More Custom and Culture from the Owyhee Desert

I’m heading back home from a fruitless mission to find sign of sage grouse near leks (strutting grounds) along the Owyhee Front near Murphy, Idaho. We didn’t find any sign at all and fear that they are blinking out in this once productive stronghold.

We did find these dead coyotes though. There were actually 5 of them that had been killed and left to rot by the side of the road. What purpose does this serve?





  1. Immer Treue Avatar
    Immer Treue

    I have grown weary of the holier than thou attitude of the cretins who do things like this. Wolves sport kill, oh, how about humans? Wolves kill and leave the carcass to rot. How about humans? If wolves and other predators are capable of this type of “behavior”, the humans who do something like this, who have more power of reasoning, have abandoned all pretensions to any moral decency when compared to the actions of wildlife. If you can do this to coyotes or any other animal, doing it do another human is not a stretch of the imagination at all.

  2. Brian Ertz Avatar

    One evening a couple years back I was speaking of Idaho environmental politics with an Idaho State Senator for District 19, Nicole LeFavour, a Democrat at some Democrat gathering at the university. We were talking about wolves, wildlife, and other environmental issues.

    LeFavour generally nodded and expressed shared sentiment about pretty much all that I was saying – as politicians are apt to do – including the need to preserve environmental values in Idaho, and at a pause in the conversation gave me a blank look and suggested that there were “cultural” values that needed preserving in Idaho – you know … about the value of preserving the “custom and culture” of ranching in Idaho – as if doing so was on par with environmental preservation.

    In the few years that I’ve been involved in party politics in this state, similar sentimentality has been expressed by so many in the state Democratic party – almost as if the “custom and culture” phenomenon has become a way of excusing, or otherwise mitigating the failure to confront, the flagrant and pervasive truth about this particular untouchable issue in Idaho politics. Recognizing the “custom and culture” – it’s artistic value – is a way for even the cultured city-dwelling should-be environmental advocates in this state to avoid dealing with political might of ranching interests.

    For some reason – this picture reminded me of that experience – or perhaps Nicole’s comment reminded me of the experience as illustrated by the picture – either/or i suppose.

    One day we should put together a gallery of all of the photos like this that we collect on the landscape, order a couple cases of wine, some cheese – other hors d’ oeuvres – maybe some light jazz or a live classical guitarist can play next to a fountain – and we’ll put on display this “Custom and Culture” with exclusive invitations for a $200 a plate dinner sent to each in the Idaho Democratic state legislative delegation.

    1. DB Avatar

      One late summer afternoon several years ago I was driving back to Boise from the Pahsimeroi with a friend. We were approaching Pass Creek summit where I pointed out an old circular log corral. There were meadows, scattered timber and sage brush, and high mountains in the distance. Given the colors, the shadows, scenery and the old corral, the artist in me said to my friend something like “this is a beautiful sight, I can see why it would be hard for city people to recognize the environmental harm that corral represents.” My friend, who I respect as one of the most knowlegable and sincere opponnets of public land grazing I know, just couldn’t buy it. I know what she meant. But we need to understand that many folks just don’t and maybe Niclole is one of them. And in her ignorance maybe Nicole just ascribes to the custom and culture BS without realizing how profoundly wrong it is. We’ve got to realize that many people look out at the sage brush landscape with the rider and his dog and see nothing but a pretty picture. We do need to put together a montage of photos like Ken’s and get them out there…because folks just don’t get it.

    2. JB Avatar

      It is perhaps telling that one of the most sought after photographs in Grand Teton National Park juxtaposes an old Mormon barn in front of that glorious range. We (people) are fascinated with our own creations, even when they pale in comparison to the natural world.

      1. vickif Avatar

        I like the structures best when they are falling down. I see it as a sign that all things taken from nature should eventually be given back.

    3. Phil Avatar

      I have had an ideal dream of living in places with an abundant amount of wilderness and wildlife (like Idaho), but if these are the “Customs and Cultures” shared by some or many, than it is no different then living in a big city that consists of many crimes and/or vicious intentions.

      1. Savebears Avatar


        If we are to look at the bible, the holiest book around, there is still killing, there is no paradise, not even in the west. You are not going to stop killing in the human world, do I condone wanton killing? Nope, do I understand it will happen, yes I do. All animal have the killing instinct, they kill for various reasons, we can keep working to a better world, but will never have a better world until we fully understand the world we live in..

    4. Nancy Avatar

      +One day we should put together a gallery of all of the photos like this that we collect on the landscape, order a couple cases of wine, some cheese – other hors d’ oeuvres – maybe some light jazz or a live classical guitarist can play next to a fountain – and we’ll put on display this “Custom and Culture” with exclusive invitations for a $200 a plate dinner sent to each in the Idaho Democratic state legislative delegation”

      Brian – Fabulous idea. The concept of making humans more aware of their shortfalls when it comes to our lack of relationships with other species, keeps creeping back into my mind since you posted this a few days ago.

      Especially when you realize we all have a stake (and fund, thru all sorts of tax subsidies) yet, have little voice when it comes to wildlife destruction to satisfy a few.

  3. wolfsong Avatar

    I found one today also, shot and left alongside the road. And like you I asked myself, why? There is no reason for this type of behavior, only a self serving need to kill defenseless animals. It is indeed becoming a very sick world.

  4. Mike Avatar

    The people who did this are an embarrassment to the human race.

    1. Jon Way Avatar

      I believe these type of people should go to jail for doing something like this; instead they most often face no repercussions as long as they have a small game license allowing them to shoot coyotes (and other animals) on sight… Even with no valid reason.

  5. R.G. Avatar

    Different cultures have different ideals,farmers do not see killing the same way, as; shall I say people who do not like killing in general. I can only speak for me, but being an animal lover,especially dogs; it’s hard to see this killing. The way somebody kills a roach or a fly, people kill these animals,it’s is hard for me to understand this act of killing.

    1. vickif Avatar

      Roach, fly or coyote…they all serve a purpose. So the opposition would ask “Do you want to live with roaches and flies? Or do you use bug spray and fly paper?”
      Realistically, you can only expect to be disappointed by human behavior. Everything else, is a gift.
      Until there is a day when you can find a way to co-exist with ALL things living, you will have a debate over what is ‘humane’. Understanding the act of killing is fruitless…understanding how people decied NOT to, should be contageous. Dare to dream, sigh.

  6. Nancy Avatar

    The shame is if you live in the west, you know these people. They are your neighbors or people in your community who are incapable of recognizing the value of other living beings.
    My only hope is – what goes around, comes around.

  7. Barbara Bussell Avatar
    Barbara Bussell

    This is outrageous. Killing these Coyotes and leaving them to rot.
    How cruel this is. People who did this are evil and cruel. What Nancy said I agree with, what goes around comes around.
    This is not right. May God forgive you people who did this. It is terrible what you did.

  8. william huard Avatar
    william huard

    People hear me call these people “Rednecks”. Where I come from intelligent responsible people do not do this to wildlife- for any reason. It’s cultural ignorance and a lack of respect for the natural world, and a loaded shotgun in the back of the pickup truck

  9. Christopher Harbin Avatar
    Christopher Harbin

    Unfortunately there are a lot of people who try to send a message this way.
    A while back (early 80’s) at the junction of AZ 64 and US 89 in Valle, Az., (about 30 miles from Grand Canyon) there was a gas station at what is know Grand Canyon Hotel. This person was either a taxidermist or just a slob. He would hang his pelts, almost all coyote, on a fence facing the road that 3 million people travel on to get to the South Rim. Worse, he put the entrails just below them in the garbage can.
    Another place that did (and probably still does) have these hanging messages is in Custer County, Colorado. Many of the “neighbors” of Mission Wolf do this. Mission Wolf does great work. Here is their link:

    1. Phil Avatar

      I remember seeing a photo of two men in Australia spelling out the name “PETA” with more then 30 rabbit carcasses. It is absolutely sad and sickening. But, as some have mentioned, even if the individuals are found they more or less get rewarded then punished, and the reward is in the form of limited or no punishment at all.

  10. Steve C Avatar
    Steve C

    People who kill coyotes (and other “pest” animals) in any gruesome way they can come up with for fun seem to share the same defects as serial killers who start out by torturing animals.
    Eat what you hunt!

    1. Mike Avatar

      There’s no doubt about this. Scary, scary stuff.

  11. Linda Hunter Avatar

    The purpose . . because they could, because they feel powerless with other humans and want to show dominance, because they don’t understand trophic cascade, and because their buddies give them a high five, because they are marking their territory and most of all because they wanted to give all the rodents a break and have an overrun of rats, mice and ground squirrel this year and help out the flea and tick population by providing lots more little furry animals for them to mate on. (if they only knew this!)

  12. Phil Avatar

    Besides the animals themselves, the people I feel for the most are the ones who have to live with idiots who acted upon these actions.

    Linda: Great comment

  13. Bob Avatar

    I wonder how many grouse, chicks, and eggs a coyote eats in his life. You only see dead coyotes but can’t see any live grouse, only cows killed off your grouse. I learn more every time I visit. Thanks for the insight.

    1. Ken Cole Avatar

      Livestock grazing makes sage grouse chicks more vulnerable to predation by removing nesting and brood cover. There are various mechanisms by which this occurs, either by eating or destroying the cover or by spreading invasive annual grasses which increase fire frequency.

      Livestock also subsidize predators by various means. Birthing materials and dead cattle provide food for ravens and calves provide prey for coyotes.

      Fencing also greatly impacts sage grouse survival by providing perches to avian predators and obstacles that sage grouse fly into.

      Without the impacts of livestock, and the infrastructure they require, there would be fewer predators and they would be less successful at preying on sage grouse.

      Did you learn anything else?

      1. Elk275 Avatar

        So what are you going to do? Shut down ranching, restrict private property rights, confiscate private lands or make it impossible for the rancher to pay bills. I have been around sage grouse all of my life. I have shot many sage hens in years past, today I would rather hunts Blue Grouse as they are better eating.

        Fifty years ago there were more cattle on the range than today and more sage grouse. I have been there for the last 50 years. I remember when the flocks were 50 to 100 birds. Most of the sage grouse that I have killed were shot in alfalfa or grain fields. There are fewer sage grouse today than in years gone by, but when I am hunting antelope I will always see between 25 to 50 birds a day. Most of the sage grouse that I have seen or hunted were on private lands. In the State of Montana sage grouse are NOT endangered.

        I think that the bigger danger to sage grouse is avian disease. West Nile has been documented as a killer of sage grouse. I do realize that sage grouse are in trouble in ID, OR, WA, NV, UT and CO.

        I feel that those who are pushing for the listing of sage grouse are trying to get control of Western State’s land management practices with the goal of restricting cattle operations on both federal and private land. In the state of Montana most of the sage grouse habitat is private land. Definitely there are problems with cattle on large tracts federal lands in Idaho, Utah and Nevada which need to be address.

      2. Bob Avatar

        Yes I’am always learning thanks, but you also forgot grouse also
        need grazed ground. I also found it interesting people bitch about fence post but don’t like to cut down a juniper.

        Also I don’t mind coyotes don’t bother my cows, maybe chickens once in a while. Also kill a lot of deer.
        One thing nobody noticed is each coyote is in a different state of decomp.

        Ask away any time you need insight after following this sight the last 6 mo I’am one very bad person. Any way I’ll stop back in 20 min. or so.

      3. Ken Cole Avatar

        The notion that sage grouse “need” grazed ground is absurd. They got by for millennia without it in the arid Great Basin. If you are saying that they need areas with low sagebrush for their leks then I’d agree but there are plenty of those areas which occur naturally without grazing livestock.

        There were no ecologically significant numbers or large ungulates in the Great Basin. There may have been intermittent herds of bison that persisted in limited areas for short periods but they didn’t exist in numbers large enough to impact the landscape in any meaningful way.

      4. Ken Cole Avatar

        And, no the coyotes were all in about the same state of decay. I took the picture.

      5. Immer Treue Avatar
        Immer Treue


        Don’t quite know what your getting at. Killing coyotes just to kill them makes no sense. Will they eat grouse and eggs, yep. Will they help make an impact on mice, that may or may not help vector Lyme disease? If I have any coyotes around me, they are far and few in between. Plenty of deer, wolves, bear, and fox, and mice that are a constant pest. Killing foxes, and letting them rot because they eat grouse in my neck of the woods, is just as crazy as killing these coyote.

      6. Phil Avatar

        Elk: I am not to familiar with avian species, including the sage grouse, but I do know that they have oil glands at the tip of their tails that release a secretion that is spread throughout their bodies that protect them from parasites and such. While it may be the case that Wes Nile is damaging the population, these oil glands are very productive in their function. This is just my out-take on the issue and could I could be wrong, but it is a natural gland possessed by avian species on their caudals/tails. I would suppose it would function to its fullest extent in protecting the bird(s), but, again; I could be wrong.

    2. Immer Treue Avatar
      Immer Treue


      You’ve only provided others with more insight about you. I’ve got a neighbor who pops foxes so they don’t eat grouse. A few less mice, a few less ticks that carry Lyme disease is an even trade for a few less grouse in my neck of the woods.

    3. Nancy Avatar

      Would guess from your previous posts Bob, you’re in the ranching business? I can’t help but think, even you would find this kind of slaughter pretty extreme.

      Sure coyotes have a way of making ranchers crazy but it usually happens around calving (and lambing season) when livestock raisers, who profess to be good stewards of the land (which I’m thinking also includes wildlife?) ought to be alittle more vigilant instead of leaving it up to the taxpayers to fund subsidies like Wildlife Services?

      What’s not clear in this picture is why these coyotes were shot and left to rot. Some “good ole boys” out for a day of target practice? Or some “do gooders” out keeping the local ranches safe?

    4. Elk275 Avatar

      Remember Phil that West Nile is a foreign disease. The Fish and Game had a sage hen die of West Nile while it was being held by a biologist. It is what I read.

      The more we travel the more exotic diseases we bring home which affects both humans and animals. Several years ago, I was going through customs in New Zealand. Quickly I learned how serious they take foreign diseases. Fly lines strip off of the reels and soaked. Wading boots and waders soaked and now one needs a new pair without felt bottoms to entry the country.

      1. vickif Avatar

        okay, Phil-
        WNV effects birds even more profoundly then humans. Oil glands or not, nobody who is outside of a bee-keepers frock is safe from mosquito bites.

        I don’t bash. I think there needs to be a meeting of the minds. While I oppose public land grazing, I see the need to protect private property rights too.

        Those places may exist naturally in certain ranges, for grouse. However, in decades past, grazing would have been handled by bison, and transient herds of ungulates. Sadly, we have a loss of habitat which can be equated equally between human encroachment and range defication due to cattle and cheat grass. I agree we need to figure it out, but we can’t point only at ranching.

  14. Nancy Avatar

    +One thing nobody noticed is each coyote is in a different state of decomp+
    Not sure what you’re refering to there Bob?

    1. Bob Avatar

      Ken says I’am wrong I defer to him, to me they look to have all been there a different amount of time. Look closely a the photo each has a different amount of hair, bones showing, ect. “decomposition=decomp”
      You shoot 5 coyotes one day your not some good ol’boy “your better than most” or there are a lot of coyotes.

      1. Phil Avatar

        Actually, Bob, multiple animals can be killed on the same day and have different levels of decomposition. What if some of the coyotes had more body fat on them then the others? Wouldn’t that contribute to the level of decomposition of the flesh? If you have two polar bears die on the same day and one has much more body fat, would they both look the same days later? There can be multiple factors as to the level of decomposing. I thought the exact same way you did when I first saw the photo in that these wolves were not killed at the same time, but I was not there and am not an investigator trying to solve the case. What I did was focus on the amount of fur on the tails.

      2. Nancy Avatar

        20 years in Montana Bob, never felt the urge to take out a coyote although I’ve seen many over the years up close. I live on the fringe of ranchlands and forest areas and “better than most” is a piss poor excuse to take out a species time and time again, that may well be capable of regulating their own populations, if given the chance……….

  15. Cody Coyote Avatar
    Cody Coyote

    There is a silver lining.
    When you kill a Coyote, two more take its place…

    That is rhetorical, based on folk wisdom, I admit. But a few years ago when the local chapter of Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife had a much ballyhooed Coyote Bounty in my Park County Wyoming, they paid out for more than 500 coyotes. For a couple seasons afterwards there was a huge population increase in Raccoons and Red Fox, etc, out of town where I was living and a lot of coyotes had been hammered. They came back stronger and more numerous than ever inside of three years. Probably smarter, too.

    Coyotes , and I presume wolves, have bigger litters during those denning seasons when they are stressed, and smaller litters when they are not stressed and food supply is good and competition from other predators is low. It’s Nature’s way.

    If that is any consolation for the above photo…

  16. Dawn Rehill Avatar
    Dawn Rehill

    Bottom line is these people do not respect themselves, just told what to do from generation to generation . Over it and so is most of the country .

  17. WyoBill Avatar

    Fewer coyotes on the landscape serves to increase small mammal populations, that in turn increase densities of avian predators, which can have significant negative impacts on sage-grouse survival and reproduction

  18. vickif Avatar

    All of the above has some resounding truths involved. People say they would never shoot a coyote, But, they might, if they realized they were jumping or climbing over 8 foot fences into your back yard (caught on videos in CO, Game and Fish had to take action). Coyotes are easily habituated, and can become very aggressive.
    I don’t know why there are 5 dead coyotes. But I do know, dead coyotes is not a black or white issue. None of this stuff is. If it were, we would have no need for a debate platform such as this.
    I could be wrong, so I defer to JB for clarification:
    I think in times when prey is abundant coyotes reproduce in larger numbers because food is abundant and therefore they can support larger broods?
    Keep in mind that coyotes are very highly adaptive. My boss once opened her trash can, in the middle of the city, inside her garage, and out popped a coyote, right at her face. I don’t think that is common. But coyotes in the city are these days.
    Particullalry since people are making greater efforts to have open spaces within cities. That provides a happy little environment within the city too.
    Again, I don’t condone killing for no reason. Cruel? Well I think cruelty has more to do with the method in which the animals died. Ignorant? yep, wasteful? You darn betcha….but I still don’t agree with everyone saying “never shoot a coyote because Grouse will suffer”. We can’t make a huge multifacited problem as simple as coyotes.

    1. wolf moderate Avatar
      wolf moderate

      I agree with you. There is nothing wrong (IMO) in hunting coyotes. Protecting your land, pets, kids, or whatever on your property from animals like coyotes is also a no brainer. Where I draw the line is with the coyote derbies. Not only are they inhumane, but they also put “sportsmen/women” in a bad light. Same goes with “horn porn” that is all over every hunting magazine.

      Many of my friends are coyote hunters and they love it. One is crazy about “whistle pig” shooting. That is another thing that is borderline. If they do it to help out the farmers that’s one thing, but when they do it just for fun that’s another. He does it just for fun and I don’t really condone it, but then again who am I to tell him what is right and wrong? It’s legal.

      1. vickif Avatar

        wolf moderate,
        I agree with what you pointed out. I doubt killing five coyotes at once served a great purpose. Their pelts were abviously not harvested. But it isn’t illegal, you are correct.
        I don’t see the use of it, and I don’t think it sheds a positive light on anyone. Killing in quantity really is NOT something I would agree with. The only exceptions would be in situations where a controlled hunt was done due to some need, such as mange, parvo, distemper, over-populations causing starvation etc.

    2. Phil Avatar

      Vicki: I would tend to disagree in some of what you stated. Yes, coyotes can adapt to a number of different food sources, like the garbage you mentioned, but how much of that food produces enough energy to fertiize the undeveloped egg in the uterus? It may be of help for the coyote itself, but how much help would it be to produce enough energy for fertilization? Has the species had enough of a period of time to adapt to eating garbage remains to help develop their eggs? I do not know that, but they do have a specific diet that serves a function on many attributes, and one being fertilization. I would tend to believe that the nutrients of a deer are much more productive in generating enough energy for the purpose of fertilization for a coyote than a piece of bread, pizza, etc.

      In this case, the killing of the 5 coyotes that serves no purpose is not cruel in the sense of pain (but we were not there to witness the killings, so I could be wrong on this), but it is cruel in the sense of killing something and ending its life just because the individual(s) despise the species. Should people kill to defend themselves, family, etc? Yes, but that is a completely different issue. If these coyotes were killed in a defensive purpose, then why wouldn’t the individuals call the appropriate authorities to properly dispose of the carcasses? Instead they were just left there to rot like they were invaluable to this planet.

  19. vickif Avatar

    I don’t know that there is an appropriate authority that disposed of carcasses which are not immediately in the roads. I don’t think the coyotes should have been left there, simply because it appears disturbing. They could have burried them. But better eroding back into the soil, than a land fill.

    As far as coyotes needing different nutrition to precreate, embryos etc. Coming from a medical back ground. I would say it makes no difference where they animals get the calories, so long as they have enough fat to support a pregnancy. The coyotes I have seen in local green belts have large numbers of pups. So I don;t think that is a valid point, but do see how it would cross the mind.
    Are those pups born healthy? Well, they are born healthy enough that local wildlife officials deal regulalry with agressive animals (foxes as well) who actually seem to stalk joggers and their pets. They climb into yards to steal pets. So as to the length of time it takes them to adapt? Only as long as it takes them to find a food source.
    Contrary to some popular belief, canids are not “only” carnivorous. They eat plants. Common dogs eat many grains in their everyday food. So I doubt the change from deer to trash slows them one bit. In fact, it is a lot easier to eat trash than run down a deer.
    Again, I am not a proponent of killing simply for bragging rights on qualtities.

    1. Immer Treue Avatar
      Immer Treue

      ++In fact, it is a lot easier to eat trash than run down a deer.++

      And this was, in theory, the first step in domestication of dogs.

    2. Phil Avatar

      vicki: Are you a doctor or a nurse? Last year I had spent two stints in the hospital for two different issues, and the amount of time the nurses spent with me reassuring that I would be ok was unbelieveable. I have so much respect for what they do, and am lucky enough to have had excellent nurses and doctors (although the doctors did not spend as much time with me).

      Chickadees are not one of the migratory birds who migrate south during winter seasons, so why even stay up north if there is none of their natural food sources (insects)? During the winters they use a form of torpor to consume enough energy to withstand the winters, but they depend on the seeds that are left (along with the torpor) to survive in the winters. These seeds are not enough to keep them alive all year long, but are just right for a short-term survival. No, birds are not placental animals, but an example like this one is why I would tend to believe that there are specific foods that are more suitable to species than others.

      I do not believe that canines or felines can sustain survival on plants, etc. Plants have cellulose in them that are not easily broken down by enzymes. Ungulates have microorganisms that help break these cellulose down for digestion which carnivores do not have.

      This is my best guess on the grains dogs eat in their foods. The grains are mixed with the special canine materials in the food, so with the help of these special materials (sorry, but I do not know what the materials are) they help in digestion of the grains. I know someone who lives near the Battle Creek, Michigan area who has made her (and her husband’s) special dog food products. I will try to contact her again, but it has been about a year since we have chatted. Anyways, her ingredients in the dog food contain grains in them, but in a small variety because it would not be able to help in the digestion. The last time I spoke with her she was waiting on approval by the USDA. When I walk into a Petsmart store to buy some dog and cat food, I walk by a product called “Natural Choice” and much of the time the Vegetarian product is sold out. I wondered how can any dog digest a product containing materials that are not of a meat source and the manager said that the corn, grains, etc in the product are in small amounts with no meat at all, but the natural material in the product (that in other dog food products would be mixed in with the meat)are larger in amounts. Sorry, I wish I could give a better answer than that one.

      1. vickif Avatar

        My family raised greyhounds for over a hundred years. Their diet was very, very well defined according to what would maximize their physical agility.
        The enzymes in meat are definitely more condusive to a canid repoductive cycle. But I am sure the trash they get into is full of odds and ends.
        Dry dog food has relatively little meat. It is usually fortified with blood. Groos, right? But wet food, is meat that cannot otherwise be sold at market.

        I used to be a certified first responder(didn’t re-up my cert because I was too busy). I have wilderness emergency response training, am a certified medical assistant, certified phlebotomist, and a I manage a clinic. I get more education up-dates and classes via CDC and Health Dept’s than any doctor here! lol
        Nurses and MA’s are by far more responsible for care giving than doctors. A good nurse will get you farther than an average doctor any day. They are the gate keepers of medicine really.
        I hope your health is on the mend. It is noce to chat with someone who tries to understand and look into things. Thanks for that.

      2. Phil Avatar

        vicki: Domesticated dogs have adapted to a certain diet not strictly consisting of meat. Coyotes do not have a rumen or caecum containing microorganisms to break down the plants and such. It would be hard to prove to me that the foods that are thrown away by humans that do not consist of meat can sustain proper nutrients in producing fat for coyotes to survive. I would be hard pushed that these garbages (again, not consisting of meat and mainly vegetation) could produce proteins and nutrients in the mammary glands to feed coyote pups.

        Thank you for chatting with me in a professional manner. I know this sounds kind of dumb, but I was actually excited about staying in the hospital my second time around. I knew there would be great nurses taking care of me, and felt vey comfortable. The hospital also has a “Wildlife Sounds” channel I enjoyed watching and listening to.

      3. Cobra Avatar

        Actually I have seen huckleberries in coyote scat many times. We see this practically every fall while picking them. Guess they must like sweets as well as we do.
        I’ve also seen them eating grass a few times just like a dog.

  20. Dan Avatar

    Ask the wolf why he destroys the coyote when given the oppurtunity?

    ….and the timeless competition for resources between animals vs. animals and humans vs. animals continues…..


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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