August 22, 2009
The heat is on: popular Yellowstone trail closed due to thermal activity. Yellowstone Eco-Travel Examiner. By Beth Pratt I always though of this trail and area as spooky. Maybe because the times I visited I was alone in the afternoon and expected a grizzly around every bend chewing on carcass next to an obscure “mud…
Masterswarm We’ve used the examples of how heat and cold can take more livestock in a few days than wolves do in a year. In following up on our continuing efforts to highlight the absurdly disproportionate media coverage that flares up whenever news of a predator taking a few livestock happens, I thought I’d post…
Size of reward for killer of “Maximus” not specified, but substantial- Reward offered for information in killing of big Montana grizzly. By Karl Puckett. Great Falls Tribune Staff Writer
Southern Nevada Water Authority and supports face residents of eastern Nevada, conservationists, Native Americans- “Water war” 25 years out, no end in sight to water pipeline fight. By Stephanie Tavares. Las Vegas Sun ____________ Earlier in this blog (Aug. 8). Nevada’s “water wizard” to ask for vote of confidence in face of opposition to more draining…