July 10, 2010

  • Opinion in the Oregonian- The Oregonian is the state’s leading newspaper. They printed an editorial telling the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife not to be so quick to kill wolves just because some livestock were killed.  That is fine with me, but I’d really see the additional argument that in deciding to kill from…

  • Famed former Baca Ranch could emerge as national park after failed “free market” experiment- I have never been to this famous New Mexico supervolcano area with its scenic, but degraded grasslands and forests.  The area is notable for its elk, but the herd is much smaller than it could be due to the competition with…

  • Varied and numerous grizzly activity closes national forest camping from forest boundary to well past Green River Lakes- I remember when the nearest grizzlies were 20 miles to the north of here.  I am glad to see grizzlies have returned in strength to the Wind River Mountains.  I hope they get these problems worked out…

  • The role livestock plays spreading wildlife harming weeds in the Rockies should be obvious- Livestock–the elephant in the room when it comes to weeds. By George Wuerthner. New West. – – – – – My comments: Weeds are of great harm to ungulates. Rangeland cattle in particular are culprits. They cause bare patches of soil…

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