June 22, 2009

  • One of the easiest ways to get rid of bad policies is ignored by the new Administration- Passing new laws is hard, and it is controversial. Issuing executive orders is less so, but still difficult. Settling suits against laws and regulations you don’t really support anyway is below the radar screen. It hard for conservationists…

  • Marty Essen asks for balanced management of our forests and wildlife- We shouldn’t manage Montana’s wildlife like a giant game farm In response to some recent anti-wolf letters in local newspapers, I’d like to offer an alternative point of view. Blaming the wolf for fewer elk, without considering other factors, is disingenuous at best. Here’s…

  • Statesman environmental reporter writes confusing story about Wood River Valley and the wolf pack that lives there- Barker: Death of celebrity wolf may be an omen. Idaho Statesman Rocky Barker, who was written numerous books and articles about conservation, seems to have let some kind of barely suppressed animosity toward Idaho’s Wood River Valley motivate…

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