December 2014
The three year old had been collared near Cody, Wyoming- Wolves continue to pass through and perhaps live in Utah. A small three-year old female, weighing 70 pounds, has been shot by a coyote hunter near the southern end of the Tushar Mountains of south central Utah. This was about 5 miles east of the…
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) brought some early Christmas presents to the mountain biking community at the expense of wilderness. Buried in the Act was a boundary adjustment to the Wheeler Peak Wilderness of New Mexico. The existing boundary was put into place 50 years ago with the signing of the Wilderness Act. Since…
Politicians play to the incoherent fears of wimpy folks. This is bad for protecting the planet and its wildlife- Just two months ago many Americans feared they would soon be stricken by dread Ebola and those who survived would have their heads lopped off by ISIS. Fortunately a cure was deployed for both Ebola and…
It is time for another new page for wildlife news. Please use “comment” at the bottom to post your news. Do not post entire articles unless you have our permission, or post copyrighted materials unless you own the copyright. Here is the link to the most recent (Dec. 1) “old” news.
White Pine County, Nev. – A Western Watersheds Project appeal forced the Ely BLM to withdraw a recent decision to destroy Wyoming big sagebrush, black sage, and pinyon-juniper communities across the Newark watershed and parts of the Huntington Valley in Nevada. The BLM planned to use the cheatgrass-causing herbicide Tebuthiuron, mowers, bulldozers and other heavy…
After many years of battles it is hard to say that management of Yellowstone Park bison by the federal government and the state of Montana has improved. Almost every winter there is a slaughter just north of the Park, and sometimes to the west of the Park and even inside the Park. This winter there is…
This is a first- A young man from Newdale, Idaho (Kenneth Sommer) was hunting black bear in May. His wife was along on this trip to the Rock Creek area near the Cave Falls road. He shot a big male grizzly (illegal) and claimed it was about to attack his wife, a defense we have…