December 14, 2010
Senator Tester’s massive forest bill has been added to Senate omnibus appropriations bill- Every year the U.S. Congress’ procedure becomes more and more unglued. The reason for this is mostly partisan gridlock. So few freestanding bills (called regular order) are allowed by the opposition to pass or fail on a straight vote that extraordinary measures…
Booming Jellyfish in Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean- Overfishing does not create waters with no fish. The vaccum is replaced by billions of jellyfish. Jellyfish story in Science Daily
It shows that Otter never intended to follow IDFG’s management plan. Otter once again shows us that the state never intended to manage wolves with an eye toward science. He always intended to manage for the minimum number identified in the legislative plan and that the IDFG plan was meaningless just as we have always…
Tortoise Takes Place in Line For Federal Listing The Sonoran desert tortoise is the next in a long line of imperiled species that the Obama administration’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services has determined is “Warranted, but precluded” from the comprehensive federal protections of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Sonoran desert tortoise now an endangered species…
Bridges tells us artificial sweetener will kill all canines, including dogs– Toby Bridges’ name has been out of the news a while after his ISP apparently revoked his old web site. He has a new ISP now and web site, but he is also sending out his opinion to local newspapers. Read this in the…