November 9, 2009

  • Suit asks federal judge to stop Forest Service and Park Service from participating in Montana’s annual bison slaughter- As winter comes, Montana Department of Livestock and 4 other agencies are again gearing up to kill bison that wander from the confines of Yellowstone Park under the discredited argument these will spread brucellosis. This year they…

  • Could the use of  “brownfields” reduce the conflicts over the placement of these land-expansive uses? Contamination transformation. Contaminated sites being used to house wind farms, solar arrays and geothermal power plants. Mother Nature Network. By Jessica A. Knoblauch It appears there is a lot of land in this category and many are near existing transmission…

  • There are numerous items. The largest goes for complicated land transactions near the Blackfoot River- One of the items we need to find more about is Jon Tester’s addition of $1-million to pay livestock owners for livestock killed for wolves. It also provides funds for  projects keeping wolves away from livestock. The later could be…

  • Fifteen wolves shot in McCall-Weiser zone in western Idaho- First the Snake Rive zone in Eastern Idaho closed. The quota was five. Now the more wolf abundant McCall-Weiser zone on the other side of the state has met its quota of fifteen. In total 97 Idaho wolves have been tagged. 123 out of the total…

  • Hunter shoots a rare Cabinet Mountains grizzly bear- Man shoots Cabinet Mountains grizzly. Montana FWP says it was self-defense. AP

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