September 2011

  • After receiving a groundswell of public comments prompted by Western Watersheds Project and local wolf advocates’ tireless effort the Blaine County Commission voted to require the Flat Top Ranch and The Nature Conservancy to provide a predator management plan emphasizing non-lethal protection of livestock prior to the Commission’s final approval of the ranch’s conservation easement…

  • Montana’s U.S. Jon Tester and his 2012 Republican challenger, Rep. Denny Rehberg, are debating which one deserves the most credit for pulling the wolf in Montana off the Endangered Species Act- George Ochenski of the Missoula Independent sees this debate as illustration why 87% of Americans say Congress is doing a terrible job. The dumbest…

  • Commission moves quickly on plan, but transfer to state has to wait for Wyoming legislature to meet (2012)- As expected the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission acted rapidly to approve the proposed Wyoming wolf management plan. Information available does not indicate whether ay changes were made in the plan when it was adopted. Wyoming cannot…

  • Suzy Foss, one of far right majority on commission, says local folks fear for their children playing outside- The Ravalli County, Montana, Commission dominated by right wingers in this sub-division riddled part of the Bitterroot Valley has been  fanning hysteria to divert attention from their collusion with subdividers, their anti-conservation ethic, and their religious pushiness,…

  • Mexico is poised to release Mexican wolves near the border with Arizona and New Mexico where, if they cross into the U.S. they would have full protection under the Endangered Species Act. This is giving ranchers some heartburn but, short of violating the ESA, there is nothing they can do to stop it. Two stories:…

  • Six packs use the Park, but none year round- Under the Wyoming wolf plan being developed, the wolves of Yellowstone and Grand Teton are to be protected from hunting, but only when they are inside the Parks. Grand Teton is a small Park. The Park’s superintendent points this out in his official comment on the…

  • Well, the BLM has done it again, they’ve managed to wipe out another herd of bighorn sheep.  A herd of California bighorn sheep in the Snowstorm Mountains of northern Nevada is the latest victim of disease caused by domestic sheep.  While the Nevada Department of Wildlife hesitates to say whether interaction with domestic sheep is…

  • Caribou recovery plan near oil sands may target wolves- Of course the huge pit mines completely wipe out wildlife habitat including that of the rare woodland caribou. Most the the herds in Alberta and part of B.C. have been rated as “unlikely to survive.” Their plan to save the caribou is to kill thousands of…

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