April 27, 2009

  • Nez Perce National Forest will write a new EIS to reconsider sheep grazing in the Salmon River Canyon. The Allison-Berg Allotment, which lies east of Riggins, is in occupied bighorn sheep habitat where disease is a real concern. It appears that the Nez Perce Forest may follow the Payette National Forest’s lead on how to…

  • Salazar has annonced $275,000,000 (275-million) of the stimulus money for National Wildlife Refuges and fish hatcheries. It’s good news that $1.7 million went to Idaho. Over a million of it went to a fish hatchery built to replace spawning beds destroyed by the Dvorshak Reservoir on the North Fork of the Clearwater. Montana got $3-million.…

  • Long time Idaho resident Carole King is in Washington pushing for passage of the most ambitious wilderness bill, NREPA- The Return of Citizen King. By Todd Wilkinson. Huffington Post.

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