May 2010
Rotenone has been used a number of times on carp at this national wildlife refuge, but it never gets them all. Once again there over a million carp. Is there any long term solution? Explosion in carp numbers have caused big drop in birds at eastern Oregon refuge. By Richard Cockle, The Oregonian
Will hurricanes add to the on-going unnatural disaster? Hurricane season begins June 1, and its peak is late August when the the relief wells might have finally stopped the oil gusher. Hurricane Season Raises New Fears. By Kenneth Chang. New York Times. I recall that last year the hurricane season was quite mild in terms…
My opinion is the “spill” could be a gift to bring down the Cheneys, oil companies, “drill baby drill”- With a huge natural disaster there is political danger, but also political opportunity. For the people living on the Gulf, and the fish and wildlife, it is all downside. For the President there is a mighty…
Shooting wolves in prime recreation country near Boise, ID- Although wolves have inhabited the the foothills and mountains north of Boise for a decade now, this is the first time they are known to have killed livestock (8 lambs, 3 ewes). The two wolves are not part of a pack. Hopefully Wildlife Services is taking…
Bob Abbey, BLM director is taking over Minerals Management Service. RL Miller looks at Abbey’s past in the revolving door- Mr. Abbey Goes to Washington, Cleans Up MMS. Or Not. By RL Miller. Daily Kos. Is a man who hasn’t reformed the BLM the one who will reform MMS?
One bottleneck is crucial to the continuation of the many thousand year seasonal migration from Jackson Hole to the Red Desert- We haven’t discussed this for a couple years. There is an especially good article on Trapper’s Point constriction in The Trappers’ Point Antelope Trail – A Precarious Wildlife Corridor. By Emilene Ostlind. Wyofile.
Do you have ideas? Yellowstone National Park is doing an environmental assessment and thinking of ways to improve the historic entrance to Yellowstone Park— “An environmental assessment will be prepared in coming months, looking at subjects including vehicle circulation, congestion, and parking; pedestrian safety; signage, and vegetation challenges; all while preserving the historic nature of…
Not sure what this will mean for BLMs programs, if anything– Bob Abbey, director of the Bureau of Land Management to take over running MMS. Huffington Post.