September 15, 2010
Rocky Barker reports on effort by Oregon Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio- DeFazio says tar sands over-sized shipments cost all American taxpayers. By Rocky Barker. Letters from the West. Idaho Statesman.
Idaho Fish and Game will give their viewpoint on wolves. I understand they said they didn’t want any people with other views on the program. You can phone questions at 1-800-973-9800 (during the show).
Delisting could take years Even if the states win an appeal of Malloy’s wolf decision it may take years before the other issues in the case are resolved. The legislatures of the respective states have only committed to maintaing a population of 300 wolves total. Regardless of the commitment of the game agencies the legislatures…
No more hush, hush on who has grazing permits on your public lands- Most people are amazed that the BLM won’t tell them who holds the almost free grazing permits they issue on the public land of the United States, but Western Watersheds and Wild Earth Guardians, represented by Advocates for the West have just…