February 10, 2010
Great progress on the mining mess of the New World Mining district above Cooke City- Although the article below writes of the headwaters of the Yellowstone. It is actually Soda Butte Creek and the Clark’s Fork of the Yellowstone. They have been poking around and doing some mining here since the 19th Century. In the…
After years of controversy, B.C. to ban mining, energy development in critical headwaters of famed river near Glacier National Park- I have been worried about this for years, and posted many articles. Every month is seemed a new, massive environmentally destructive scheme was proposed for the North Fork. Now British Columbia Lt. Gov. Steven Point…
Finally an effort to penalize mudbogging as a major crime- Udall, Salazar propose big fines for big damage on federal lands. By Howard Pankratz. The Denver Post
Federal government is a year overdue deciding whether to protect the smallest rabbit- Group sues to force decision on pygmy rabbits. By Nicholas K. Geranios. Associated Press Writer