November 18, 2009
Tiny insects could be as intelligent as much bigger animals- This finding really amazed me, but we certainly see it in some birds like ravens and crows. They are no “birdbrains.” Bigger Not Necessarily Better, When It Comes to Brains. ScienceDaily
Friend of pesticides and hormones for livestock nominated to be Chief Agriculture Negotiator- He even criticized Michelle Obama’s organic garden, but still got the nod. And the Republicans say Obama is some kind of anti-corporate socialist! Islam Siddiqui, Obama Nominee, Under Fire From Environmentalists. The Huffington Post. Jenna Staul Questions for a Trade Official. New…
Poaching was on the Rocky Mountain Front west of Choteau- Wardens seek poacher who killed moose on Front. Great Falls Tribune.
Could predation slow the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease? A study conducted in Colorado, where chronic wasting disease (CWD) has become widespread among deer and elk, indicates that mountain lions prey selectively on infected individuals over healthy deer. I think that healthy populations of large carnivores like wolves and mountain lions could help slow the…
Lawsuit’s aftermath forces Idaho’s Land Board set rules allowing conservationists to lease state grazing lands- The Western Watersheds Project was born when Jon Marvel outbid a rancher at a state grazing lease auction, and the Land Board gave the lease to the rancher anyway*. Finally, Idaho’s Land Board is apparently going to let other interests…
Nevada court decision against Southern Nevada Water Authority cautions Utah’s new governor- Herbert agrees to ‘go slow’ on Snake Valley water deal. In the meantime, Nevada courts are sorting out an in-state conflict. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune A danger is that Harry Reid will use the US Senate to help Nevada developers…