November 16, 2009

  • Quota of 75 will be reached- Updated Montana wolf hunt ends today. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press. It looks to me like wolf hunting has been easier in Montana than Idaho. Although over 100 wolves have now been killed in Idaho, Idaho’s hunt began earlier and goes longer.  Idaho also has about 50% more wolves…

  • George Wuerthner, ecologist, writer, photographer, will be the featured symposium presenter in Pocatello, Idaho- This will be of interest to SE Idaho outdoor enthusiasts. Here is the story on the Nov. 16 presentation from the Idaho State Journal. Public lands v. Private Recreation. By Jimmy Hancock. Idaho State Journal. The headline is misleading because Wutherner…

  • Lawsuit settlement results in USFWS reclaiming decision-making authority over Mexican wolves- Folks are now hopeful that the failing effort to restore the Mexican wolf is out of the hands of a committee that had become captive to local anti-wolf interests. Deal on Mexican Gray Wolf. Associated Press in the New York Times – – –…

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