October 31, 2009
Humans are built to run down prey over distance- Most predators the size of humans are faster, so are the prey. This is not true over long distance, however. Primitive human hunters may well have simply run their prey to exhaustion. This is the idea in the article below. The Human Body Is Built for…
This is an essay by George Wuerther on the topic whether we have to choose cows or housing development. I put it up in reponse to Wilderness Muse’s query on another post. Note: this was written in 2003. Condos or Cows? Neither! (1-20-03 edit) by © George Wuerthner Box 839 Richmond, Vermont FLAWED STRATEGY Ranching…
Now is the time to speak up on Washington State’s wolf management plan- Forks on the Olympic Pennisula, until recently best known for logging, is the home of Twilght, romantic vampires. Has anyone not seen this? Yes, people over 40. To get you up-to-date, here is a video from the Seattle Times. The Olympic Penninsula…
Montana powerline down, had lethal juice in it for several months- A snag fell across the line, bringing it the ground. Downed power line near Eureka electrocutes more than a dozen animals. AP in the Missoulian
My view: Looks like the right people dislike the new chief- Todd Wilkinson has a good article on Jarvis, the new director of the National Parks System. Long To-Do List for New U.S. Parks Chief. By Todd Wilkinson, Christian Science Monitor. This is the first consolidated article on Jarvis I have seen. As a regional…
Road from Gardiner to Mammoth to Cooke City remains open– Standard Yellowstone closing comes. Details.
Jackson Hole herd is not the only long pronghorn migration- Most people who follow wildlife news the West now know about the epic migration of the the pronghorn in Jackson Hole from summer to winter on desert south of Pinedale, WY and the big squeeze being put on this migration by the gas industry and…