August 5, 2009

  • Strong Environmental Laws Used to Promote Fair Paying Jobs, Social Justice Another proposed energy development on the Mojave Desert prompts criticism from environmentalists concerned about its impact to imperiled wildlife and the landscape. But what’s particularly interesting about this story is that labor groups have finally caught on to the significant leverage that environmental laws…

  • The 9th Circuit just upheld the Clinton Roadless Rule, and slapped down Bush’s amended rule which granted states and local interests undue influence to craft their own roadless rules, rules which ended up being weaker than the Clinton Rule.  Idaho and Colorado were the only states to ride Bush’s timber-train. Clinton-era Rule Protecting Forests Upheld…

  • Ever since a black bear killed a child in a campground in 2007, bears have really taken the brunt in Utah. This story is about the latest- Garfield County cabin owner kills large male bear. Wildlife » A spate of such killings this summer has officials scratching their heads. By Tom Wharton. The Salt Lake…

  • Randy Budge thinks hunters will take matters into own hands- Budge thinks hunters are so upset some will take matters into their own hands if an official hunt is not allowed. It’s always hard to know whether statements like this are predictions or threats. Idaho Fish & Game prepares for fall wolf hunt. Commissioner: Some…

  • Pacific northwest dry and burning as rest of West has a cool and moist summer respite- We planned to go to B.C. and Alaska this summer. Glad we didn’t. Instead we stayed in Pocatello, Idaho where a very wet late spring and cooler than normal summer has greatly reduced normal fires and given clean skies.…

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