December 29, 2009
Todd Wilkinson remembers how far we’ve come . . . not all that far- Looking Back Two Decades On Managing The Greater Yellowstone Ecoystem. By Todd Wilkinson. National Parks Traveler. I was at that meeting in Jackson in 1983 to form the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. It is such a struggle against the entrenched bureaucracy with…
Here is a detailed report. Will Idaho do the same? Montana FWP just released a detailed summary of their wolf hunt with a lot of numeric data — good. I hope Idaho has a report with this much information, but it probably won’t come until June when it might be too late to be used…
This should so much not be news! Park City, Utah (up in the mountains). Cougar shot after killing Utah family’s dog. AP. This event is so common. People build in cougar habitat and stock their yards with tasty morsels. There is a similar story in the Bitterroot Valley (actually foothills) of Montana. It seems a…
Harmed by the effects of the Libby Dam, the Kootenai River sturgeon haven’t spawned for 35 years now- North America’s biggest fish slips toward extinction. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press.
BLM roundup of wild horses in Nevada is heated- Los Angeles Times on the Nevada “roundup” My view on wild or “feral” horses and burros is that they are non-natives species that, like cattle, damage the range and harm native wildlife. The BLM’s preoccupation with them, rather than making sure the land barons properly manage…