July 7, 2011

  • Only 100 wolves outside Yellowstone. Wyoming and the USFWS have reached a deal which would only maintain 10 breeding pairs or 100 wolves outside of Yellowstone National Park. There would also be a “flex” zone which they say would allow wolves to “migrate” to and from Idaho during the winter so that genetic connectivity could…

  • Moscow, ID – Today, Friends of the Clearwater and WildEarth Guardians call into question how two different federal agencies count livestock losses attributed to wolves in the States of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.  The livestock death losses figures are reported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) show a remarkable magnitude of disparity from…

  • Fiscal Year 2012 – House Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill – Part 2 In an another example of paying for tax cuts to billionaires with deregulation and spending cuts, the House Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill released yesterday, which limits judicial review of future wolf delisting rules in Wyoming and the Western Great Lakes, would also effectively gut the…

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