December 13, 2010

  • Wind Farms On Public Land Stymied By Eagle Concerns, Radar Interference The article notes a growing recognition of conflicts wind development on public lands are running into, slowing wind development on public lands across the West. Eagle Concerns Stymie Wind Farms – AP The only project approved is the Spring Valley wind farm in Nevada…

  • Great article in Demarcated Landscapes rejects the dominion of ranchers over the rest of us- “. . . along comes this opinion piece from the Salt Lake City Tribune suggesting that if ranchers can’t make peace with the lobo, then the lobo cannot be recovered. …in the battle between our deep-seated fears and our hopes,…

  • Sow and cubs get zapped. One cub might survive- Downed power lines electrocute 2 bears in NY. AP in the Wall Street Journal 3 -4 years ago a downed powerline in northwest Montana electrocuted several deer. The power remained on afterwards too and a wolf came to investigate the deer and was electrocuted as well.

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