October 2010
In the old Soviet Union, being a scientist was a dangerous thing unless discoveries upheld the Party’s ideology- Doubt GOP will be put scientists in a gulag. They will just be investigated and badgered out of a job. GOP plans attacks on the EPA and climate scientists. By Neela Banerjee. Los Angeles Times
Oversized, outsized equipment protest. . . the first of years of citizen anger against environmental disruption and traffic delays? It seems to me that this will not be a one time event because the passage of this huge equipment through north central Idaho and then Montana will be ongoing for many years. Missoula demonstrators protest…
Sheep laden with germs and parasites are more likely to produce lambs than less diseased sheep- I don’t know if this is a strange result of evolution or due to deliberate breeding, but it is shocking. Sheep Study Finds an Upside to a Weak Immune System. New York Times.
Will the resource-sucking “sin city” be reclaimed by the desert? Everyone knows at least a little bit about Las Vegas. To many visitors, Las Vegas is Nevada. In terms of population this is almost true. The large majority of the state’s population lives in Clark County (Las Vegas) — almost 2-million people live in this…
Public land ranchers concerned about candidate’s position that public lands ought be managed to preserve Idaho’s wildlife heritage Idaho’s Gubernatorial candidate Keith Allred, challenger to “Butch” Otter, recently drew a distinction between wildlife management on public versus private land, standing behind Idaho sportsmen on the bighorn sheep issue : Candidate’s Comments Cause for Concern –…
Advocates for the West‘s Laurie Rule (best known for her esteemed success in the Payette National Forest on behalf of bighorn sheep) has filed another brief on behalf of Western Watersheds Project & The Wolf Recovery Foundation’s lawsuit against Wildlife Services’ wolf control activities in Idaho (complaint & associated filings). This lawsuit asks the court to stop Wildlife…
Elk pop. of West Fork of Bitterroot has dropped 21 % in four years. Wolves live there too. Therefore wolves must be responsible? This seems to be the current argument of Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks. They used to have other explanations. More properly this new logic would be one hypothesis (one of a number…