June 30, 2009
About 40 wolves are on the Park’s northern range- Yellowstone wolf news. June 2009. Copyright by Kathie Lynch The beautiful green hills of Lamar Valley brim with bison, and their cute little orange calves greet early summer wolf watchers in Yellowstone. However, the drop from 171 wolves in Yellowstone Park in December 2007, to only…
314 livestock were lost to wolves last year. Between 5000 and 10,000 head lost to other predators- This feature ran on a number of radio stations. Non lethal management of wolves, which keeps both wolves and livestock alive is feasible. However, most livestock operators are not like Mike Stevens (see in story) because the U.S.…
So many of us have seen the effects of Mountain Pine Beetles on forest we’ve visited here in the west ~ up close we see dead or dying trees and from afar perhaps a red and gray hue from within a forest canopy. Mostly, we’ve come to learn via media accounts, the words and tones…