June 2014
Readers who have followed The Wildlife News for awhile may recall an ongoing and often cantankerous debate concerning the efficacy of firearms for deterring bear attacks. While acknowledging that bear spray could be an effective deterrent, a few regular commenters argued vociferously that a gun would be more effective–at least for someone who could quickly…
Nothing can compare to Yellowstone in May, with orange newborn bison calves dotting the landscape, rushing rivers spilling over banks, and early spring wildflowers lighting up impossibly green valleys. The absolute best sight of all has to be seeing a wolf heading home from a hunt carrying a meal for pups at the den! The…
Pyramid Lake on the in Nevada, a remnant of what was the enormous Lake Lahontan of prehistoric times, once held Lahontan cutthroat that grew to enormous size. The world record was a fish that weighed 41 pounds but there were rumors of fish that were as large as 100 pounds being caught in the commercial…
It is time for a new page of reader generated wildlife news. Please use “comment” at the bottom to post your news. Do not post entire articles unless you have our permission, nor post copyrighted materials unless you own the copyright. Here is the link to the old (most recent “old”) news.
The dust has settled on the Cliven Bundy debacle and the media has moved onto the next spectacle. The Obama Administration should take this opportunity to do a little housekeeping on its privately-grazed public lands. The example of the Nevada scofflaw’s failure to pay his grazing fees and his refusal to adhere to environmental laws – as…
A few days ago I wrote a column about a funding proposal to create a “wolf stamp” the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks commission (MDFWP) recently approved. The basic idea is for non-hunters and anglers to support the operation of the MDFWP by purchasing the stamp with the money to be devoted to…
President Obama could do a lot here- Here are my suggestions for new national monuments which Obama could designate. I have visited every site I recommend here, so I’m personally familiar with the areas. I have tried to put together a list that I think deserve protection, but also have some substantial political momentum in…
Far wandering wolf and mate have first Oregon Cascade pups in over 70 years- There was joy among wolf conservationists this spring when famous wolf OR-7 was found to be in company of a female wolf after his years of wandering over a thousand miles from his NE Oregon birthplace and then probably thousands more around the…