000, nonlabor jobs fueled 86 percent of this growth. Mining, timber, and agriculture (including ranching) contributed only 1 percent. Now, 93 percent of jobs in the West have no direct link to public lands, says Rasker. But…
408 newly discovered species amount to approximately 10 percent of the known species of mammals No Joy In Discoveries Of New Mammal Species, Only A Warning For Humanity, Paul Ehrlich Says – ScienceDaily “I think what most people miss is that the human economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the economy of nature, which…