Do you have some interesting wildlife news? Dec. 5, 2017 edition

It is time to create a new page of “Interesting Wildlife News.”

It has been a long time since we have had a new page. The page and comment loading time has become very slow.  Please put your wildlife news in the comments below. Do not post copyrighted material.

Here is the link to the “old” wildlife news of July 31, 2017.






  1. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    if you want a chance to give some direct input the Wyoming Game and Fish dept is holding online conversations
    my guess is there is a great deal of negative input and this is away to give lip service to the outrage about grizzly bear trophy hunting

    still public input is generally required to be tracked and on the record.

  2. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    I really hope this ANWR drilling proposal is taken out of the tax legislation. It’s ‘good’ old-fashioned imperialism and racism, and manifest destiny that has never left this country for 300 or so years. With all of the hubbub over racism these days, it should apply to more than the NFL, and confederate statues.

    Who says the indigenous people there want to be ‘enriched’ the way we define it? That’s a self-serving rationalization for greed.

  3. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    “Firstly, drilling in ANWR is deeply unpopular with the American public; secondly, it still has to get past the House, where some Republicans are opposed to opening up ANWR; thirdly, even oil industry consultants think drilling now is not economically sensible and fourthly any development will be fought tooth and nail in the courts.”

  4. rork Avatar

    The thing I’ve noticed about administration types talking about recent reduction of the National Monuments is that they make it sound like it’s not still federal land. Are they hoping people will think they are giving it back to the states? I could supply a ton of quotes that are straining to be as vague as possible (or deceptive) about the reasoning and desired result (besides a publicity stunt – not that I’m say there will be no effects).

    Trump: “that the natural resources of Utah should be controlled by a small handful of very distant bureaucrats located in Washington.” “Your timeless bond with the outdoors should not be replaced with the whims of regulators thousands and thousands of miles away. They don’t know your land and, truly, they don’t care for your land like you do,”
    Um, still BLM and Forest service land I think. The regulators thousands of miles away have less concern for the environment now is what might have been truthfully said.

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      Yes! I’ve noticed that too…and then there are pieces like this where the author got it entirely, egregiously wrong, believing that it was UT’s land before designation and is now UT’s land again!?!

      Excerpt: “Regaining ownership of the land could also symbolize a broader shift toward more governmental authority at the state level and less federal oversight — a core tenant of the Conservative agenda in general.

      “Of note, however, is that Bears Ears has only been a federally protected monument for one year. If the Utah government believed it could generate a meaningful amount of revenue by selling land parcels or extraction leases in the area, they’ve had plenty of time to do so (but haven’t).

      “The old folk song asserts that this land is your land, this land is my land, but for now, it’s Utah’s land (again), and its future is hard to predict through all the dust of the desert.”

  5. Kathleen Avatar

    “Ryan Zinke Is Trump’s Attack Dog on the Environment”

    (Note: A long read and if you can’t stomach Zinke, vomit-inducing, tho the ending is amusing and reveals what a poser he is.)

    Excerpt: “Zinke told me that Teddy Roosevelt gave us the first hundred-odd years of public-land stewardship, and that he sees it as his duty to guarantee the next hundred. I ran the idea by Sarah Greenberger, director of conservation at the Audubon Society, who served as a senior adviser to interior secretary Sally Jewell during the Obama administration. “There’s no doubt that the agency could be made more effective,” she said, “but what I’m seeing looks potentially more like a dismantling.”

    “And if that’s what he’s doing, who will be there to make these land-management decisions in the future? Already they’re losing some of the best talent the agency has.”

    1. louise kane Avatar
      louise kane

      It’s no surprise Zinke landed this position.

      Trump’s creepy, large mammal slaughtering namesake son had his own sights set as the Secretary. Yet back before Ivanka and Kushner became incestuous fixtures at the white house, Trump Jr probably thought he did not stand a chance in the early nepotistic post Trump election give away days.

      Who better than Zinke, with his shared love of killing large animals for their heads and hides, than to give the Secretary position to.

      The description of Zinke’s sycophantic pandering at the doorstep of the Trump plaza, book in hand, is the gross reality that brought so many unqualified, incompetent, deplorables into this Administration. Zinke went to the head of the line.

      Then too his SEAL service was particularly useful at this particular historical authoritarian moment when all servicemen are treated as self sacrificing heroes. I mean, really Trump followers love to proclaim how Trump sacrifices every day to be president. finger gag

      I can’t help but cringe at the overly patriotic drivel that now dominates most political commentary and slides from politician’s mouths.

      I wish Dylan’s words did not ring so true just right now…

      “Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings, steal a little and they throw you in jail steal a lot and they make you king”

      Zinke is now king, the king of scoundrels. a man determined to squander America’s natural resources.

      Some countries, like Finland, include mandatory service as part of their citizen’s requirements. Service is not automatically labeled as patriotic rather its a pragmatic solution to Finland’s military deficit.

      Here in the US, We conveniently forget the pragmatism behind much service. Many join the military for benefits or to fund education, to advance or for future retirements, Some have few options other than military service.

      I mean, who would risk challenging the qualifications of a military SEAL “hero”. Zinke counts on that.

      Service does not always or even frequently equate to am altruistic passionate patriotism although its become awfully convenient to claim that underlying motive.

      Zinke is the quintessential product of this dystopian, Trumpian, authoritarian society. A gun toting, patriotic spouting, unqualified, morally bankrupt man pretending to greatness and altruistic service for his country all the while pillaging and raping the best of the country he claims to love.

      ugly man, ugly ass kissing trumpian cronyism.

  6. Nancy Avatar

    MAD says:

    December 4, 2017 at 11:54 am

    CWD is spreading in Montana – how shocking. And yet we have no formal State plan on how to deal with it because of the tacit denial of FWP personnel who for years stated, “It’s not coming here!”

    Your comments (and link) needed to come forward in the new threat, MAD. Those who pick and chose and “manage” wildlife, for the benefit of a few, need to wake up.

    1. Terry Singeltary Avatar

      TUESDAY, DECEMBER 05, 2017

      Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks testing has identified two more cases of chronic wasting disease in Carbon County deer

      kind regards, terry

      1. Terry Singeltary Avatar

        THURSDAY, DECEMBER 07, 2017

        Montana Chronic Wasting Disease Found in Deer north of Chester

  7. Terry Singeltary Avatar

    Texas CWD TSE Prion Update

    FRIDAY, DECEMBER 01, 2017



    TAHC CWD TSE PRION Trace Herds INs and OUTs Summary Minutes of the 399th and 398th Commission Meeting – 8/22/2017 5/9/2017

    kind regards, terry

  8. Kathleen Avatar

    Sadly, this animal won’t be long for the world. Note the tone of hysteria in the article.

    “Suburban NY police: Watch out for the ‘coywolf’
    Coyote hybrid spotted wandering around suburb”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Do they know for sure it’s a coywolf, by sight only? And I love (read hate) the ‘eerie’ and ‘scary’ terms used. Why frighten the public unnecessarily, why not just facts and advise caution? Typical, irresponsible old-school journalism at its most disappointing.

      1. louise kane Avatar
        louise kane

        Coywolf is the correct nomenclature for most coyotes in the northeast as they are a genetic mix of the western coyote and eastern and grey wolf and some dog genes . Jon Way’s eastern coyote/coywolf site has numerous papers on this.

        1. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          I’m well aware of that. But are they all coywolves? I don’t think a broad determination can be made other than by DNA? Certainly not by a NYC cop.

          1. Ida Lupine Avatar
            Ida Lupine

            or NY cop. The coyotes I see don’t strike me as particularly large, or ‘eerie sights in the fog’ (good grief). But then I don’t have a comparison I suppose.

    2. Professor Sweat Avatar
      Professor Sweat

      “Sadly, this animal won’t be long for the world.”

      If success of canis latrans over the last 100 years has shown us anything, it’s that what you’re saying is simply not true.

      “When the last human dies, there will be a coyote howling over his grave.”

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine

        Or something else. 😉

        I’ll tell ya, I’d be more worried about seeing predatory humans in the fog than I would about coyotes or coywolves.

      2. Kathleen Avatar

        Prof. S: I said “this” animal, meaning the individual sighted and reported on. I’m well aware of Canis latrans’ endurance–which is no excuse for the mass persecution and slaughter they face.

  9. Bill Earl Avatar

    You have my permission to post the squirrel tail propulsion video. I filmed it in my backyard.

    By Bill Earl
    Norristown, Pennsylvania

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      Very cool! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
      Mareks Vilkins

      Idaho also collared four wolves in an action the Forest Service didn’t authorize. Fish and Game blamed miscommunication with the helicopter crew.

      IDFG’s sense of humor

    2. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
      Mareks Vilkins

      for the NRM wildlife officials it’s OK when YNP collared wolves are killed just outside the Park’s territory. They do not make a fuss about lost information there.

      However when they illegally collar the wildlife and then refuse to obey the ruling – in their world it’s also OK. Go figure.

  10. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    comments being taken on grizzly bear removal of ESA protections.

  11. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    I was commenting more on the tone of the article anyway. It just seemed to be overly aggressive and fear-mongering – old school meaning sensationalism.

    It would seem to possibly play into people’s fears unnecessarily. Whereas a factual reminder of precautions to take would be a more responsible and reassuring approach for people?

  12. Kathleen Avatar

    “Man risks life to save wild rabbit hopping dangerously close to Thomas Fire flames” (video)

    Kudos to this compassionate, righteous dude!

  13. Terry Singeltary Avatar



    1. rork Avatar

      I’d post CWD news except that it appears too often.
      Science progress is accelerating thanks to new assays to more quickly and cheaply assess infection, though I think there’s still no fast/good ways to differentiate strains (there are different misfoldings of the same protein, and similar misfoldings of proteins with different sequences) except by infecting transgenic mice and comparing outcomes, which is not very good. It’s become harder to keep up with the science papers – that’s good.

  14. Terry Singeltary Avatar


    Arkansas Biological samples reveal 70 new cases of CWD, no new counties affected

  15. Terry Singeltary Avatar


    Norway another case of Skrantesjuke CWD TSE Prion Adult Reindeer pitcher field in Nordfjella (preliminary testing) 13th case if confirmed

    TUESDAY, DECEMBER 05, 2017

    Norway 30,000 deer animals have so far been tested for Skrantesyke chronic wasting disease CWD TSE PRION DISEASE

    1. Immer Treue Avatar
      Immer Treue

      I’ve seen some claims of coyotes/wolves spreading CWD. The one study I’ve read openly admits that coyotes could spread CWD via their feces, but… to site an old Chris Rush routine that hash can cause brain damage, the hamsters smoked a chunk of hash equivalent to the size of a house. The study of coyotes and CWD somewhat admits this.

      1. rork Avatar

        I agree that just because it could happen doesn’t mean canine reduction will help, which is what some folks want you to think has been proven. If not killed by yote/wolf the infected ungulate will shed more itself, and just die later, to be consumed by other species that may spread it. We can blame coons and vultures then.
        The thing that makes CWD much hard to stop than BSE is that it’s lateral transmission is fantastic. For cows it nearly zero – that’s why BSE got mopped up in England with comparative ease. I only recently realized this fully, and have gotten more pessimistic about how successful scorched earth tactics will work, though I still advocate them.

        1. Immer Treue Avatar
          Immer Treue

          This is the study cited by the few.

          Yields evidence, in a clinical with coyotes, this could happen i.e. The concept is possible, but also bring into play other mammals and birds that can/will scavenge kills. Inoculation concentrations were also amplified over and above the norm.

          Ironic how anti predator folks are beginning to latch onto something like this.

          1. rork Avatar

            I’d also note that the droppings did not work as well as 1/100 dilution of elk brain, so maybe it’s not that effective (and this is with brain injection into the mice = most effective method).

            There’s a few things happening that do not nullify the conclusion, but which are bad science I believe. One is that they found some of their mice to be knockouts for cervid PRNP gene, which means they got their mice confused, which is merely embarrassing perhaps. They say their excluded knockout mice “do not become sick in the absence of the prion protein” – I think they want to say “presence” (however “transgenic knockout” is confusing to me, and I’m taking it to mean “failed to have the cervid transgene”, more usually transgenic knockout might be said of mice who had the elk transgene and had mouse gene knocked out, so they are “only elk” at PRNP). I may ask them to clarify. In figure 2 they use ANOVAs and T-tests on survival data, which no good reader or reviewer would stand for (you use log-rank tests or Cox proportional hazards models). I thought this was a fairly good journal, but those last two things should have gotten cleaned up by review.

            1. rork Avatar

              The kind author helped me. “in the absence of prion protein” is trying to say that because mice express no PrP protein at all, they can not get the disease, even when challenged with infectious prion. No science trouble, just my wrong interpretation of the English. Also, the breeding thing: They cross mice that are hemizygous for the cervid PRNP gene (have just one copy), so a quarter of the offspring have no PRNP gene at all (knockouts).
              My best wishes to all the CWD scientists.

        2. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          I agree. I really pray that this theory doesn’t take hold, I truly do. It will mean more bumbling, and dangerous, human error.

          We can never seem to own up to our mistakes, and always look for another creature to blame.

      2. Immer Treue Avatar
        Immer Treue

        Long, somewhat redundant piece on using predators as a first line of defense against CWD. I believe this is a great forum for dissecting the strong and weak components of this essay.

        1. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          Thank you! 🙂 Very interested in this.

  16. Kathleen Avatar

    This might be an unnecessary post, but just a reminder about the comment deadline on exorbitant fee hikes at select national parks…deadline extended to Dec. 22. Info:

    I just submitted my comment, but I’m so exhausted by recent events (downsizing of nat’l monuments, fatal school shooting yesterday where I once taught, video of a starving & now dead polar bear that I just viewed today) that all I could muster was one line about pricing Americans out of their national parks…which is probably the whole point. A steep drop in visitation will require privatization of the parks, or opening them to drilling so they ‘pay for themselves,’ or opening them to trophy hunting, or…

  17. Kathleen Avatar

    Prepare to cry should you choose to view this, while remembering that climate change is just a hoax:

    “Heart-Wrenching Video Shows Starving Polar Bear on Iceless Land”: Lack of sea ice is making it more difficult for polar bears to find food.

  18. Kathleen Avatar

    “Study finds populist ‘backlash’ rising against wildlife agencies”

    Excerpt: “The rise of populism in the United States is affecting a range of issues, and according to a recent study, wildlife management is no exception.

    “The study published in Biological Conservation found “indications of backlash from a populist hunting culture in the U.S.,” apparently in reaction to “a shift in wildlife values” away from traditional activities like hunting and fishing toward non-consumptive uses and a greater concern for animal welfare.

    “In states where this shift was greatest, researchers found lower levels of trust in state wildlife agencies. Researchers also found a rise in ballot initiatives to “fight back” against limits on hunting.”

    Continue reading:

  19. Kathleen Avatar

    “Area of protected land larger than California at risk from drilling under Trump”

    “Unearthed has mapped – for the first time – the overlap between every federally protected park, forest, monument and wildlife refuge in the US and major fossil fuel deposits”

    Interactive map to which you can apply filters for different types of federally-protected lands. It’s from last May, apologies if already posted.

  20. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    This is why there should be no ‘sympathy’ for those who refuse to honor leaving collared wolves alone. They disrupt studies, and deprive people of seeing them.

    1. Moose Avatar

      Another article on the above.

      From Stevens County Commissioner Don Dashiell, a rancher and member of the state’s Wolf Advisory Group, “I’m having a hard time using the word ‘poached’ at this point,” he said. “I don’t think there are people out there just killing wolves.”

      Sure, Don.

      1. JEFF E Avatar
        JEFF E

        This funny as I was in a conversation with a gentleman just a couple weeks ago talking about Idahos hunting season this year.
        He was telling me about a rifle he built and was out deer hunting with it.
        6.5 CM with a 14X scope. Showed me some pics of the deer he got and said two things, 1. he shot the deer at 600 and 2. he built the rifle to shoot wolves,because “once you shoot one you don’t need to go look at it”, so yes little Donny there are people that will shoot a wolf at any chance they get, or coyotes, or badgers, or bears, or,or, or…..

  21. Nancy Avatar

    Here we go, AGAIN!

    For 24 mil, they could build a hospital AND staff it.

    This isn’t about medical care, its about sticking it to those that advocate for wildlife & wild places.

    1. rork Avatar

      Couldn’t it just be subsidizing that community and factory (and fishing people supplying it)? I agree it’s expensive, and that some people care less about the ecological impact than others. I do also get that this administration often does thing that are counter to solving the problem at hand, just because it sounds good to a certain percentage of the voters. (Did I say that politely enough?) I’ve seen some interpret these as signs of stupidity, when it’s really about showmanship being more important than progress, but I’m not sure this is one of those times.

      1. Mark L Avatar
        Mark L

        Actually rork, that pretty damn accurate the way you said it (in my opinion)

    2. Douglas Avatar

      Building a good hospital in King Cove for $24M may be possible but some patients will still need to be medevaced to WA. For access to Cold Bay there are better alternatives than a road:


    3. Chris Harbin Avatar
      Chris Harbin

      If most people no longer have health insurance why build another hospital? That aside, it’s a great idea.

  22. Kathleen Avatar

    The blatant greed & corruption of this administration leaves me speechless–at least in language I’m willing to use on this forum.

    “Uranium firm urged Trump officials to shrink Bears Ears National Monument”

    Excerpt: “Energy Fuels Resources did not just weigh in on national monuments through public-comment letters. It hired a team of lobbyists at Faegre Baker Daniels — led by Andrew Wheeler, who is ****awaiting Senate confirmation as the Environmental Protection Agency’s deputy secretary**** — to work on the matter and other federal policies affecting the company.”

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      How utterly quaint that some 26 of us gathered at Canyons of the Ancients Nat’l Monument on Saturday to have our say about the slashing of Bears Ears & Grand Staircase.

      1. Nancy Avatar

        Way to go, Kathleen!!

  23. Nancy Avatar

    I think I’ll stop and do some holiday shopping at my local Patagonia outlet tomorrow 🙂

    1. Nancy Avatar

      AND, I’ll drop an email to these guys and let them know 🙂

      For those that don’t have an outlet near by and want to show your support :

    2. Kathleen Avatar
  24. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    Hi All,

    PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility), Jon Way and I are seeking signatures/support in our Data Quality Act (DQA) challenge of a faulty study that has been widely used by the federal government including for numerous EIS by the DOI and by Wildlife Services to justify their coyote management programs. The study is Connolly, G.E., and W.M. Longhurst. 1975. The effects of control on coyote populations: A simulation model. University of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences Bulletin. Volume 1872. 37 pp.

    The federal government’s reliance on this study is problematic at best. It’s not peer-reviewed, it is more than 40+ years old, is almost impossible to find an active copy of, and deals only with western coyotes (not coywolves of the NE) and is speculative.

    If the legal DQA challenge is successful, the federal government will need to rescind the usage of the study in existing documents and be unable to rely on it in the future. The removal of the study/paper is significant in that it will also affect state game agencies and provide for the use of more recent and carnivore sensitive research to underpin decision making by both state and federal agencies.

    I hope you will consider lending your support
    PEER is planning a press release event this week

    interested scientists or wildlife specialists or enthusiasts please send your:

    Town and State


    some of the signatories are listed in the doc, while some are reviewing. Center for Biological Diversity is also a signatory.

    Thank you
    Louise Kane

    Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility is a non-profit legal services organization based out of the DC area that works with government scientists on reforming a number of different environmental issues.

    This is the link to the Data Quality Act challenge to the study.

  25. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    I’m very glad the West’s environment and wildlife has Todd Wilkinson in its corner!

    1. Nancy Avatar

      How many times does this type of “experiment” need to be repeated (as in over and over again, in too many areas?) before we humans actually get a fricken clue regarding how destructive we are to this planet, lately.

      Pollution, over population, over fishing, destruction of wilderness areas, endangered species, the list is endless and troubling to those that care…and it seems no one group is able to make a collective, and very loud call of FOUL PLAY, because many of those groups are so badly scattered and looking for donations, when they should be joining forces…of course, that’s my humble opinion 🙂

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Good news! At least the (relocated Great Lakes?) wolves would be safe here.

    3. rork Avatar

      The wolf introductions may have to be repeated but I don’t consider it destructive, just a bit zoo-like. I have previously sent detailed comments about reintroduction of caribou/lynx to the managers which requires destruction of moose, but moose/wolf system is acceptable to me. I’m too old to see pygmy moose fully evolve on the island. It may have been interesting, but just to me perhaps.

  26. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    At last….the news we’ve been waiting for, shark draggers charged with felony animal cruelty:

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      Let’s hope the sentencing matches the crime.

  27. Kathleen Avatar

    The next step in the plan to discourage Americans from visiting their national parks (step #1 is to raise fees and price them out of popular parks): Reduce the number of free days.

    “U.S. national parks to slash number of free days for visitors”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      1. Felonies will still be on their records, and they are all 21 and over.

      2. I wonder if this will turn out to be a good thing for the National Parks, though. The Parks are tremendously overcrowded, and damaged because of it.

      There’s no guarantee who would be priced out, or who will even go anyway. Those who love the Parks will pay what amounts to a small increase when compared to Disney World and the like – and they do have lesser priced programs for schoolchildren.

      1. Chris Harbin Avatar
        Chris Harbin

        They won’t use the money on the NPS.

  28. Kathleen Avatar

    This morning, driving into Mesa Verde for a volunteer job, we saw the most beautiful coyote. That made my day! Until, that is, I got home and read this horrific story out of Alabama: “STATE DETERMINES COLBERT COUNTY MUTILATED ANIMAL WAS A COYOTE”

    The heinously, sadistically mutilated carcass was at first thought to be a domestic dog, but was determined to be a song dog, and this made all the difference. Excerpt: “Authorities say this was an intentional act by a human, but because the animal was not a dog, the perpetrator cannot face animal cruelty charges.” Read for yourself the extent of the sadism in this brief article.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      I saw this photo on another site. It’s difficult to believe how vile some people really are. But, whoever did this is only mortal too, and someday, his vile cruelty will come to an end as well, and the world will be a better place for it. Memento mori.

    2. Nancy Avatar

      This might shed some light on the story Kathleen:

      “There was a study done at the Savannah River Site near Aiken. Eighty percent of newborn deer had been killed by the coyote population. Our native wildlife is disappearing,”

      Unfortunately, you can’t have it both ways. Killing the predators that are trying to keep deer populations in check, is just insane.–396104191.html

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine

        Sad. The few times I hear them, I really enjoy it, and it is beautiful. A wonderful reminder of the nature (even an echo if things keep up) in an ugly, human dominated landscape where nature is disappearing rapidly.

        What a terrible, biased article.

        1. Nancy Avatar

          But Ida, biased because this is what too many people see when it comes to predators:

          Obvious to me why Boozer got banged up but not obvious to people who fail to recognize the wildlife who might be sharing the landscape around them.

          I worry more about my little dog getting into it with the deer that frequent my yard on occasion.

          1. Ida Lupine Avatar
            Ida Lupine

            🙂 I feel bad for the dog, but we do have to share an ever-shrinking landscape with wildlife. I lot of my neighbors’ yards are fenced in, I don’t like it but it will keep pets safe. I don’t know how wildlife can get around though.

            It snowed a little the past few days, and I have seen deer tracks! It’s interesting to see them stamp their feet, and they are not quite the docile animals we think they are, it’s true.

    3. WM Avatar

      I read the short article on the coyote in Alabama, and it is not clear to me what EXACTLY constitutes “mutilated.” It would appear the pelt (a commercially valuable item) had been removed. This often includes the removal of ears in the skinning process. That is, of course, what trappers or even hunters of coyotes do, when they remove the hide. Sometimes proof of sex is also part of the hide removal. It does not say the entrails were removed or there were any other marks of abuse before or after mortality. We certainly don’t know the facts from this short article, other than someone chose to use the term “mutilated” when they thought it was a dog. That is like gasoline on a fire to the crew that most frequently comments here. I bet some of you folks salt and pepper your soup before tasting, too. Geez.

      1. louise kane Avatar
        louise kane

        “This often includes the removal of ears in the skinning process. That is, of course, what trappers or even hunters of coyotes do, when they remove the hide. Sometimes proof of sex is also part of the hide removal. It does not say the entrails were removed or there were any other marks of abuse before or after mortality.”

        if killing a sentient, intelligent animal and removing its ears, skin, gentalia and other parts after allowing it to languish in a trap and perhaps be bludgeoned to death to prevent damage to its skin does not constitute mutilated, what does?

        While trapping and commercial harvesting may be legal they are not scientifically, biologically or morally justifiable.

        I refer you to a excellent piece by Paul Paquet who argues against status quo management for biological, ethical and moral considerations.

        1. WM Avatar

          Louise, I don’t much care for trapping, and have never killed a coyote (or a wolf). But, putting things into perspective, coyotes are killed by the thousands in Texas alone. So, let’s just put this Alabama “mutilation” in context.

          Ah yes, Paul Paquet, one of my favorites right along with Mark Bekoff. I say, give it a try – stop all coyote and wolf killing for five years. You think things are getting bad under Trump – I would suggest an agriculture and urbanist rebellion by the end of year 3.

          You realize they kill them by the thousands in places like Texas every year. Ooops, I guess I already said that. It’s complicated, and that part won’t change with a writing from Canadian Paquet given in a debate forum. Do you suppose someone was actually allowed to present paper layint out the other side of the issue in the “debate?”

          1. WM Avatar

            ..present a paper laying out the other side…

  29. Kathleen Avatar

    “National Alert:
    Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke brought David Smith the superintendent of Joshua Tree National Park to his office to reprimand him for climate change-related tweets the park sent via Twitter. Zinke didn’t reprimand him because the tweets didn’t violate National Park Service or Interior Department policies. However, Zinke made it clear to Smith that the Trump administration doesn’t want national parks to put out official communications on climate change.”

    Words are now banned…books will be next. That’s just how totalitarian societies work.

    1. Immer Treue Avatar
      Immer Treue

      The American Taliban is now in power.

        1. rork Avatar

          Science-based medicine and public health is less important than “community standards” of perhaps a mostly ignorant community – that’s some interesting word changes, if true.
          Kathleen: I believe the resistance is better than you are saying. At least in health sciences we are resolute, I assure you, no matter who sits at the top in DC. Thousands have dedicated themselves.

          1. Nancy Avatar

            Thousands won’t do if this is truly starting to unfold, just saying.


            A good read – In The Garden of Beasts/Larson

          2. Kathleen Avatar

            rork: I trust that the resistance is resolute and that the resisters are dedicated. Still, I fear we could be overwhelmed by secrecy, cronyism, corruption, and greed. Drop by drop it happens…federal officials are muzzled…words are banned…we lost net neutrality on Thursday. The Alternet article Nancy posted is very good…very frightening.

            1. rork Avatar

              The politicians do have the power to alter how much and what kind of public research is conducted, and I expect that might not go so well. I am not at all saying all is well – it is very bad. If you can win votes by moving research in a way that panders to racists, anti-abortionist, anti-science and anti-expert folks, and transgender haters you may choose to use that dog whistle. I hope it will prove ineffective but it will surely be effective with some. Our young and/or liberal and under-served citizens need to better learn that elections matter. I am calling for resistance to ramp up. Many have lashed back in the last few days.

              1. Mark L Avatar
                Mark L

                Hey, do like we did in Alabama…just plain ‘outvote them’. (Of course, we had a poor candidate to oppose). The hard part is convincing people to get up and do it.

                1. Louise Kane Avatar
                  Louise Kane

                  Think about this
                  Yes the democrat won in Alabama but by a shockingly slim margin considering he was running against a pedophile in a Bible Belt conservative area


                2. Mark L Avatar
                  Mark L

                  True…very true. Not a lot of people in Alabama get that ‘country before party’ stuff…ironically enough especially the ones that live -in the country-. There’s a lot of jokes that Moore needed to ‘go low’ to find a suitable virgin in Alabama (…we TRY to keep a sense of humor about our in-state issues).
                  Doug Jones is a staunch supporter of conservation, just to bring the conservation back to wildlife, and GETS most environmental issues (see his wiki writeup). HUGE plus for us here in Alabama.

                3. Bill Earl Avatar

                  Has anyone tried the “Safe and Harmless” Evictor Strobe Light?

                4. Mark L Avatar
                  Mark L


  30. Kathleen Avatar

    “House committee advances bill allowing bikes in wilderness areas”

    Excerpt: “(HR 1349) erodes the very core of the Wilderness Act.” ~Rep. Jared Huffman, D-Calif.

    The bill:

  31. Kathleen Avatar

    “North Cascades grizzly bear recovery work halted by Interior Department”

    The recovery work is in its 3rd year. The bear population is 5-10 individuals. Excerpt:

    “North Cascades National Park Superintendent Karen Taylor-Goodrich told the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee on Wednesday that her staff had been asked to stop work on its environmental impact statement by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s office.

    “The order also stalls discussions with Canadian wildlife managers who oversee a similar grizzly recovery process in British Columbia, she said.”

    “Document dump delivers lots of reading on fate of Montana’s grizzly bears”

    Excerpt: “‘Obviously, they’re trying to unroll delisting under a full simultaneous cannonade, meant to overwhelm, obfuscate and confuse. They wonder why they get litigated so often (and lose so often),’ he (M. Bader) said.”

  32. Kathleen Avatar

    by Todd Wilkinson

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      Excerpt from article above:
      “During my time in Yellowstone, I have watched with great interest — and some amazement — that bison are vilified as the primary threat or vector for brucellosis transition in the ecosystem,” Yellowstone Superintendent Dan Wenk wrote in the peer-reviewed book Yellowstone Bison: Conserving an American Icon in Modern Society. “There is an illusory belief that if brucellosis were eliminated in bison it would be eliminated from the ecosystem. The authors [in this book] clearly state that this scenario is unlikely and that bison make up a small portion of the overall risk for brucellosis transmission to cattle.”

      Edited by P.J. White, Rick Wallen, and David Hallac, this is a probing, exhaustive analysis of the bison controversy and one that should be required reading for every state legislator in Montana, every member of the state departments of Agriculture, Livestock and Fish, Wildlife and Parks, and, if you care about bison, every nature-loving citizen. Mountain Journal readers can download a free copy by clicking here.

    2. rork Avatar

      Many words about fear of brucellosis in bison being wrongheaded before finally arguing that it’s not the real reason for Montana’s hostility anyway. Way too many emotional appeals – he stooped to complain about killing pregnant elk, apparently unaware that it could discredit him with people who know that happens all the time where there’s too many ungulates. Perhaps “elk good, bison bad” is an economic reality in Montana that is hard to solve. Bison population growing is a real problem, admit it. I’d like to hear more about solutions that aren’t just the choir being more outraged.

  33. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    It’s a problem if they don’t agree to expand habitat and range for them (a migratory animal), and confine them to areas such as Yellowstone, using the false threat of brucellosis as justification.

    It comes up regularly, expansion of range for them – I know the Gov. of Montana had agreed to it, and tribes are willing also.

    If it’s in elk, it’s a problem that will never be solved.

    1. rork Avatar

      I’d like bigger spaces for Bison, but I think it will never be that we won’t need to control the population. And I expect the numbers needing removal or sterilization will be even larger then, unless we want starvation in a denuded landscape to be the reaper.

  34. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    This is from almost a year ago. Not sure what’s going on now:

    Yellowstone Bison Face Cull While Awaiting Bigger Habitat

    And from March of this year:

    Breathing Room

    And speaking of Yellowstone and the National Parks, I’m wondering if the fees to the National Parks are not increased, and people don’t (ever) step up to support them, if the management of them will be contracted out anyway? It seems a catch-22.

  35. rork Avatar
    Likely poor nutrition rather than selection in favor of genetic runts, at least so far. One might expect a small inbreeding depression on fitness too though – but better not trust me just guessing about that.

  36. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    I thought it was the way the poor coyote was left, which was why it was called, let’s say, over and above trapping? It was the determination of authorities, wasn’t it?

    I never add salt, only pepper. 🙂

  37. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    I don’t agree with Moore, but I was appalled by the ‘trial by media’ trend we are experiencing, and apparently a metaphorical lynch mob still prevails. Accusations are enough to ruin someone.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Great. And nothing done about it but a shrug of the shoulders, it sounds like.

      Mounted for educational purposes? More like to be saved for DNA in cases the species goes extinct.

  38. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    PEER’s press release, including the complaint/challenge that was filed today re the faulty study I posted about earlier.

    The USDA is supposed to make a decision on this complaint within 60 days. If it rejects the complaint, then an appeal can be made. According to PEER this would trigger the creation of a panel of experts to make a final determination.

    If this paper is removed from the data stream it will help carnivores nationwide, but also be the first step in a long battle we have waged to end predator hunting in the Cape Cod National Seashore. Without the Connolly study the EIS that was used to justify the Seashore’s position to allow trophy hunting is unjustifiable.

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      Best paragraph: “This hoary study has been inappropriately Xeroxed forward for decades,” stated PEER Counsel Adam Carlesco, citing recurrent use of the study just a few months ago. “In addition to all of its other flaws, the study recommends against precisely what it is used to support – large-scale coyote exterminations.”

      “hoary” –you gotta love that! Also:

      “This study endures only because it serves to justify Wildlife Services’ default approach – killing without further consideration.”

      Thank you for your work on this, Louise.

    2. Nancy Avatar

      Kudos Louise, Jon, for your perseverance!!

    3. rork Avatar

      “The study’s central conclusion that extermination increases the size of coyote litters is empirically contradicted by numerous, more recent, heavily-documented, peer-reviewed studies”
      I did not get how that was very relevant, so if someone could explain it’s presence to me I’d appreciate it. Is it just pointing out that it’s not thought to be litter size as much as better survival of pups (and immigration)? Cause the observation that when you lower the density, recruitment increases, seems like the same result, so maybe it’s just quibbling about the mechanism. Either way the conclusion is that they bounce back fast.

    4. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Yes, thank you!

  39. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    lol how I hate reading that pat answer ‘mounted for educational purposes’. They in the Rocky Mountain states must have enough carcasses mounted to be the Font of All Knowledge by now. But we all know they are not.

  40. Nancy Avatar

    Not exactly wildlife news but good to hear other voices raised re: the concerns about the current administration’s “ambitions” 🙂

    1. Nancy Avatar

      an update:

      1. timz Avatar

        not that I support him in any way but do we have to turn this site into a Trump bashing forum. I get enough of that on just about every other site I visit and it’s getting very old. Can’t we keep this a refuge from that crap and stick to wildlife.

        1. Nancy Avatar

          Sorry Timz. I just couldn’t resist, they were such catchy little tunes 🙂

        2. Immer Treue Avatar
          Immer Treue

          While my sentiments are somewhat along your lines, if memory serves me correct, you were not afraid to bash Obama on this site. If I’m wrong, I’ll apologize for it right now.

          1. Ida Lupine Avatar
            Ida Lupine

            No, you’re not wrong, especially since the wolverines were not put on the Endangered Species list in order to placate the West’s demands (nor was the sage grouse, etc etc.) And I voted for the guy!

            But we’re usually chastised for it if we do say a negative word.

            1. Ida Lupine Avatar
              Ida Lupine

              Not to mention the Great Unfixable Wolves Giveaway of 2011, was due to Obama’s ‘compromising’.

              But I guess I’m happy that Al Franken got the boot.

              1. Ida Lupine Avatar
                Ida Lupine

                And Jon Tester. And of course, if you want to fix climate change ‘eat smaller steaks’. *eyeroll*

                But, again, Al Franken resigning is a nice Chrimstmas bonus.

        3. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          I just ignore it all. He’s not the best – but the Democrats are/were a huge disappointment. They can all stand on their heads bareassed for all I care now.

        4. Jeff N. Avatar
          Jeff N.

          Says the guy who took swipes at “Obummer” on this site over the course of his presidency. No big deal, IMO, but Seriously Tim Z.

          1. timz Avatar

            Only to balance out the constant blaming the Republican’s for everything wrong. This is different however, it’s endless no matter where you turn. I cannot imagine after hearing it for a year everyone isn’t sick of it. I’ve gotten over it, he got elected, the repubs got both houses and wildlife and the environment are likely to pay a dear price for it and there isn’t anything anyone here can to to stop it.
            I’ll agree with Ida though glad the wolf-hating Franken is gone.

  41. Nancy Avatar

    Huh…So it does beg the question, why was not enough data gathered during this past 2017 hunting season, when thousands of deer, elk, etc. were “harvested”?

    1. rork Avatar

      You did not provide your theory. Still working on it perhaps.
      When you find CWD cases you want even more data locally, AND you want to knock down the densities locally too, right now. We have very much liberalized deer hunting regs in CWD areas in MI (cheaper, work on any deer, “disease control” permits and more crop damage permits to large land holders, “targeted” deer reported acting funny are shot), and even used Wildlife Services to sharpshoot another 800 (which you may not have heard about – be shocked), picked up 800 roadkill.

      The trouble is, even these scorched earth tactics may not work now (and our landowners are not complying that well for reasons that are complicated to explain, but you might be able to guess). I fear some (like Randolf) are polishing the attitude that CWD is OK, cause it seems bad for deer hunting by humans. I’ve seen people here express similar thoughts about poachers, which is not quite as hideous a thought. If not hunting deer kept them and the environment healthy I’d quit forever.

      1. Nancy Avatar

        Theory? I ain’t got no stinking theory
        rork 🙂 other than then the fact that past “management” of wildlife (including predators) for the benefit of a few, is now going to bite those “few” in the butt, big time, IMHO.

        1. rork Avatar

          CWD like other issues, is just another opportunity to try and think up an anti-hunter angle. I don’t think predator hunting has much to do with it, btw. I don’t think less ungulate hunting will solve things either.

          1. Nancy Avatar

            “CWD like other issues, is just another opportunity to try and think up an anti-hunter angle”

            Really? More thoughts/facts? on the subject…

            “With CWD, Wyoming is perilously burning the candle at both ends and it has implications for Montana and Idaho, Dorsey says. Wyoming and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service continue to knowingly operate feedgrounds [read parts One, Two and Three of MoJo’s series here] which makes the state and federal government guilty of game management malpractice by setting up public wildlife for calamity, he says”

            Fact is:

            “The profound irony is that just as “Wyoming condones a campaign of re-eradication against wolves, CWD has been rapidly spreading westward, faster than anyone expected across the state via infected mule and white-tailed deer”


            1. Immer Treue Avatar
              Immer Treue

              The whole CWD thing is just more proof that too much of a good thing, is, well, not good.

              A whole lot of conversation/debate is invited by this comment.

            2. rork Avatar

              Excuse me for thinking your original comment was complaint about elk killing.
              I’m against feedgrounds and wolf overkill but stopping both will not solve CWD.

            3. Mark L Avatar

              CWD reaches Mississippi:

              Alabama’s response to hunters:

              I hate to see this creeping slowly southward…aided by jackasses wanting bigger racks and bigger deer.

            4. Mark L Avatar
              Mark L

              CWD reaches Mississippi:

              Alabama’s response to hunters:

              I hate to see this creeping slowly southward…aided by jackasses wanting bigger racks and bigger deer. Shame

              1. Nancy Avatar

                FYI – perhaps sooner, than later, our species will start connecting the “dots”?

                Kudos, Terry, for your efforts, dragging this issue, front & center.. for years.

                “CWD affects the body’s nervous system. Once in the host’s body, prions transform normal cellular protein into an abnormal shape that accumulates until the cell ceases to function. Infected animals begin to lose weight, lose their appetite, and develop an insatiable thirst. They tend to stay away from herds, walk in patterns, carry their head low, salivate, and grind their teeth”


    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Good news! I hope it is successful. And I hope the program’s detractors don’t try to undermine it.

      Yes timz, I’d feel better if people would try to work with this administration and try to make the best of it, instead of constantly making a stir with the endless problems of people, that never seem to be fixed no matter how much time and energy is exhausted by them. Not to mention the trival things like pecan pies, etc.

      I’m tired of our concerns never being addressed, or languishing on the back burner. The Humane Society has been having success trying to work with the administration, with the latest decision protecting elephants from trophy hunting.

  42. G.O.P. Avatar

    As a Truck Driver; you get to enjoy your work. Except for one thing. You see a lot of Wildlife dead on the road.

    Now before the bureaucrats in Washington decide on building new roads; which are not needed; just update the ones already there. They should have bridges and special underground tunnels for any Wildlife trying to cross the roads in America.

    They are dying senselessly!.

  43. Kathleen Avatar

    “Split verdict for coyote hunter who shot and killed 2 dogs”

    Excerpt (Rausch is the hunter): “Rausch’s attorney, Michele Tjader, said after the trial that the DNR should stop night hunting and that coyote hunting isn’t necessary. She also said the case highlights problems at large wildlife areas like Badfish Creek, where the state DNR allows hunters with firearms and trappers to co-mingle with cross-country skiers, hikers, wildlife viewers and other outdoor enthusiasts, and does a poor job of educating users about the rules.”

    1. G.O.P. Avatar

      the stupidity, ignorance and cruelty of men is unimaginable!.

      Coyote have an important role in Nature, All of the major rodent populations is controlled by this species.

      Only an idiot would like to shoot these animals for no reason!.

      1. Kathleen Avatar

        Agree. But there’s no dearth of stupidity, ignorance, and cruelty in the human animal. Not to mention speciesism. According to Nat’l Geo, 500,000 coyotes are killed in the U.S. each year. This looks like a good book–interview with author here:

  44. Kathleen Avatar

    “Governments in CO/UT/NM/AZ Deliberately Derailed Mexican Wolf Recovery, Documents Reveal” (Investigative Report)

    Excerpt: “David Parsons, former Mexican Wolf Recovery Coordinator for the USFWS from 1990 to 1999, told EnviroNews Colorado that instead of working to expand and stabilize wolf populations, the agency watered down the Plan and “essentially turned its mission over to the states” of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona — states that have repeatedly opposed many aspects of wolf recovery.”

    1. WM Avatar

      Every state that has wolves in any appreciable numbers wants fewer of them. Why should CO/UT/NM and AZ be any different? They have seen what has happened over the last 25 years. That would be MN, WI, MI, WY, ID, MT, and now WA and OR which are on the cusp of having more than they want. The SW states could give a rat’s backside about the genetic make-up of the sub-species. They just don’t want a replay of the NRM, WGL or what is starting in the NW.

      1. Nancy Avatar

        “Every state that has wolves in any appreciable numbers wants fewer of them”

        As always WM, that depends on who you talk to. Found wolf tracks in my side yard a couple of weeks ago and thought it pretty darn cool (heard them howling the night before)

        They’ve been around for awhile and have managed to stay out of “trouble” with the local ranchers, but its just a matter of time, what with the dead cows left laying around (dead from other causes) before they realize and get a taste for, easier prey.

        Course the “villagers” will feel justified taking up arms (and planes) against them, ignoring the fact that they caused it.

  45. Kathleen Avatar

    “Prairie dog endangered-species plan eases rules under Trump”

    Excerpt: “‘Any attempt to transfer more control over to local government hostile toward protection of certain threatened and endangered animals is a bad thing, and can only place more species in peril,’ attorney Michael Harris with the group Friends of Animals said in an email.”

  46. Nancy Avatar

    “Interestingly, Whitman said, the shift could also make forests more fire resistant, as deciduous trees don’t burn as easily as spruce”

  47. Phil Maker Avatar
    Phil Maker

    What to do about saving ANWR?

  48. Nancy Avatar

    Research, research, research, Phil…… and then come to a conclusion.

    1. rork Avatar

      “contend that they are helping to limit the spread of a pest” with very little evidence that it works.
      “Coyotes are a formidable predator, moving into the places where we take our kids to school and walk our pets” – it’s not really a problem I think, though you may have to get smart about letting fido or the cats roam in the dark, and not leave food out.
      They help keep populations of other animals in check. Coyote hunters always talk as if are doing all of the rest of us a big favor. It’s not true.

  49. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
    Mareks Vilkins

    recently I wrote it was found out that former Soviet military sites had high biodiversity indices. Here’s PowerPoint presentation about the European Green Belt project along the former Iron Curtain (stretching from Finland to Greece – 12 500 km long – pass through 24 countries and 39 National Parks). Cool, uh?

    teaser: lots of photos and maps

    p.38 – Large areas of the Estonian coast and the majority of islands were closed to any major activity by the military – natural values increased considerably

    p.39 – There was 1565 military objects of the former Soviet Union in Estonia;

    The area occupied 87 000 hectares;

    The largest military area was the artillery range at
    Aegviidu (more than 30 000 ha)

  50. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
    Mareks Vilkins

    Along with a group of Estonian environmental scientists, Salm, a stocky ex-graduate student now at the forefront of environmental policy here, is hoping to restore this bog to what it looked like before the 50 years of Soviet rule that ended in 1991. During that occupation, thousands of peat bogs across Estonia were drained, leaving an opening for forest trees and shrubs.

    While that might seem like a good thing, the problem is that these old peat bogs are leaking greenhouse gases—nearly 8 million metric tons per year of carbon dioxide, according to a 2015 report by the Nordic Council of Ministers. That’s more carbon emissions than all of Estonia’s cars and trucks combined.

    This year, with $8 million in funding from the European Union, Estonia is hoping to restore more than 50,000 acres of abandoned bogs at 89 sites. If successful, the “LIFE Mires” project will be scaled up to abandoned peatlands in Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, and Poland.

    1. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
      Mareks Vilkins

      Europe’s commercial peat industry is watching Estonia’s EU-sponsored bog restoration project with wary support. Peat is big business: Holland’s global flower industry, for example, relies on Estonian peat. But in recent years some green groups have called for a boycott on peat, saying the harvesting contributes to global warming.

      “The customers want us to be more environmentally friendly,” says Elar Abram, site manager for Kraver AS, a Belgian-owned firm based in Estonia. Abram worries about new environmental regulations in Estonia that kick in by 2019. Just like strip mines for coal in the United States, Kraver, Tootsi and other firms will have to reclaim the peatlands once they finish harvesting.

      1. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
        Mareks Vilkins
        1. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
          Mareks Vilkins

          website about all Estonian NPs in English

          As at 2015, there were 926 protected areas in Estonia with a total surface area of 721,630 ha.

          The terrain of the Soomaa National Park is relatively flat, but habitat to diverse lifeforms. Over 80% of the protected area is made up of wetlands.

      2. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
        Mareks Vilkins

        Just remember that the Netherlands are in danger of rising sea level – so the Dutch care more about producing flowers to be dispersed over their collective graveyard than to stay alive. Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins and it will bury them.

        The Second Delta Committee .. expects a sea level rise of 65 to 130 cm by the year 2100… These measures would cost approximately 1 billion Euro/year

      3. rork Avatar

        Peat is strip mined in Canada and bales of it are sold all over the US and perhaps the world. It is wonderful stuff, but people like me don’t buy it.

        1. rork Avatar

          is a neat little tool that shows which countries produce all sorts of things. For peat it goes Finland, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Belarus, Russia, Latvia, Canada, Estonia.
          I have many bogs near me (in Michigan) of various kinds, but lots are ruled by sphagnum. Many people see the edge, but hardly any enter. I recommend the experience, particularly for botany. It is another world.

          1. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
            Mareks Vilkins

            thanks, Rork – in LV and EE the peat extraction is dominated by a few Belgium-Dutch enterprises. They pay minimum wage to few seasonal workers and in return destroy an ecosystem which takes millennia to develop …

  51. rork Avatar
    is a pretty durn good summary for normal people about recent variations on CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing tricks. For medicine the possible applications are many, for research many more, for wildlife we could fiddle pathogens (mosquitoes, viruses) or maybe alter genes involved in CWD in ungulates. It’s true we need super-hi-fidelity (no mistakes) versions of the tricks, but my experience is that when you know exactly what you want, the biochemical engineers can make it happen, it just takes allot of work. I can give many examples of things I initially thought impossible being achieved by never giving up (atomic force microscopy, T1-relaxation MRI, single molecule sequencing, very high-resolution computed tomography of any flavor).

    1. JEFF E Avatar
      JEFF E

      “Now, the idea of putting national interests ahead of party politics doesn’t seem to even occur to the most anti-wildlife lawmakers in Congress, who launch attack after attack against the Endangered Species Act.”

  52. Kathleen Avatar

    “Conservation groups: Livestock operators, not wildlife, responsible for brucellosis management”

    Excerpt: “Several conservation groups have banded together to call for livestock producers to bear the burden of fighting brucellosis, rather than using “intrusive manipulation of native wildlife.”

    “Essentially, wildlife should be valued and treated like wildlife, not livestock,” said Glenn Hockett, president of the Gallatin Wildlife Association, in a statement.”

  53. Nancy Avatar

    Happy New Year, Everyone!!

    And an FYI – Eagles / Hell Freezes Over DVD – cranked up, is the key to soothing little dogs, afraid of obnoxious neighbor’s fireworks 🙂

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      🙂 Awwww, same to you and everyone at TWN.

  54. Timothy Bondy Avatar
    Timothy Bondy

    I was wondering if anyone was going to this meeting to learn more about what dredgers are hoping for in the new year.

    “A meeting to discuss a bill that will hopefully be submitted during the 2018 Idaho Legislative session, to the Idaho House concerning suction dredging.  From this discussion, our goal is to draft a bill to bring back in front of the group.  There is an attorney willing to help, reviewing the proposed bill before it goes to the Attorney General (AG) and Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for comments improving the probability of successfully getting through the House.        We have the help and backing of the Idaho Recreation Council as well this year, unifying many of Idaho’s special interest groups and unifying our voices approach the legislature in an organized fashion.  The more we work together and with other interests the better our opportunity for success! We have asked for and received help from Richard Robinson, GPAA Chapters Director. When Richard was the Tennessee State Director he drafted and defended a bill giving Tennessee miners the right to suction dredge.  Don Smith has worked on this project for many years and we will be using his work as a template and outline for the current writing.  By combining the work of both of these men, we hope to have an ideal legislative draft to propose in the 2018 Idaho Legislature.Thank you, Don and Richard, you have put lots of effort into writing and pushing the bills the past few years.        The meeting is at 6:30 PM on Jan 2, 2018, at Meridian Pizza Restaurant | Smoky Mountain Pizzeria & Grill, 980 E Fairview Ave, Meridian, ID.  We would welcome your input and opinion as we endeavor to protect mining and dredging rights in the Idaho Legislature in 2018.”

  55. JEFF E Avatar
    JEFF E

    Wolf moon tonight.

    1. Nancy Avatar

      “Officials believe that the elk were en route to the nearby feed ground and are thankful that the mission proved successful, as the Palisades Reservoir has proved fatal for wapiti in the past. Wyoming Game & Fish Biologist Gary Fralick told the Casper Star Tribune that in 2015, a herd of 30 elk similarly fell through the ice to their death”

      A real “feel good” story (nice to know humans can go out of their way to help wildlife) except for the fact that these elk may not of put themselves in that position, naturally, if it were not for the dangerous areas, surrounding those artificial feeding grounds?

      Differs little from the elk calves who don’t manage to escape through the tight, ranch fence lines (come winter) in my area, when the rest of their families, migrate out.

      Heard the ranch across from me, a mile or so as the crow flies, had 20 “orphaned” elk calves milling around close to their buildings and not surprisingly, that brought a wolf or more, close, checking out the situation.

      1. Immer Treue Avatar
        Immer Treue

        Elk are not livestock.

        1. Nancy Avatar

          Neither are wild bison/buffalo, as native as you can get to the Yellowstone area but that hasn’t stopped the “powers to be” from dictating how those wild animals are to be “rationed” out or removed, from the landscape.

          RealNiceGuy, who occasionally comments here, turned me on (a few years ago) to the webcams around Yellowstone park. I check on them daily now for just that little bit of exposure that differs from my area:

          North Entrance – Electric Peak, often had buffalo, wandering within camera range, a good part of the year but I haven’t seen any buffalo there since last spring.

          Makes me wonder about how that whole “managing/slaughter” DOL mentality (that’s gone on for decades now) might now be impacting the buffalo herds still left, dealing with this and trying to survive in the Park?

          “Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction” E. O. Wilson

  56. Kathleen Avatar

    The animal most likely to kill you is probably the human animal…nonetheless, these are interesting maps and stats. For example, your odds of being killed by an animal (and the nonhuman animal most likely to do it); the top 10 and bottom 10 states where you’re most/least likely to be killed; deadliest species in the U.S., etc. U.S. stats are from the CDC (despite the sketchy URL).

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Thanks for posting this. Pretty close to the proverbial ‘one in a million’ all around, and by one in several million for many.

      Being killed by your fellow man however, I wonder what the odds are.

  57. Kathleen Avatar

    “Stare Into the Lights My Pretties…”

    “A film about screen culture and its implications. While the world burns, where are we?

    “We live in a world of screens. The average adult spends the majority of their waking hours in front of some sort of screen or device. We’re enthralled, we’re addicted to these machines. How did we get here? Who benefits? What are the cumulative impacts on people, society and the environment? What may come next if this culture is left unchecked, to its end trajectory, and is that what we want? …

    “This independent film was made with no budget (adding to its authenticity) with no affiliations, is not-for-profit, and is released to the world for free for the purposes of critical discourse, education, and for cultivating radical social and political change.”

    View it here:

  58. Kathleen Avatar

    I had missed this and don’t recall seeing it here–apologies, tho, if already posted.

    “Migratory Birds Lose Protection Against Industry in Latest Trump Action Against Environmental Regulations”

    Excerpt: “In a legal opinion, the Interior Department’s principal deputy solicitor, Daniel Jorjani, described the federal government’s application of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act—a 1918 law that officials have used to prosecute those who kill birds “incidentally”—as overreach.”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      I hadn’t seen this. I hope it goes to court, especially for the wind industry. The Sword of Damocles indeed; turbine blades. 🙁

  59. Kathleen Avatar

    Published today:

    “Utah bill tramples on tribal sovereignty at Bears Ears”

    Excerpt: “In characteristic Utah congressional fashion, Congressman Curtis developed this “pro-tribal” bill without ever consulting with our tribes, or any of the tribes of the five tribes coalition.”

    Opinion written by Carleton Bowekaty and Shaun Chapoose, co-chairs of the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition.

  60. Kathleen Avatar

    “Merchants of Silence: Predator control in southwest Montana” first of a three part series

    Excerpt: “If you’re a rancher and you lose a cow to depredation because you didn’t check your herd for two weeks, the Livestock Loss Board will not only forgive your mistake, they’ll actually pay you for making it by compensating you for your loss. If, however, you’re a wolf who capitalizes on a rancher’s poor husbandry by taking a mired cow, you usually get a bullet to the head.”

  61. Kathleen Avatar

    “Draft grizzly habitat plan draws few opponents, no allies at Missoula meeting”

    Excerpt: “We laugh at comments about not letting children out at night or letting them play in the woods,” Bruno said. “The last thing a grizzly bear wants to be around is a bunch of screaming kids.”

    “Delisting the grizzly would lead to state hunting seasons, Bruno argued, and the first bears killed likely would be the ones trying hardest to link the island populations of the Northern Continental Divide and Greater Yellowstone ecosystems.”

    (The Missoulian has instituted a restrictive metering system allowing free access to only a few articles per month–I am one away from my limit on the 4th day of the month. I found this article re-posted elsewhere.)

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Unbelievable! How soon Deepwater Horizon has been forgotten.

      I do know that the (R) governors of Florida and Maryland are very much against offshore drilling. Their valuable tourism and seafood industries are at risk, much like Louisiana’s had been, and I hope ‘had been’ isn’t going to be a prediction of the future.

      Drilling in hurricane zones, and with less or no!) EPA accountability, is foolhardy.

  62. Kathleen Avatar

    It’s National Bird Day!

    ‘To-Do List’ for House Natural Resources Committee (Warning: this product raises blood pressure and causes sleeplessness):

  63. rork Avatar
    I recently found these people due to articles they have about fish labeling fraud. They have many others I also found interesting. I’ve been studying fish counters at stores more closely. I see some tuna labeled “ahi” – you can’t tell if that’s yellowtail or bigeye tuna in the US, what methods were used, and that’s presuming it is Ahi. Canned “light tuna” could be any one of about 12 species. Another store labeled chinook “wild” rather than “wild-caught” which I’m not sure is even legal. Fraud punishes the honest fisherfolk, picks consumer pockets, and supports unsustainable and even illegal fisheries.
    In this article fisherfolk and scientists are saying to up cod catches slowly, but there’s one person who wants it to ramp up faster – the politician, who seems averse to both caution and long-term thinking. Warning: the article glad-hands – it fails to show how large the stocks were before about 1980, which is deceptive.

  64. Kathleen Avatar

    “US judge in Las Vegas may dismiss ranching standoff case”

    Excerpt: LAS VEGAS (AP) — “A U.S. judge who declared a mistrial last month could end the much-watched criminal prosecution of a Nevada rancher accused of leading an armed uprising against federal authorities.

    “Chief U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro’s decision on Monday is sure to echo among states’ rights advocates in Western states where the federal government controls vast expanses that some people want to remain protected and others want open for grazing, mining and oil and gas drilling.”


    1. Rita k Sharpe Avatar
      Rita k Sharpe

      Just in;the case against Cliven Bundy and sons has been dismissed.

      1. Nancy Avatar

        Don’t want to get too political (right Timz?) but its good to know there are other blogs out there with comments/thoughts on this totally BS decision:

        1. Rita k Sharpe Avatar
          Rita k Sharpe

          Nancy, I don’t want to get too political, either, but I am not Timz.

  65. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Oh no. You knew this was coming when the Park’s hotel was in a trademark dispute for the use of it’s name.

    It’s not even April Fool’s Day yet, when we were joking about stuff like this:

    Starbucks in Yosemite?

  66. rork Avatar
    For you CWD trackers this is somewhat interesting cause the official has hope, since they found less CWD this year. And like other sane states, it’s reduce density and test more rationale.
    PS: If you wondered about the no rifles thing that may just be the usual regs in that part of the state for safety reasons. I did not check though. The bullet regs in MI are complicated is what I know. In MI we had the same problem with slow CWD testing because of not being able to get test kits, and it was a hassle for hunters dealing with the meat.

  67. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    Flake has hit a new republican low, he just proposed legislation to remove protections for Mexican wolves….

    I hope folks will flood his and other senators’ offices with calls against delisting Grey or Mexican wolves.

    75 to 100 Mexican wolves live in the US. Unconscionable!

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Sad. Will shout from the rooftops!

  68. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Isn’t this beautiful?

    Snow in the Sahara

  69. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    The birds …
    I see them dead washed up on the beach after hunting season
    Many of them had to migrate through many states of hunting seasons
    How can hunting be sustainable in a world with 8 billion of us, removing habitat, killing and removing prey, and hunting wildlife with dogs, bait, calling devices and technology?

    I’d like once to hear a hunter say they get it instead of pointing to deer and how deer need management and hunting provides funds for conservation.

    1. rork Avatar

      I’d say we are doing pretty good with waterfowl and other migratory birds in N America. Where we still have problems it’s not from overkill. Ducks have come back beautifully, I have cranes up to my neck now, trumpeter swan recovery nearly makes me weep. Money got spent on that, lots of it from hunters. Quit pointing to places far away and equating those hunters with those here – it’s not at all similar, and just proves your willingness to use any argument no matter how crappy.

      1. Nancy Avatar

        WTF, Rork? How did this comment from Louise:

        “The birds …
        I see them dead washed up on the beach after hunting season”

        Warp to this rather damning comment from you:

        “Quit pointing to places far away and equating those hunters with those here – it’s not at all similar, and just proves your willingness to use any argument no matter how crappy”

        Just because you’ve got an over abundance of wildfowl back in your area (to shoot) doesn’t automatically okay “overkill” aka: sloppy hunting practices, in other areas. JMHOH!

        1. rork Avatar

          I was responding the posting of the article. Seems you didn’t get that.

          1. Nancy Avatar

            Oh I think I got it, Rork. I was questioning the “just proves your willingness to use any argument no matter how crappy” comment that threw me.

  70. Kathleen Avatar

    “Conservation bills in Congress could benefit Colorado”
    (these are federal bills that would affect states other than CO, also)

    Excerpt: “However, the Pittman-Robertson Act does not allow the money to be used for public outreach programs to recruit more hunters, fishermen and recreational shooters. The pending congressional bill would remove the restriction.

    “’I think what they’re going to try to do is to provide the state the tools they need,’ Wilson said. ‘If you increase the participation, then you increase the revenue.’”

  71. Kathleen Avatar

    From tonight’s PBS Newshour: “How animal cameras are capturing Seattle’s wild side”

    “In Seattle, trail cameras in urban parks are giving researchers new insights into how coyotes, raccoons, and other carnivores are thriving in the harsh environment of big cities.”

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      Thanks for posting. Read it & weep.

      1. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
        Mareks Vilkins

        The European commission has now ordered a “review” of the two main pillars of the protection of our wildlife: the Birds directive and the Habitats directive. It’s likely to be the kind of review conducted by a large tracked vehicle with a steel ball on the end of a chain. The problem, the commission says, is that these directives could impede the “fitness” of business in Europe

        But do they? Not even Edmund Stoiber, the conservative former president of Bavaria who was appointed by the commission to wage war on regulation, thinks so. He discovered that European environmental laws account for less than 1% of the costs of regulation to business: the lowest cost of any of the regulations he investigated. “However, businesses perceive the burden to be much higher in this area.”

        The UK chancellor, George Osborne, claimed in 2011 that wildlife regulations were placing ridiculous costs on business. But a review by the environment secretary, Caroline Spelman, concluded the claim was unfounded.

        So if these crucial directives are vitiated or scrapped, it will not be because they impede business, but because they are wrongly perceived to impose much greater costs than they do.

        In the UK, whose leading politicians, like those of Australia and Canada, appear to be little more than channels for corporate power, we are facing a full-spectrum assault on the laws protecting our living treasures.

  72. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
    Mareks Vilkins

    Scientists at the Carnivore Coexistence Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies looked at 230 verified wolf attacks on livestock in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan from 1998 through 2014.

    Santiago-Avila, F.J., Cornman, A.M., Treves, A. 2018. Killing wolves to prevent predation on livestock may protect one farm but harm neighbors. PLOS One.

  73. Kathleen Avatar

    “Ryan Zinke’s move is not for the birds, say 17 former Interior officials”

    Except: “Seventeen former political appointees and career officials sent a letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke urging him to reconsider easing rules around a century-old law used to prosecute oil firms and other companies for the killing of migratory birds…”

    On Trump’s reinterpretation of the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA):

    “One of the sharpest critics of the MBTA is Harold Hamm, chief executive of the energy exploration company Continental Resources, who served as Trump’s energy adviser during the 2016 campaign. In 2011, a U.S. attorney in North Dakota charged Hamm with a criminal misdemeanor after a Say’s phoebe got stuck and died in a pond of oil waste. Hamm fought the charge and got it dismissed in 2012.

    “Trump attacked the Obama administration over the incident during an energy speech in May 2016.”

  74. Kathleen Avatar

    I missed this…apologies if already posted.

    “Trump administration is taking steps to remove a threatened lynx from the endangered-species list”

    Excerpt: “The Trump administration announced Thursday that it’s moving to strike the Canada lynx from the endangered-species list, despite a 2016 assessment concluding the species will die out in its northern range by the end of the century without federal protection.”

  75. Nancy Avatar

    The quiet passing of a small, wildlife ambassador:

    Sad that these damaged “ambassadors” of wildlife, have to show up and be paraded around, over and over again, for the human species, a constant reminder that humans need to pay more attention to the wildlife world around them….

  76. Kathleen Avatar

    Video: “Game warden shoots off bull elk’s antlers to free animal from fence”

    The human-made world is full of hazards for nonhuman animals.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      It’s a good thing the poor animal wasn’t killed or hurt by flying material in the process! What a fright, poor elk. 🙁

  77. Immer Treue Avatar
    Immer Treue

    Hunters Brave Winter Wilderness to Hunt Coyotes

    “Anderson is driven by the passion and the challenge, the competition between man and beast.
    “It’s kind of a battle between you and them,” Anderson said. “Who wins?”
    He ended with 13 coyotes killed total, a result he said is probably the best he’s done in the tournament.
    “It went really well. I guess you just gotta keep pushing,” he said. “When you start feeling tired, you just gotta tell yourself to go to the next spot.”
    Victor Roman used to live in nearby Dunn Center, N.D., and he’d come to take another crack at coyote hunting, a hobby he’d developed during his time in North Dakota working in the oil fields.
    “It’s a bit more casual. You’re not hunting to fill your freezer … it’s more about the fur market,” Roman said. “You’re harvesting the furs.””

    Competition between man and beast? The competition award is a bit skewed. The coyote looses, it dies. The man looses…nothing.

    We hear so much babble about wolves “sport killing”. I think man has that market cornered.

    1. Nancy Avatar

      “We hear so much babble about wolves “sport killing”. I think man has that market cornered”

      No doubt about that, Immer.

    2. Kathleen Avatar

      This article is sickening for the fawning manner in which its written and the killers’ complete disregard for life. This is as vile as it gets:

      “Pups are easy to call … guys will wait until the pups are born, then kill mom and dad, so the pups grow up with nobody to teach them anything … so they’ll respond to any kind of distress call, whether it’s a mouse or rabbit or deer. They’ll come running.”

      When will this despicable knuckle-dragger mentality die out???

  78. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
    Mareks Vilkins

    posts about Wolf’06 from Leslie

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Sweet! It’s so interesting to see her swimming.

      How anyone can try to justify or support her killer is beyond me. Her killer is a thief, who stole her from the American public, and from visitors around the world. The country is the lesser for it.

  79. Kathleen Avatar

    “Kangaroo: A love-hate story” documentary

    “This groundbreaking film reveals the truth surrounding Australia’s love-hate relationship with its beloved icon. The kangaroo image is proudly used by top companies, sports teams and as tourist souvenirs, yet when they hop across the vast continent some consider them to be pests to be shot and sold for profit.”

    Some call the kangaroo ‘cull’ the worst wildlife slaughter on earth. The movie trailer is here:

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      I’ve never been able to understand this. The kangaroo is such a magnificent animal. Just more examples of ‘human supremacy’ I guess. 🙁

      1. Kathleen Avatar

        Yes. Where there are humans, there is speciesism–with its hubris, superiority, entitlement… Americans got the jump on Aussies by slaughtering *our* iconic animal–the wild bison–in the 19th century.

          1. Kathleen Avatar

            Apparently Hayduke Lives!

            1. Nancy Avatar

              🙂 🙂

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      I’m just so glad there has been a documentary made of this.

    3. rork Avatar

      If only cows or sheep make money, maybe people will want less kangaroos, or less bison.
      I was always taught that the hard part of kangaroo (or emu) industry (or hunting) was that it is such a roller coaster – in droughts there are so few that you have to leave them alone, which is not a business most people want to be in. In other years there are very many.

    1. Nancy Avatar

      Relish the excitement Professor, it might be shot lived if there’s livestock around.

      Discovered wolf tracks in my yard first week in Dec. Last week they were howling just across the way from me around 5 am. When it got light enough to see, I saw 4 of them, feeding on something. What a sight! But short lived, a neighbor pulled off the road around the bend and started shooting at them. Its wolf hunting season here.

      This pack has been blamed for the killing of a rancher’s calf. The calf was killed in a pasture where a couple of calves, that had died from pneumonia, were left laying around.

      Not hard to see what’s going on here –

      Its illegal to bait wolves, but not if you’re a rancher……

  80. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    Gail one of my wildlife loving friends sent this

    Wildlife Rescue and Rehab site
    It can be used directly from website
    Type in zip code and it lists rehabbers nearest you – and other info, too.

    Pretty cool

  81. Kathleen Avatar

    “Coyote Crew gathers to deal with animals too close for comfort” – includes video from Colorado’s Front Range:

    Excerpt: “It appears families in tract homes don’t scare coyotes as much as a rancher with a rifle. Cannon says she’s heard of at least 17 pets being killed by Coyotes since May of 2017. The coyotes have even gone after kids.”

    Amazingly, here’s an article with no hysteria and with people who “understand the value of coyotes” (because they keep in check other animals who do property damage…rabbits, mice). A volunteer Coyote Crew is being educated by Colorado Parks & Wildlife on how to deter coyotes and make neighborhoods less attractive to them.

  82. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    hunting dogs shot in head in Oregon…
    hounding is a vile “sport”
    terrible for dogs and wildlife

  83. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    A wonderful documentary about Arctic wolves that doesn’t flinch when showing just how brutal survival can be for wolves, even without the addition of humans preying on them:

  84. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Here’s a case where the new, more strict agricultural protection laws may actually have done some good:

    “On Wednesday, police arrested two boys, ages 12 and 13, each of whom faces charges of first-degree criminal mischief and agricultural animal facilities offenses, both class C felonies; third-degree burglary, a class D felony; and possession of burglar’s tools, an aggravated misdemeanor.”


  85. Louise kane Avatar
    Louise kane

    Trump, Russian gangsters and the NRA

    Jr and Zinke the trophy hunters and NRA finally got the prize, the interior department

    A sickening read

  86. Kathleen Avatar

    Apologies if already posted somewhere on this forum.

    “Cliven Bundy to Speak at ‘Freedom and Property’ Rally in Sanders County:
    Event’s featured speakers include Thompson Falls Sen. Jennifer Fielder, other public land critics”

    Excerpt: “The event, titled “Freedom and Property,” is organized by a group called Coalition of Western Property Owners (COWPO), whose members hope to draw attention to the perceived overreach of the federal government and its mismanagement of public lands.”

    Note: If they called their group “Coalition of Western Property Owners Organization” wouldn’t they have a better and more accurate acronym?

  87. Kathleen Avatar

    Everything that’s wrong with so-called hunting (baiting & killing coyotes) and state management of wildlife (“considering the sale of a permit to take a second buck. It is said that such a sale will replace some of the monies that a license increase would have given them”).

    “Coyote is greatest challenge of all Pennsylvania animals”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Do calls really work? Humans can’t hear sounds at the frequencies dogs, wolves and coyotes can, so I wonder if they can tell a fake from the genuine article? 🙂

  88. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    AS posted by Ted Williams…
    death by a thousand cuts while the GOP laughs as they helped install a traitorous dynasty so they could push this sickening agenda forward

    “Here is an overview (in chronological order) of the Trump administration’s 2017 acts against the environment, fish and wildlife. The staggering thing to me is that this list does not include other areas such as changes to social programs, the Affordable Care Act, international trade, foreign affairs, military, etc. The sad thing to me is that there are many people in our country that fully support what is going on!

    This list is not yet complete, but Congress should remember that we are watching and Tuesday, November 6th is not that far away. The damage continues almost daily as we are now in the 13th day of the 2nd year. What are the environmental cumulative effects of all of these decisions to our country and to the World?

    On January 20th, Trump silenced the U.S. National Park Service from using social media.

    January 20th, U.S. National Park Service starts a “resistance” movement on social media accounts.

    January 24th, Trump issues several memoranda aiming to hasten permitting for the Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines.

    February 1st, U.S. Senate confirms ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State.

    February 16th, Trump signs a joint resolution passed by Congress revoking the U.S. Department of the Interior’s “Stream Protection Rule.” The stream protection rule, which prevented mining companies from dumping their waste into streams, is axed under the Congressional Review Act.

    February 17th, U.S. Senate confirms Scott Pruitt as the head of the U.S. EPA. In his prior role as Oklahoma’s attorney general, Pruitt frequently sued the EPA over its regulations, notably leading a 27-state lawsuit against the Clean Power Plan.

    February 28th, President Trump issues an executive order formally asking the EPA to review the “Waters of the United States” Rule.

    March 2, U.S. Dept. of Interior (DOI) Secretary Ryan Zinke spends his first day on the job rescinding an Obama-era prohibition of lead ammunition on federal lands and waters. Also, the EPA’s, Scott Pruitt, canceled a requirement for reporting methane emissions.

    March 7th, EPA’s Office of Science and Technology removed the word “science” from its mission statement.

    March 9th, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt said that carbon dioxide’s role in the Earth’s changing climate remains unclear.

    March 13th, White House releases its first preliminary budget under Trump. The budget outlines deep cuts to U.S. science and environmental agencies.

    March 16th, the Trump administration proposed a 13 percent budget cut to the U.S. National Park Service funding. These budget cuts would result in the loss of 1,242 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff, leading to significant challenges at almost every national park.

    March 28th, Trump issued an executive order charging the U.S. DOI with reviewing rules for oil and gas drilling inside the boundaries of our national park sites. Trump’s executive order also made the EPA start the process of rewriting the clean power plan.

    March 29th, Against the advice of the EPA’s chemical safety experts, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt rejects a decade-old petition asking that the EPA ban all use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos. Research suggests that chlorpyrifos may be associated with brain damage in children and farm workers, even at low exposures.

    March 29th, Ryan Zinke, DOI secretary, revoked the freeze and review on new coal leases on public lands.

    April 3rd, Overturned a ban on hunting of predators in Alaskan wildlife refuges. Including the hunting of bear cubs in and around their dens.

    April 5th, Trump Administration withdrew guidance from federal agencies to include greenhouse gas emissions in environmental reviews.

    April 7th, Staff members at EPA’s headquarters, who specialized in climate change adaptation, have been reassigned. Rolled back limits on toxic discharge from power plants into public waterways.

    April 16th, Trump issued an executive order calling on the DOI to reopen its five-year plan for offshore drilling.

    April 19th, An DOI official updates the department’s climate change website, deleting much of its content in the process.

    April 22nd, Scientist March on Washington, voicing support for science’s role in society.

    April 26th, Trump instructs DOI Secretary Ryan Zinke to review as many as 40 national monuments created since 1996 to determine if any of Trump’s three predecessors exceeded their authority when protecting large tracts of already-public land under the Antiquities Act of 1906.

    April 27th, EPA delayed a lawsuit over a rule regulating airborne mercury emissions from power plants.
    April 28th, EPA scrubs climate change from their website.
    May 5th, EPA dismisses several members of the Board of Scientific Counselors.

    June 1st, U.S. pulls out of the Paris Climate Agreement!

    June 8th, DOI Secretary Ryan Zinke on Wednesday ordered a review of an Obama administration conservation plan to protect the greater sage-grouse to determine if that plan interferes with Trump administration efforts to increase energy production on federal lands.

    June 12th, DOI Secretary Ryan Zinke recommended that Bears Ears National Monument in southern Utah’s red rock country be shrunk by President Trump.

    June 26th, Trump Administration called for the repeal of the “Clean Water Rule.”
    uly 6th, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved a permit that would allow Dominion Energy, to build 17 enormous transmission towers near Colonial National Historical Park, the site of the United States first English colony.

    July 19th, DOI called for a reexamination of rules that protect bears and wolves in national preserves in Alaska from egregious hunting methods, including baiting bears with grease-soaked donuts and killing mother bears with their cubs.

    August 7th, DOI relaxes aspects of sage grouse protection to help with the Trump administration’s efforts to increase energy production on federal lands.

    August 22nd, Trump Administration has suspended a study of health risks to residents who live near mountaintop removal coal mine sites in the Appalachian Mountains.

    October 9th, Trump Administration and EPA works on scrapping the Clean Power Plan (CCP). Scott Pruitt gave a speech in Hazard, Kentucky and declared that he will sign a proposal on Tuesday that would eliminate the CCP.

    October 23rd, DOI proposed the largest ever gas and oil lease auction of 77 million acres of federal waters within the Gulf of Mexico.

    October 24th, A small Montana company located in DOI Secretary Ryan Zinke’s hometown has signed a $300 million contract to help get the power back on in Puerto Rico. Whitefish Energy Holdings, LLC had only two full-time employees on the day Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico.
    November 1st, Trump administration proposed a rule Tuesday to federalize regulation of drift gillnets used to catch swordfish on the West Coast. The rule would end California’s right to prevent the deadly entanglements of sea turtles, whales, and dolphins in these underwater, mile-long nets.

    November 2nd, Trump administration is targeting for review a uranium mining ban that former President Barack Obama instituted in the watershed of the Grand Canyon.

    November 7th, French President Emmanuel Macron’s Cabinet said Trump not invited to climate change summit for the time being.
    ovember 16th, Trump Administration has reversed the ban on elephant trophy imports. They have agreed to allow the remains of elephants killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia to be brought back to the U.S.

    November 16th, The Keystone pipeline has leaked and spilled about 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota. TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone pipeline temporarily shut down.

    November 24th, Tucked away in the Senate report accompanying the funding bill for the DOI is a directive to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to end the Red Wolf recovery program and declare the Red Wolf extinct.

    November 25th, Oil drilling in a vast Alaskan wildlife refuge moved a step closer to reality after the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources panel voted 13-10 to open part of the reserve.

    November 28th, The Cause of Action Institute (a group aligned with GOP mega-donors Charles and David Koch) have filed suit accusing EPA employees of using an encrypted messaging services to protect their jobs. They report that EPA employees were using an encrypted messaging app to determine how to respond to a feared purge of climate science from the new Trump administration.

    November 28th, Trump Administration has approved an oil company’s request to explore for oil in the Arctic Ocean.

    December 4th, Trump gave a speech in Salt Lake City announcing his intentions to reduce two Utah national monuments Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. Bears Ears would be reduced by 1.35 million acres (-85%) and Grand Staircase Escalante would be reduced by 1.88 million acres (-50%).

    December 7th, Trump Administration drops rule requiring mining companies to have money to clean up pollution, despite an industry legacy of abandoned mines that have fouled waterways across the U.S.

    December 8th, Trump Administration will suspend a rule to limit methane leaks from oil and gas operations on federal land.

    December 14th, Trump Administration removed net neutrality. This now allows broadband providers to block websites like ours. The Internet has played an increasingly vital role in political expression and organizing. Groups have used social media to share information, plan events, and motivate participation.

    December 15th, It was reported that DOI Secretary Ryan Zinke brought David Smith, the superintendent of Joshua Tree National Park, to his office to reprimand him for climate change-related tweets the park sent via Twitter.

    December 16th, Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from using a list of words, including “fetus,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “vulnerable,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”

    December 18th, Trump announced the US will no longer regard climate change by name as a national security threat.
    December 19th, EPA has ended a contract with a group (Definers Public Affairs) that had been investigating any EPA employees who disagreed with the Trump administration agenda. December 19th,
    In the emergency supplemental funding bill language was hidden that would exempt Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from following requirements set by the Endangered Species Act.

    December 20th, Toxic chemical bans were indefinitely postponed for methylene chloride, N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) and trichloroethylene (TCE).

    December 21st, Independent studies were halted that would improve the safety of offshore drilling platforms and another to look at health risks of mountaintop-removal coal mining in central Appalachia.
    December 21st, Revoked the Obama-era Resource Management Planning Rule (Planning 2.0 Rule), which advocated new technologies to improve transparency related to mining on public lands. A Federal Register filing said this rule “shall be treated as if it had never taken effect.”

    December 22nd, The Republican “Tax Reform” bill was signed and included, among other things, opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling.

    December 22nd, Ruled that “incidental” killings of 1,000 migratory bird species are not illegal under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

    December 22nd, Reversed a previous Obama-era DOI decision to withdraw permits for a proposed $2.8 billion copper mine in Minnesota.

    December 23rd, It was reported that hundreds of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists were barred from attending an industry conference this month.
    December 27th, A plan was announced to consider increasing the use of neonicotinoid insecticides known as thiamethoxam, which is proven to be deadly to bees.
    December 27th, Allowed oil and gas leasing and development near, and even inside, greater sage-grouse habitat management areas.
    December 28th, Announced a plan to repeal an Obama-era rule that governed fracking standards on federal and tribal lands. The rule would have required companies to disclose chemicals used in their fracking fluids, set standards for well construction, and required surface ponds holding fracking fluids to be covered.
    December 29th, Trump administration proposed to remove offshore-drilling safety regulations, put in place, after the deadly Deepwater Horizon disaster. What is next in 2018?

    1. Nancy Avatar

      “The Fleecing of Our Environment”

      Thanks for posting this Louise, passing it on.

      1. louise kane Avatar
        louise kane

        All I can think is how dare they commit these actions. To have such a myopically, short-sighted, greedy, special interest agenda is criminal. The actions they are taking can not be undone.

        It’s hard to pick one action that is more disturbing than the rest but the USFWS declaring red wolves extinct with 50 or more left in the wild and after doing nothing to prevent North Carolina from allowing night hunting of coyotes is mind boggling. To declare something extinct while there is still a chance to prevent that is unconscionable and unforgivable.

        I do feel ashamed to be human at times.

  89. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    Trumpian like appointments of wildlife commissioners

  90. Kathleen Avatar

    OMG. The hubris of Icaraus.

    “‘Animal uplift’: Could we—and should we—make animals smarter?”

    “[D]eveloping the technology to uplift animals will likely require lots of very invasive animal research that will cause huge suffering to the animals it purports to help. This is problematic enough with normal animals, but could be even more morally dubious when applied to ones whose cognitive capacities have been enhanced.”

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine

        LOL I think we ought to start by making people smarter first. The arrogance is astounding.

        It’s as dismaying than the Rutgers University professor who wants to change predator behavior because he considers it too violent. I guess he’s not a student of human history.

        This will never get off the ground – because like Hal the Computer, they could turn on their creators.

    1. Immer Treue Avatar
      Immer Treue

      Wyoming wolf poacher pays fine.

      If we,can find a positive here, a couple ethical hunters turned this guy in. Step in the correct direction. My feelings toward delisting have rested on the proviso that wolf hunting should be curtailed until poaching ends. Now I’ll go smoke my pipe.

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine

        Good news both!

    1. rork Avatar

      Do you have any idea why the roe deer population went up and down so dramatically (1997-2004)? Most of us don’t know the history of social issues (or weather) that might cause that.
      I’m ready to be a tourist at Naliboki Forest. Thanks.
      I may have asked before: do hare and tetraonids not have the 10-year (about) cycle that we get in N. America?

      1. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
        Mareks Vilkins

        in Management plan for the lynx population in Finland one can read about Eurasian lynx’s feeding habits across its whole range

        page 11:

        The diet of Finnish lynx differs from that of both Central European and Norwegian and Swedish lynx. The density
        and number of species of ungulates decreases towards the north (Heptner et al. 1961), and at the same time the proportion of hare in the lynx diet increases (Jędrzejewski et al. 1993). In Northeast Siberia, populations of mountain hare (Lepus timidus) and of the lynx that prey of them fluctuate in the same way as those of the snowshoe hare (L. americanus) and the Canada lynx
        in North America (Heptner & Naumov 1992, Tavrovskii et al. 1971 cited in Jędrzejewski et al. 1993). In Russian
        Karelia hare make up 80% of the lynx diet (Danilov et al. 1979, cited in Pulliainen 1981), and also in eastern Finland hare clearly form the most important part of the winter diet (Pulliainen 1981, Pulliainen et al. 1995, Salo 2004). In western Finland hare are a less important nutritional source, as white-tailed deer introduced from North America (Odocoileus virginianus) are numerous, especially in the south-westernmost part of the country
        (Southwest Finland, Uusimaa, Satakunta, South Häme and North Häme) (Svensberg 2004, Fig. 1). The whitetailed
        deer population is about 35,000−40,000 animals (V. Ruusila, oral estimate 2005). In western Finland the proportion of hare in the winter diet varies from 42−72% (Pulliainen et al. 1995, Salo 2004).

        The roe deer was rather rare in Finland until recent years, but now the population is growing rapidly. The areas with the densest roe deer populations are Southwest Finland, Uusimaa and South Häme (Ruusila et al. 2003, Fig. 1). As their numbers increase, roe deer will

        1. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
          Mareks Vilkins

          probably account for an increasing proportion of the lynx’s diet. The roe deer population is in the range of
          15,000−20,000 animals (V. Ruusila, oral estimate 2005). According to Pulliainen (1981) the size of the (Eurasian) lynx is an adaptation to the hunting of roe
          deer as prey. This is supported by the observation that of the ungulates available, lynx seem to prefer the
          smaller species, such as the roe deer (weight 18−36 kg, Bjärvall & Ullström 1996) and the Siberian musk deer
          (15−17 kg, Jędrzejewski et al. 1993). In addition, lynx that prey on roe deer do not seem to select their prey by age or gender, as is the case with larger prey (Jędrzejewski et al. 1993). For example, in Poland lynx preying on red deer generally kill only calves (Okarma
          1984, Okarma et al. 1997), and of these 82% were in a weak condition (Okarma 1984). In the Alps lynx preying
          on chamois seem to choose both calves and old or weak individuals (Breitenmoser & Haller 1987). According
          to Jędrzejewski et al. (1993), it is due to competition with scavengers and wolves and the lynx’s lone hunting style that it has specialised in hunting the smallest ungulates available.

          1. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
            Mareks Vilkins

            In terms of nutrition, the division of the Finnish lynx population between two different areas is reflected in the condition of the animals. Both Pulliainen et al. (1995) and Salo (2004) have noted a higher percentage of fat reserves in the carcasses of western Finnish lynx
            than in those from eastern Finland. In addition, the western Finnish lynx are also bigger in other respects
            than those in eastern Finland; for example, the average weight of males in south-western Finland is 19.8 kg,
            but in eastern Finland only 16.8 kg, and the corresponding figures for females are 16.6 kg and 15.1 kg respectively (Pulliainen et al. 1995, Lehtelä 1999, Pulliainen & Rautiainen 1999). This phenomenon is probably explained not only by the better nutritional situation in western Finland, but also by the different climatic conditions.
            In western Finland the snow cover is lighter and of shorter duration than in the east, which may give the
            lynx greater mobility and make predation easier (Lehtelä
            1999, Salo 2004). In spite of the better situation regarding nutrition, the size of lynx litters is no bigger in western Finland than in the east of the country (Pulliainen et al. 1995, and the lynx population in the west does not seem to be any more stable than in eastern Finland, which is completely dependent on the hare as prey (Kojola 2003).”

            … and so on

            1. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
              Mareks Vilkins

              in Estonia there used to be a lot of lynxes 1990-2011 but only 500 hares in 2013.

              in Latvia there’s ~ 35 000 hares
              in Lithuania ~ 83 000 (in 2000)

              in 1990s when the USSR disappeared and economics imploded (the so- called ‘shock therapy’)there were reduction in all ungulate species’ numbers as well as the cattle / horse / poultry etc numbers were reduced drastically.

              Winters also were harsh in 1990s.

              1. rork Avatar

                Thanks. Those diets made sense to me. I was surprised by deer like mine being tolerated in Finland. I was also surprised by sizes of lynx in Finland was not larger – I see 18-30 KG range for the species, but maybe the biggest ones are elsewhere. North of me, on our different species, 11 kg is big, 14 kg about the record. We have bobcats bigger than that in MI, 20kg. I’ve had a hard time determining if our lynx really kill adult caribou that much – I rather doubt it is common.

  91. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Here’s hoping the Supreme Court decides in favor of the frog!

  92. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    This is one reason why we should not be so overly confident in our ability to manage wild canine populations by hunting them to the absolute minimum. Who anticipated disease like this:

  93. Nancy Avatar

    Good to know, maybe now they can drop that old myth that wolves are killing all the elk 🙂

    1. rork Avatar

      I’ve been tempted many times to post stories about increased deer and elk densities in wolf country the last 2 years, but I was getting boring in that regard I thought. Near me (MI, WI, MN) deer densities were low after brutal winters in 2014 and 2015, but we stopping killing females and had 2 mild winters, so they are increasing. I think I expect another wolf count in upper MI this year though, and there might be a *gasp* increase (the old density vs food dependence knot), bringing more complaints.

      1. Jeremy B. Avatar
        Jeremy B.

        It really doesn’t matter. Here in Ohio they complain that ‘coyotes have killed all the deer’, but the reality is that Ohio made a concerted effort to reduce the deer population (through harvest) to respond to farmer/landowner complaints. People suck.

      2. Nancy Avatar

        Visited with a local FWP biologist yesterday and he mentioned that Idaho is no longer counting their wolves. Huh.

  94. Kathleen Avatar

    “Ghost Cat Gone: Eastern Cougar Officially Declared Extinct”

    Excerpt: “Say good-bye to the “ghost cat.” This week the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officially declared the eastern cougar (Puma concolor couguar) to be extinct and removed it from the endangered species list.”


    “This Isn’t the End of the Eastern Cougar:
    The big cat might be officially extinct—but it’s also making a comeback”

    1. Louise kane Avatar
      Louise kane

      The USFWS and their corrupted interpretation of their duties to the public and to predators incuding red and Mexican Wolves is criminal.

  95. Louise Avatar


    Great op ed on trophy hunting by a hunter

  96. Kathleen Avatar

    “The new science of animal cognition is forcing countries to overhaul their laws”

    This article comes in the wake of Switzerland’s ban on boiling lobsters alive.

    Excerpt: “The more we learn about animals, the more their consciousness weighs on the human conscience. On July 7, 2012, cognitive scientists, neuropharmacologists, neurophysiologists, neuroanatomists, and computational neuroscientists attending a conference on consciousness “in human and non-human animals” signed the Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness (pdf). It recognizes that, despite having very different brains and body structures, other species think, feel, and experience life in much the same way humans do. The evolutionary bases for sensation and emotions appear to have arisen in early insects and crustaceans, the scientists said.”


    “To change the way we treat animals, we may first have to change the entire way we conceive of humans’ position in the world. The term “speciesism” was coined by writer and animal rights activist Richard Ryder in the 1970s. He argued in The Guardian in 2005 that the only moral position a human can hold is belief in equality of all species. Any being that feels pain, which is every live being he says, deserves humane treatment.”

    Personally, I feel that “humane treatment” isn’t enough. While their consciousness and ability to suffer require that we not boil lobsters alive–it also means we shouldn’t boil them at all.

    1. rork Avatar

      Grilled is better, bisque can be good, sashimi works for me. Americans need to wake up.

      1. JEFF E Avatar
        JEFF E

        I like grilled also, but on a recent trip to Plymouth Mass. I had some lobster mac and cheese. Way better than I thought it would be.

  97. rork Avatar
    This as well as a recent NPR story finally told me we are killing Merlins, a bird of my dreams, to maybe help our plovers. Perhaps nobody wanted to tell us. We’ve got a zillion miles of freshwater beach here and barely kept our plovers alive, and it wasn’t cause of Merlins, so it seems unfair, but the Merlins are doing well, and the plovers hanging by threads. It sucks. PS: killing cow birds does not bother me nearly as much. They are super-abundant now, it’s our fault, and it’s bad.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      So sad. Who comes up with this stuff? If anything, it is only a temporary fix – and it just might harm both species. The real culprit is human encroachment and disruption, and continued development of lands and habitat stealing. (what a mantra, I know I keep repeating it, to no response whatsoever).

      There’s a cute little merlin who sits on top of a telephone pole where I usually go birding, and to see one capture prey on the fly, they are badass for their size. Maybe that one was a kestrel? 🙂

    2. Nancy Avatar

      Don’t know what the beaches look like there Rork but I wonder if it would do any good to provide sheltered areas (snags of driftwood, covered netting) on the beaches, for the plovers?

      I know when hawks fly over, my chickens immediately run for cover.

      1. rork Avatar

        It’s true that cover is sparse on the lake Michigan side of lower MI. Your suggestion is interesting. There are almost no trees on the shore.

        1. louise kane Avatar
          louise kane

          Nancy, not sure about Michigan but piping plovers here and on the eastern shores are impacted by humans more than anything. I attended a very interesting talk on them last spring. They thrive in pebbly beach areas that are wide, and have wash over areas by tides or ring water. They are very sensitive to human presence and their eggs are almost impossible to detect. Its important to ensure no humans or dogs walk or travel in their habitat. I don’t know about the merlins but I am very opposed to human intervention other than to remove human disturbances, restrict human access ect. We seem to be great at cusing problems and then making other species pay a terrible price with solutions that affect us the least.

  98. Kathleen Avatar

    VIDEO: Patagonia’s massive countdown clock at Denver outdoor retailer show and BLM office:

  99. Immer Treue Avatar
    Immer Treue

    This is, at least a start in regard to wolf poaching.

    1. WM Avatar

      Not the only WDFW news of note. Director Unsworth after three years with WDFW resigns He was the former IDFG Dep[uty Director who was probably hired by WA in part because of his wolf management experience, which ultimately might have been a bit too barbaric for WA. I also expect the widely varying politics between the west and east side of the Cascade divide were a bit of a challenge. Puget Sound urbanites have different values from those on the drier and more conservative Interior Columbia Basin. He is not a heavy experience fisheries guy, and I expect that is where the Commission will lean with its next pick:

      1. rork Avatar
        I am not sure I believe that Garner character though – he seems to want to take near single-handed credit for the resignation, and have it be all about salmon.
        The salmon is a tricky thing in Puget. I’m not expert enough on that population, but it’s been having problems. Puget Sound Anglers are about sports fishing, but it might be stacked with guides. I’m not sure I trust them to do wise management long-term.

  100. Kathleen Avatar

    “Animals Worldwide Stick Close to Home When Humans Move In: Baboons, grizzly bears and other species are giving up their wild ways as cities, farms and roads fracture habitat”

    Published today in Scientific American. Excerpt:
    “Animals living in landscapes used intensively by people travel, on average, only half to one-third as far as animals in more remote areas do—a pattern that’s consistent across dozens of species worldwide.”

  101. Kathleen Avatar

    Hysteria! Be afraid! Growing fears that other pets and SMALL CHILDREN are at risk! While I feel for the guy whose old dog was attacked, it’s easy to see how fear leads to hatred leads to persecution of predators. The attack is characterized as ‘brutal’ in the text and ‘vicious’ in the newscast video…when the coyote was just looking for a meal.

    “Coyote attack in Warren leaves 13-year-old family dog ‘Bella’ clinging to life”

    1. Immer Treue Avatar
      Immer Treue

      Here we go again, and for fear of blaming the victim, it somehow got off the leash…

      It was then “brutally” attacked.

      So we can move to the next level of kids at bus stops.

      The world ends.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Unbelievable! 🙁 A disaster. I hope it can be challenged?

    2. WM Avatar

      Well, just add one more mark in the stupid column of Trump/Zinke.

      This law (with administrative discretion and working with industry) was working well according to folks familiar with its operation: ”

      Lynn Scarlett, who was deputy Interior secretary and acting Interior secretary under George W. Bush, says the old interpretation of the law protected birds without being too onerous for industries. Companies were prosecuted only after ignoring repeated warnings. “

      Some of the crap that is going on now in Interior disgusts me well beyond what I imagined.

  102. Kathleen Avatar

    Nebraska Game & Parks Commission encourages the killing of predators: “Now is the time for great predator hunting”

    Excerpt: “Predators are an important part of a healthy ecosystem. They can cause problems, but they still are cool to have around and can be hunted when managed properly.”

    “Cool to have around”?!? “When managed properly”? – no restrictions or limits on killing coyotes in NE; can hunt them 24/7 and 365 days a year using decoys & electronic calls; “no published restrictions” on use of bait or dogs.

    Excerpt: “Predator hunting combines all the necessary stealth and skill of other types of hunting with the excitement that comes from being the hunted.”

    Is this guy saying he considers himself prey for a coyote???

  103. Nancy Avatar

    The bald eagle trio is back nesting again this year. New female. Some recent footage – “fine tuning the nest”

    History on this trio of eagles and live webcam here:

    1. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
      Mareks Vilkins

      Canada Lynx conservation assessment and strategy 2013

    1. WM Avatar

      I love it. Can’t stand this arrogant, pretty boy, POS. So, who will be up next for head of HSUS and its over the top agenda? Pacelle’s days (maybe even hours) are numbered.

      1. Mat-ters Avatar

        Pays well with Harvey Weinstein / Al Franken perks!

        1. Kathleen Avatar

          HumaneWatch is a front group for corporate interests–run by PR lobbyist Rick Berman.

          “Berman’s usual strategy is to set up nonprofit “educational entities” and websites such as “Center for Consumer Freedom” and “Center for Union Facts” that claim to be public watchdogs, but whose real aim is to disseminate the views of unnamed corporate interests.

          “‘He’s a one-man goon squad for any company that’s willing to hire him,’ says Dr. Michael Jacobson, a co-founder of the Center for Science in the Public Interest and a leading safe-food advocate. ‘Berman is against every single measure, no matter how sensible. He’d have no restrictions on tobacco advertising, junk foods galore in schools. No minimum wage.’”

  104. WM Avatar

    Be sure to bring a barf bag if you watch the state of the union address tonight. It will, no doubt, come in handy, for many of us. And it is too darn bad the D’s couldn’t offer a better alternative than Crooked Hillary or Goofball Sanders. Remember that for the next Presidential election, and we wouldn’t have the likes of the combover King and zoom zoom Zinke at Interior, and scorched earth Stinky Pruett at EPA, making decisions the whole world is wretching at.

    1. rork Avatar

      Hey, they solved the problem of solar panels having gotten so cheap that it was hard training enough people to install them all.
      (Yes, I jest.)

    2. Mat-ters Avatar

      Everything will be OK if you stick with Nancy and Chuck…… They only thing that’s been missing lately is a good Kock brothers mention or two as Harry Did….good times! Maybe one of them good African Americans that are sitting out the address are at home practicing their Kooock’s bad routine??

      1. Mat-ters Avatar

        Joe Kennedy is another great choice for the future of the great democratic party. He invited U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Patricia King, a transgender woman, as his guest to the State of the Union. King, an infantry squad leader at Fort Lewis, Washington, was the first person to have sex reassignment surgery paid for by the military…. No future mental health issues here! Lop um off and you have a great fighting force for our fine country!

        1. Nancy Avatar

          I think its great that we live in a country where there are medical solutions to address being trapped in the wrong body.

          And maybe someday there will be a medical solution, when it comes to dealing with small minds, Mat-ters.

          1. Mat-ters Avatar

            “I” is the key word here. Sorta like the usage of it by Trump last night. The story is the lack of the use of the word …… as compared to the over usage of the word in SOTU speech’s of his predecessor.

            1. Nancy Avatar

              Or sorta like this, Mat-ters?

              “Veni, vidi, vici”

              a Latin phrase popularly attributed to Julius Caesar who, according to Appian, used the phrase in a letter to the Roman Senate around 47 BC after he had achieved a quick victory …

              Got to love those “quick victories” which seem to keep our current president, aligned with his base of just 38% of Americans who could care less about what the Fu*k is going on in this country right now.


              My favorite analogy of how Trump probably got elected 🙂

        2. timz Avatar

          If he could control his drooling

    1. rork Avatar
      rork is the actual paper which author does a terrible job pointing at, which is not nearly as convincing, especially since it doesn’t even model the years when our wolf population stopped growing. I’m not sure their models capture very well 1) the higher the wolf density perhaps the more poaching there is and not just linearly (and the more culling there might be too – astonishing, eh?), 2) the details of how much you actually expect the population to rise – it’s damned complicated, and I’m suggesting the data from 2012 on might have blown their model to smithereens (increased the estimated error). They are working on tiny data, where real models might be exceedingly complex. It’s like me trying to figure out how to treat different kinds of adrenal cancer after observing 40 cases.

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine


      2. Jeremy B. Avatar
        Jeremy B.

        Welcome to modeling in wildlife management, where we take tiny datasets (usually derived from a very small, often isolated geographic location)and turn it into a BIG story.

      3. Jeremy B. Avatar
  105. Immer Treue Avatar
    Immer Treue

    Rehash of old work

    New study links wolf numbers to moose calf survival

    A friend once told me that Mech was an old school, no nonsense biologist, and I fully understand that description. In that respect, without having this recent study in front of me, it’s not possible to dispute Mech’s causative relationship between increasing wolf numbers and decreasing moose calf survival. From the article, it appears data stops at 2012, yet currently reports wolf numbers are down, while moose numbers and calf survival is up, as the scenario seems to be reversing. Slam dunk, little argument. Something upon which anti-wolf folks will surely concentrate, as well as partial rational that the three wolf hunting/trapping seasons reduced wolf numbers, ultimately assisting moose.

    Also from the article: “Mech and co-authors John Frieberg and Shannon Barber-Meyer also go back to show similar relationships in past decades, noting a brief but dramatic moose decline in the early 1990s corresponded with a rapid rise in wolves at the same time.”

    The Mech team focuses solely upon wolf number impact on moose survival. It does not discount parasite impact on moose, winter ticks, brainworm, liver flukes, habitat etc. The focus is vectored in on one variable in the moose dilemma.

    Odd that the Mech team, at least in this articles rendition of the study, does not raise questions as to why the wolf population increased and remained so for almost ten years. In contrast, with the whole Yellowstone trophic cascade studies, Mech was all over it (and rightly so), providing caution in regard to cause/correlation conclusions.

    Yet, Mech avoids (at least in this article) the cause argument in regard to wolf population increase. In the area of moose economy, was it just a moose/wolf relationship?

    The question is, why did wolf numbers increase so dramatically, and remain high. Could the answer be deer? In July 1999 their was an enormous storm/blowdown in the BWCA, which includes the moose study area. It was estimated over 20 million trees were down. Prescribed burns then occurred hoping to reduce combustible fuels. This lead to great blueberry picking, but with a series of mild winters, from 2000-2008, it also lead to improved deer habitat, and deer numbers increased. State wide hunting tallies bear this out (statewide stats paralleled NE MN stats.

    One observes a steady increase in deer harvest until 2008, drops, and then rises again, until 12/13 and 13/14, back to back brutal winters. Deer numbers in the upper arrowhead collapsed. These were also the first two wolf hunting/trapping seasons. So, do we have cause or correlation? The deer harvest records also show a drop off after the mid nineties, prior to which the Mech team Again alludes to increase in wolves and moose decline. Coincidentally, the severe winters of 95/96 and 96/97, were estimated to have killed over a hundred thousand does throughout MN. Multiply that effect in the upper arrowhead of MN, a place that was never “home” to deer prior to looking and mining opened the area up.

    Furthermore, from the original Mech/Feinberg study that cast a shadow on the wolf impact upon moose:
    “Wolf-population density in the wolf-survey area was able to remain high even as moose numbers were declining because throughout much of the wolf-survey area as well as the larger moose-survey area, deer and beavers continued to be available, probably subsidizing wolves while they also preyed on declining numbers of moose. Some wolf packs even occupied narrow territories stretching as far as 42 km from the northeastern part of the wolf-survey area where few deer live in summer and none in winter to the southwestern part where deer live in summer and congregate in winter (L. D. Mech and S. Barber-Meyer, U.S. Geological Survey, unpublished data).”

    To bring this screed to a conclusion, I’m not disagreeing with the Mech team conclusion, as per the provided article. What I am doing, is calling attention to why the wolf numbers increased and remained high. Simply put, it was available food. That period of time was also my hay-days for winter camping and exploration on frozen lakes. During that time, I observed one wolf killed moose calf, and many wolf killed deer, including a ten pointer I salvaged that sits in my cabin.

    More deer, more wolves, more impact on moose. More deer, more brain worm and liver flukes, more impact on moose. The MN DNR seems to have a handle on this, and an antler-less, hunters choice selection during deer season was opened this past deer hunting season in the moose zones. There are still plenty of deer up here, and I live in what is coined the moose zone. Winter had begun rather slowly, but is picking up steam. There are too many deer, and that’s the choice that must be made. Does one want deer, or moose? I’m sure in the near future, wolf hunting/trapping will resume, and this will, at least temporarily help moose. But deer numbers are the key, because they also bring up wolf numbers, and parasitic disease to moose, to which the moose have no inherent defense.

    1. Jeremy B. Avatar
      Jeremy B.

      Without controlling for other factors, it’s hard to attribute the decline to wolves; especially given that there may be interactions (e.g., wolf x climate change). I’m also curious to know what the black bear population looked like during this period, as prior work has shown bears to be a significant predator of moose.

      1. Immer Treue Avatar
        Immer Treue

        That’s just it Jeremy, there are so many variables at play. And, without seeing the paper itself, with what sample size did Mech reach his percentages? Wolves will always prey upon the young, but why was the predation rate so high?

        A few years back the MN DNR attempting collaring cows with calves, but the abandonment issue (didn’t happen like that in Alaska) caused the governor to halt the collaring. So, questions arise in regard to why did cows leave their calves never to come back. In conversation with a friend in regard to the issue today, the topic of brainworm compromised cows was brought up. Did this have an affect on cows to not return to their calves. Are brainworm compromised cows less likely to effectively protect their calves?

        Folks up here like their moose, but the DNR has already played the cards that deer are the wild card in the deck.

        1. Immer Treue Avatar
          Immer Treue

          From a source within the MN DNR involved in a concurrent study of MN moose.

          Here is what she sent me in regard to Brainworm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis).

          12% (7) of moose in our study died from P tenuis, plus 1 moose with systemic infection was co-infected with brainworm as well.

          28% (5) of the wolf killed moose in our study had P tenuis.

          Overall P. tenuis impact: 23%

          45% of 62 opportunistic moose necropsied from 2003- 2013 we’re confirmed to have P. tenuis infection.

          As deer range expands into NE MN we expect prevalence of brainworm in moose to increase.

          Relatively small sample sizes, what was that of the Mech team.
          That said what, if anything can be extrapolated from the 45% of 62 opportunistic moose necropsied were confirmed to have P. tenuis?
          How many cows, pregnant cows are currently wandering through the woods that are brainworm positive?

    2. Jeremy B. Avatar
      Jeremy B.

      I should also add that there’s a kind of irony here given that Mech has been on a bit of a crusade questioning trophic cascades (i.e. the idea that predators impact lower trophic levels through their effect on prey).

      On a related note, I’ve often found it amusing how the anti-wolf folks tie themselves in knots arguing that trophic cascades are a myth while at the same time arguing that wolves have a tremendous impact on ungulate populations. But I digress…

      1. rork Avatar

        Thanks for this as well as other recent comments.

  106. Immer Treue Avatar
    Immer Treue

    Another charged with illegal wolf take and illegal traps.

    Elgin Man Charged For Unlawful Taking Of Wolf And Unlawful Trapping – Union County – 01/31/18

  107. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    If we have no intention of addressing the major cause of wildlife loss (human overpopulation and the resulting habitat loss for them), in this case moose – then I guess that’s the only alternative we will consider, killing off wolves and predators. And it appears we really don’t have any intention of addressing the major threat to all other life – us.

    I really wonder if keeping migratory animals and their natural predators ‘trapped’ in and confined to ever smaller habitat is going to be a major disease factor – it appears ticks are rampant and moose and other animals cannot get away from them, and of course CWD.

    It doesn’t seem like it will be a long-term solution, doesn’t allow for a major disease outbreak, and could harm both species.

  108. Immer Treue Avatar
    Immer Treue

    Wisconsin Senator moves to stop paying hounders for dogs killed by wolves.

    1. Louise kane Avatar
      Louise kane

      Jeeze that has taken awhile
      Too bad he is not moving to end hounding s barbaric inhumane activity
      Fair chase? Bs

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Sigh of relief! Glad it is finally (maybe) going to be stopped.

  109. Jeff N. Avatar
    Jeff N.

    A very boring/vanilla story about the Lassen pack/CA wolves, but this “bus stop” reference made me chuckle. My God, can’t we put this BS talking point to bed already? Unfortunately there was not a quote regarding concerned parents not allowing their kids to play in the backyard anymore.

    “Misty Banchio reported that six of the 55 students on her bus witnessed three wolves watching them at a bus stop. It was approximately 7 a.m. on the north side of North Arm Road.”

  110. Kathleen Avatar

    “Instant Karma’s gonna get you
    Gonna knock you right on the head…” ~John Lennon

    “Dead goose knocks out hunter on Maryland’s Eastern Shore”

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      Kudos to you, Louise!

      1. Louise kane Avatar
        Louise kane

        Thanks Kathleen

        Madeline List did a story last time we submitted a petition to ban carnivore hunting in the seashore so She was receptive to another this time when I informed her about the killing contest.

        It was dissapointing to see Wattles quoted that the contest was perfectly legal without a hint even that the department did not support that kind of activity. That quotes occurred just after we had just had an hour long conversation centering on the inappropriateness of wildlife killing contests and a promise by the furbearer head to review the carnivore conservation act snd its provisions. Wattles argued it would be impossible to monitor or prevent killing contests under the law. I directed him to the carnivore act which if enacted would do so in less than a paragraph.

        This week earlier, Someone posted my name online on a participants site with my personal info and phone. The site it was posted on drew all kinds attention directing Threats at me ranging from devising plans to call me at all hours of the night to “paying me a visit”
        I recieved a note stating that perhaps me and my dog Might be mistaken for a coyote and I might need to be careful. Another person noted two locations where I walked/hiked. I had to contact the police.

        These people are the dregs of society whether in Ma, Wisconsin or Texas. They always try to find a justification for slaughtering wild animals. If you post a citation from a science journal you are a libtard, couch potato or whatever else they believe is insulting, always reverting back to the it’s legal argument. That fact kills me. Killing contests are wrong period

        To help stop the attacks, had to call a local contractor we have worked with to ask him to contact a family member. My awuaintance called his cousin, the man who suggested the group pay me a visit, it stopped but only after I also messaged the woman who had my info posted on her site and let her know I had given the police her name. The Info finally came down.

        The states response legitimizes this behavior.

        Jon Way and I are co authors on the PEER petition, we have high hopes that it will be succesful in removing the Connelly Long hurst study. If that happens, then we will approach the Seashore again soon with more assistance from other NGOs. It might be good timing, a new superintendent is incoming.

        I just also met a woman on cape cod who got hunting banned in Provincetown through a Town article and vote. She is going to work with me to organize a protest
        We are learning and gaining tools

        My big concern is for my dog
        I grew up here but I don’t recognize this insanity
        These are not good people
        It’s up to all of us to hold wildlife agencies accountable and to ask them not to normalize this behavior by outlawing it
        It sucks worrying about being in the woods

        1. Jerry Black Avatar

          Thanks for standing up to these soulless individuals……..Having grown up on the Cape as a young kid, I can’t believe it’s come to this….who would have thought?

        2. Immer Treue Avatar
          Immer Treue

          I’ve just read this and am am reminded by something that SAP wrote years ago. It was in regard to his/her real name and not wanting it known for fear of his dog being killed. SAP was rational in all his posts, yet his fears echo the feelings of so many of us who are pro all wildlife, and that includes carnivores, and live in rural and forested areas that have such wildlife. I am truly sorry that you had to go though this.

          The constant killing of coyotes just to kill them in the name of conservation is the definition of insanity. How’s that been working for all with the gutslammer mentality, as there now appear to be more coyotes than ever. How about giving it a break for 5-10 years and see if it makes any difference?

          1. JEFF E Avatar
            JEFF E

            Reminds me of the time that a few people were trying to find out who I was to the point that they had mistakenly identified a police officer as me and even hired a private detective to try and find out.
            If they were not so pathetic, most of them couldn’t successfully research the ingredients on the label of a can of tomato soup, I may have been worried, but no I don’t think that it is a healthy thing to have ones name readily out there especially in today’s climate.

            1. Ida Lupine Avatar
              Ida Lupine


              You’re right, it’s not a good idea. I live in a (for now) quite rural area, and most of my neighbors have shotguns. I hear them occasionally, especially during hunting season. Anyone creeping around where they don’t belong might be in for a surprise!

          2. Louise kane Avatar
            Louise kane

            Well if anything good has come of this it is the intense support, after the first wave of vitriol, that we are seeing. And learning more of how to organize and collaborate to resist

            One awesome wildlife lover started an ngo and has a list of 4000 members
            She and I have now hooked up and are assisting a Boston group in organizing a protest this Sunday
            Just before the protest Jon Way had donated his time to give a talk at a venue, Ive got a newspaper coming and it looks like we have live tv coverage
            These thugs are helping to expose the grotesque face behind the mask of carnivore hunting and killing contests
            I’be been invigorated seeing good people step up to the plate and after years of picking away finding the tools to fight coming easier

            A good friend sent me a great t shirt it shows a wolf and says animals don’t have voices so you’ll never stop hearing mine.

            I’ll keep you updated and send links to mailers if anyone lives near Cape cod we’d love to have you

            1. Nancy Avatar

              An appropriate time to recycle this article.

              Satire & sadness:


            2. Ida Lupine Avatar
              Ida Lupine

              Thanks Louise!

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Disappointing. All so an outfitting store can attract business. I hope a big protest is planned. It’s a small enough area that a protest would make an impact.

      Thanks for your continued fighting for coyotes, Louise.

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine

        The definitive, arrogant slob hunter on their facebook page too. 🙁 I’m saddened that this sickness has spread to our state.

  111. Kathleen Avatar

    Wildlife crossings work! We know this, of course, but here’s an amazing and undeniable statistic:
    Excerpt: “The five underpasses and two overpasses that cross Colorado 9 south of Kremmling have reduced wildlife related crashes by almost 90 percent, Lisa Schwantes communications manager for CDOT said Thursday.

    “There are more than 30 passages, which vary in construction, across the state of Colorado…”

    “Animals are using Colorado’s wildlife crossings, reducing collisions, CDOT says: The crossings keep animals and motorists safe along with aiding interbreeding”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Good! I hope they will be implemented in more places. It’s a win for all.

  112. Immer Treue Avatar
    Immer Treue

    Another I thought it was a coyote shot in South Dakota.

    Will be interesting as no more McKittrick to hide behind.

  113. Kathleen Avatar

    Bears Ears – miscellaneous

    “Lands stripped from Utah monuments open to claims, leases by oil, gas, coal and uranium companies”

    “Let’s not fail in our second chance to protect Bears Ears” (opinion piece):

    Letter: “LDS women must make themselves heard on Bears Ears”

  114. frank renn Avatar
    frank renn

    I heard on the evening news that the 2018 public land grazing rates will be $1.41 per A.U.M., down from last years figure of $1.87. Amount never seems to matter as the taxpayer gets stiffed for the balance of the program costs.

  115. Nancy Avatar

    Maybe, maybe, if they’d back the cars off and stopped blinding her with spot lights, she might of taken off?

    News report said this went on for some 30 minutes!

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Sad. You can’t stop people from getting wherever it is that is so important that it supercedes anything else on the planet.

      Most people know that a deer or elk, or any wildlife, needs to be given a little time to get their bearings, before the run off. Not today. Drivers are even hitting people (and leaving the scene of the accident!) more than ever it seems. I don’t know if it is because of using phones and texting while driving or not.

      This isn’t the story of the pickup truck driver who hit an entire herd of elk in early January, is it? 11 elk killed, more put down.

      4:25 in the morning. Drunk? They distributed the road kill to the hungry hoardes. 🙁

      1. Nancy Avatar

        According to the date, this happened the end of January. One of the big problems out here Ida, is thousands of miles of fence lines.

        I’ve talked to a few people that have find themselves driving into the middle of an herd of elk,struggling to get over fence lines, trying to regroup, or waiting on calves and then have to jump another fence line on the opposite side of the road. Its depressing to watch them bang again and again, into barb wire.

        The sad thing about that situation? IMHO, Too many of these pastures have no cattle in them (especially public lands, fall into late spring) dropping some fence lines would help but fact is they don’t need to be as high as they are! Cattle seldom jump over fence lines.

        1. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          We don’t have that, but I have seen fawns trying in vain to get around fences.

          Well, maybe now something can be done? One policeman said that many elk crossing was ‘odd’, but it appears it would be natural migration? Maybe this area is a good candidate for an overpass.

  116. WM Avatar

    …and it continues. Zinke wants the BLM HQ in the West where the land is – Denver? Interesting prospect. I’ve ha more than a passing thought that some federal government functions ought to be have greater presence there, because DC lifetime bureaucrats don’t understand some of the problems unique to the West, especially EPA, USDA – FS, as well as the Park Service. Some of the nitwit bureaucrats that write volume after volume of lengthy and often just plain goofy federal regulations and policy in the heady air of DC need a dose of reality.

  117. Kathleen Avatar

    Apologies if already posted–just saw this:

    “New study confirms ATVs on back country trails harmful to bears:
    ‘It can potentially affect grizzly bear reproduction,’ says study’s lead author”

  118. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    Above is a link to an invite to a talk and protest on a wildlife killing contest that is taking place over two months on Cape Cod. I am co sponsoring it with Friends of Cape Wildlife. Jon Way is giving the talk and donating his time. Please share. Kathleen thank you and you know what for! Its nice to see some of us having each other’s backs.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      This sounds great!

    2. Kathleen Avatar

      Again, kudos to you, Louise. Would love to be there for the protest…will be there in spirit.

  119. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    Action alert posted on my FB page….
    Make a few calls for wolves please


    Another budget deadline is coming up 2/8/18. This is when deals are made. Wolves have been sold out before‼️Their lives, the Endangered Species Act and so much more is at stake! THIS is the time to call, tweet and email! Say NO toxic riders to impact the ESA and no riders to delist the grey wolf in this country!!! FULL protections for the grey wolf, the rare and endangered red wolf and the Mexican ( grey/lobo ) wolf. Say NO to taking away our rights for JUDICIAL REVIEW. ( this would spell the end.. as you see happening in the slaughter states of Idaho and Montana. ) They cannot take that constitutional right away – tell your reps in Washington! (see below)

    Congress already sold out the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge – and all the wildlife that depends on it – to pass tax reform. The appropriations bill is their next target.

    You need to ACT NOW to tell your Senators and Representatives that NO DEAL that compromises the ESA/EPA and/or allows the passing of environmentally harmful provisions or riders is acceptable. To allow private special interest profit/asset stripping of public lands and wildlife of this country (that are held in public trust for future generations) would bring yet more SHAME on this government both at home and internationally! UPHOLD the public trust. Say NO DEALS HERE!!!

    There are many bills in both the Senate and House at the moment that contain provisions or sections that, if passed, would negatively impact wolves, other wildlife, the Endangered Species Act, the Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Air, Clean Water, the right to judicial review etc. Several Democrats caved in on DACA to allow the Gov’t to return following a brief shutdown. Don’t allow them to cave in on these issues also!

    Public trust, public wildlife, public lands, public health, and the constitutional right to hold legislators accountable by way of judicial review are NOT bargaining chips to be given away to special interests just to allow government to conclude its business in time for the holidays!

    Remember the outcome of back room deals in 2011? If current provisions/riders are passed, there is NO WAY BACK this time!!!

    So call your senators and representatives and strongly urge them to reject ANY such damaging provisions or riders.

    Remind them that you are a voter, and you WILL remember their decision making on these matters when the time for re-election comes.

    Howl often. Howl loudly. NO DEALS!

    The two most powerful folks to call first:

    Chuck Schumer:
    Phone: (202) 224-6542

    Dick Durbin:
    Phone: (202) 224-2152

    THEN, call your own members of Congress!

    Find your U.S. Representatives here:
    Find your U.S. Senators here:

    YOU CAN Tweet key targets:

    Sen. Schumer (NY) [Senate Dem leadership] @SenSchumer
    Sen. Durbin (IL) [Senate Dem leadership] @SenatorDurbin
    Sen. Leahy (VT) [Lead Dem on Senate Approps Committee] @SenatorLeahy
    Rep. Pelosi (CA) [House Dem leadership] @NancyPelosi
    Rep. Hoyer (MA) [House Dem leadership] @WhipHoyer
    Rep. Lowey (NY) [Lead Dem on House Approps Committee] @NitaLowey
    Rep. Frelinghuysen (NJ) [Lead R on House Approps Committee] @USRepRodney

    ALSO tweet at your own U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators.

    Here’s a list of U.S. Representative Twitter accounts:
    Here’s a list of U.S. Senator Twitter accounts:

    And here’s some ideas and tweets to get you started:

    – Anti-wildlife and other controversial policy “riders” don’t belong in government spending bills. #StopExtinction

    – The Endangered Species Act is one of America’s most successful laws. Don’t let Congress undermine it via anti-wildlife provisions in spending bills. #StopExtinction

    – An attack on one is an attack on all. Tell your members of Congress to oppose ANY attempt to block Endangered Species Act protections for imperiled species. #StopExtinction

    – Any policy “riders” that block Endangered Species Act protections for specific species undermine the Act itself . #StopExtinction

    – The Endangered Species Act WORKS. Tell your members of Congress to oppose attempts to block protections for vital species. #StopExtinction

    – Tell your reps to oppose budget “riders” to block protections for endangered species. No law has been more important than the Endangered Species Act to #StopExtinction

    – Anti-wildlife members of Congress are putting our nation’s most imperiled wildlife in the crosshairs via policy “riders” in gov’t spending bills. #StopExtinction

    Attacks on the #EndangeredSpeciesAct are unnecessary & anti-wildlife provisions should not be added on to spending bills! #StopExtinction

    1. rork Avatar

      I really can’t find the details of these things out on the web. Our DNR is not that forthcoming. When articles do come out I often cannot tell how they are sourced. I think they should keep a public log of the complaints, compensations, and actions.

  120. Louise kane Avatar
    Louise kane

    Undersecretary assured the continued use of cyabide m44
    This administration is corrupt to the core
    I detest trump and all the monsters that support him
    Monster is too mild of a word
    What do you call people willing to destroy a Democracy, ruin monuments, parks and wilderness areas, kill wildlife on an unprecedented scale and to steal from the middle and Loweet classes, while spewing bs through cadaver grins
    Paul Ryan posting about Twinkie’s and how the tax raise will help with a year membership of Costco
    The mssses waiting in line to drink the poison kook aid
    What is wrong with people?

  121. Kathleen Avatar

    Photos: “Coyote carcasses adorn roadside tree near West Augusta” (VA)

    I have no words for this.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Lynch mob mentality still with us.

    2. Immer Treue Avatar
      Immer Treue

      After reading this, naturally, the comments follow. One of the comments belongs to someone who has (dis)graced the pages of TWN in the distant and recent past, in the guise of many pseudo names. His real name is of little importance, but his continued message is. His ego is the anesthesia that deadens his stupidity. This allows one to revisit the article, and no matter how one views it, not a good day for humanity.

    3. Nancy Avatar

      One of those nice little “lily white” communities, prevalent in that part of VA. Check out the crime stats – above average in rape & robbery.

      Killing wildlife & displaying it, is probably their only source of entertainment, when not abusing each other…..

      1. Kathleen Avatar

        These stats are extremely telling…rape risk is near off the chart. Rape is a crime of violence–power, domination–so yes, it does make sense.

  122. Louise kane Avatar
    Louise kane

    Collaboration paid off
    Friends of Cape wildlife
    Boston animals save
    Me and Jon
    Had an estimated 140 to 180 at Jon’s pre protest talk
    With 125 at height of protest
    Cape cod times
    Boston globe
    Channel 7 and Fox News covering
    Many folks drove from all over MA
    And All asking how do we change the laws?

    1. Nancy Avatar

      Way to go, Louise & Jon!

  123. Kathleen Avatar


    “Animal rights activists and hunters face off in Hyannis over coyote hunting contest”

    Looks like the counter-protester originally had a spelling error on his sign?!?

    If you haven’t taken the time to scroll through the outfitter’s FB page posts–a real horror show–find it here:

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      Here’s just one post of note from the FB page cited above: In s photo, a group of people, including four small children, gather around the mangled and bloody corpses of coyotes. The post reads: “The next generation of hunters.”
      One comment reads, “You know these kids have had an absolutely great upbringing from their parents to be able to go into the field and harvest and keep Predators out.”

      Another attacks Jon Way’s credentials as an expert with this:
      “…that’s what qualifies him as a doctor and author. Nothing you just cited qualifies him as an expert. I’ve read through his self founded research, the fact that it not only contains but is TITLED after an non existent animal (coywolf) doesn’t instill a lot of confidence in the research he has collected thus far.”

      This is truly the Age of Trump.

      1. timz Avatar

        Kathleen could you point him out,I didn’t see Trump in any of the pictures.

        These hunts have been going on long before “The Age of Trump”

        1. Kathleen Avatar

          I’m not talking about the hunts. I’m talking about the distrust and outright denial of science, timz. Of course, anti-intellectualism is nothing new in America, either.

      2. Louise Avatar

        Yes Kathleen
        Not surprisingly if you get sucked into it there is a great deal of trump support on the fb pages if these people

        Truly they are the dregs
        Last night, after a week of threats, I came home exhausted and at about 1 pm some creep called breathing heavy into the phone and then said in a horribly creepy frightening hillbilly style voice, gonna get me some coyotes, gonna get me coyote woman. I locked the doors shut my shades and must admit was freaked out. I’ve called the police and reported. I’ve lived here on and off my whole life we never locked a door
        Now I’m getting a security system
        Now I watch myself in woods that I never have a thought to walking lAte at night even
        It’s really creepy how dedicated these people are to slaughtering coyotes
        The worst part of that call was thinking about how the coyotes have no protection from the monsters
        And they are monsters
        The good news
        We are learning every time how to organize
        How to collaborate
        And most of the people that came all expressed a big interest in how to change laws
        In the last two days a local lawyer who had tried a case in federal court with the seashore has offered to help
        We are having discussions with a local
        Wildlife group whose members are 4000 and others to start a focus group to protect predators and link it with our carnivore conservation act snd setting up meetings with legislators
        And we have the work we are doing with pEER
        This is grassroots
        It feels good
        And we are making headway
        I’ll keep you updated

        And for anyone concerned with my use if the word hillbilly
        It comes from experience
        My husband is from Asheville N.C.
        I lived in different places in the south
        There is s menacing hillbilly vernacular that the caller either perfected or was authentic and I suspect it was the latter

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      I was going to ask how things went, Louise! I wasn’t able to make it this time, but another time I would love to listen to Jon Way’s presentation.

      Also, I would love to make a donation, and to support wildlife closer to home – as much as I love the West.

      1. Louise Avatar

        We may be setting up a fund to support jons work

        Jon has federal
        Permits to study coyotes in the national seashore but no funding and he was let go recently for posting the petition on his personal website

        He has really suffered a great deal for publishing research that conflicts with the state’s carnivore policies

        Independent scientists have little protection or buffers from retaliation by state wildlife agencies

        To read the testimonial go to eastern coyote research

        I’ll keep you updated about this emerging idea

    3. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Just reading the article in the Boston Globe:

      “Hunters said they are protecting people and domestic animals from coyotes that are encroaching into populated areas.”

      Encroaching? It is people who have been encroaching into wild areas, more and more, and driving the wildlife into ever smaller areas, and forcing them into populated areas. Where else are they going to go?

      It’s also very dismaying to learn that we have been ‘infiltrated’ by well known anti-government groups. One of the bluest states in the nation.

      1. Louise Avatar

        I posted numerous citations to rebut some of the overpopulation claims and to illustrate the role of predators the contest promoters take them all down

        I invited them to the talk saying they would be welcomed

        They are not interested in learning or being rational or humane

        This lack of interest in facts more than anything is why coyotes and predators need protection

        In this world of fake news predator hunters have fake news down to a science
        Repeat the lies, hysteria, hyperbole enough and the myths turn into facts to these people. Tbe heartbreaking part was watching their kids look embarrassed as we the speakers used the platform to rebut the contest claims. Some of the kids were looking at the ground, others looked shocked and confused when we talked about coyotes being members of the canid family and that they were wild dogs

        Normal children don’t hate and live to kill they are indoctrinated into insensitivity and cruelty. It’s appslling our state agencies don’t recognize this

        The Ma furbearer told me he saw no evidence of predator killing contests or effort escalating

        Very disturbing
        Thanks for the interest everybody

        1. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          It is very disturbing that these people could possibly be my next door neighbor. 🙁 It wasn’t always this way.

          How in the heck did they even get a permit I wonder, this kind of thing is coming under scrutiny even where they had been a regular thing – unless I just don’t realize. 🙁

        2. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          At least you and Jon were able to speak out about it. I thank you both very much. And I was glad to see the Globe cover it – I don’t know if there was anything on NECN.

        3. Kathleen Avatar

          “Normal children don’t hate and live to kill they are indoctrinated into insensitivity and cruelty. It’s appslling our state agencies don’t recognize this”

          Actually, the state agencies rely on it. The children are the next generation of hunters who will fund the agency. What we need is an entirely new funding structure for state agencies not entirely dependent on license sales and Pittman-Robertson funds. You might find this interesting, Louise…

          “The Problem of State Wildlife Management Institutions” from WY Wildlife Advocates. You have already gotten a start on their recommendations with your opposition to the coyote killing contest:

          “Only where and when appropriate, exploit wildlife management practices that are particularly offensive to the broader public to create incidents which, in turn, create a public sphere within which these practices can be critiqued and alternatives promoted.”

  124. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    The permit requirement has caused problems even out West. If they are offering prizes, should they require a permit? I wonder if complaints can be made to lawmakers and F&W agencies.

    Hunting them is one thing – but a contest encourages more killing and is irresponsible, not even close to responsible wildlife management. One of the guys in the article has made it into a grudge match between himself and a coyote!

    I’d keep putting the signs up. Maybe it is something people just aren’t used to here. And people do need to take responsibility for their own pets. I’ve seen people in bird sanctuaries not only bringing dogs where there are signs asking them not to, but letting them run off leash! Then they would be upset if something happened.

    What a grotesque event – I would have not wanted to see dead animals being brought in, confused children, and nitwits having a barbecue during killing.

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      Animal Legal Defense Fund has taken a WY contest to court over gambling and prizes…outcome is here:

      “One of the guys in the article has made it into a grudge match between himself and a coyote!”
      I noticed that, too…some men see predators as competitors. I’ve only just begun this book, but it’s really excellent–just want to mention it again: “Coyote America: A natural and supernatural history.” Here’s an interview with the author, and you just have to see the gorgeous photo at the top of the page!

  125. Kathleen Avatar

    Here’s another coyote story with a hysterical, over-blown headline: “Orange county man saves family from coyote”

    Wow, saves his family from the attacking snarling menace? No. The coyote was “standing about 50 feet from the boundary fence” and by the time the guy “secured his family in the house” and grabbed a gun the coyote was more than 500 yards away and moving off…but was killed nonetheless. “”I just wanted to protect my family and protect my livestock.”

    Includes video:

    1. timz Avatar

      All they left was the head. Wonder if they were going to mount it on the wall in the den.

  126. Immer Treue Avatar
    Immer Treue

    Interesting. Let’s see how Jim Beers spins this as the fault of Obama and wolves.

    A major American gunmaker embroiled in controversy reportedly plans to file for bankruptcy — and Trump’s election may have been the final nail in the coffin – Business Insider
    A major American gunmaker embroiled in controversy reportedly plans to file for bankruptcy — and Trump’s election may have been the final nail in the coffin – Business Insider

  127. Kathleen Avatar

    Dateline: Salt Lake City
    “Vandals leave message supporting Bears Ears at Capitol”

    Excerpt: “Zinke was met by protesters Friday as members of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and other environmental activists gathered outside the Salt Palace Convention Center, where Zinke attended the Western Hunting & Conservation Expo.

    “At a press conference Friday, Zinke said there was “no chance” the boundary reductions at Bears Ears would be revisited by his office, despite the repeated protests.”

  128. Kathleen Avatar

    “Trump Wants To Give Ryan Zinke The Power To Approve Pipelines In National Parks:
    Obtaining congressional approval is “time consuming,” the administration’s infrastructure plan states. So the president wants to defer to his Interior Secretary.”

    “Zinke Ties National Parks Fixes To Oil, Gas Profits On Public Lands”

    “Interior Secretary Zinke launches push to save habitat for wildlife and boost hunting”

    Excerpt: “Improving habitat and migration corridors across the West will help expand opportunities for big game hunting, a goal, federal officials said. That habitat is concentrated in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming​.”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Just don’t know what to say. 🙁

  129. Kathleen Avatar

    Sorry, just one more. This is as bad as it gets without just outright abolishing NPS.

    “National parks are the real losers in Trump’s budget and infrastructure proposals:
    Trump’s budget calls for extreme cuts to national parks”

    Excerpt: “The president’s budget proposal once again demonstrates that the administration is actively working to undermine our national parks and the environment on which they depend,” John Garder, senior director of budget and appropriations at the National Parks Conservation Association, said in a statement.

    “National parks draw millions of visitors every year, and need more resources, not less. Choking off funding for staff who protect our national parks puts our country’s natural, cultural and historical heritage at risk.”

  130. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    With all of the budget cuts, I was happy to see this one (from the HSUS Legislative Fund’s website “Animals and Politics”:)

    “On the positive side, it’s good to see that the President’s FY19 budget proposal again recommends cutting federal subsidies for the USDA’s Wildlife Services program that uses tax dollars to carry out lethal predator control programs, despite the availability of more humane and potentially more effective alternatives. This reduction specifically includes a decrease of $56,343,000 for the Wildlife Damage Management program and a $35,775,000 cut for Wildlife Services’ Operational Activities. We hope the Administration will press Congress to follow through on this policy shift, and reduce this government subsidy for toxic poisons, steel-jawed leghold traps, aerial gunning, and other inhumane practices that kill predators and non-target species such as family pets.”


    1. Nancy Avatar

      Heartbreaking, these photos, Immer.

      Can only hope they inspire more folks to speak out and take a stand against the cruelty/insanity of the trapping industry in this country.

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine

        Yes. The tone of the article was lots better too, some actual concern from citizens and the police. Hopefully, incidents like this will bring more awareness.

  131. WM Avatar

    RMEF’s David Allen writes in the Durango Herald, Colorado not too keen on reintro of wolves. Interesting conclusions based on some studies. Perhaps some unjustified anti-wolf interpretation liberties taken.

    But here’s the kicker. It looks like Scott Rockhead (‘er ah, Rockholm, sorry), is still around making dumb statements. I though maybe he had gotten out and got a real job, or was eaten by a wolf. Guess not.

    And, for those who are not familiar with CO, it has the largest elk population in the US, at around 300,000, if I recall. It also has the largest migratory mule deer herd in the country. Big game hunting is an important industry geographically to rural CO, as is running cattle or sheep in the high country on private lands, and sometimes on BLM or FS grazing allotments.

    CO has been pretty clear they don’t want wolves, under federal protection, just like the states which surround CO to the north and west (WY, UT, NM, AZ corner) which have wolves. The states around them to the east, SD, NE, OK, and TX are not too keen on federally protected wolves either. Don’t expect CO to be a shrinking violet, if this heats up.

      1. WM Avatar

        Test for Immer,

        1. Immer Treue Avatar
          Immer Treue

          Just trying to open dialogue. Odd, but recently I’ve been blasted by both pro and anti-wolf folks. Brought this sort on conundrum up to one of Mech’s associates a short while ago and she said, He must be doing something right.

          Interesting article and follow up comments. mish-mash of truths, half-truths, lies and cherry picking.

          I think everyone on this site understands my position on wolves, so.

          That whole wolves changing the course of rivers propaganda is coming full circle to bite folks in the ass. And Allen refers to Middleton’s article in NY Times.

          “What is interesting, the anti-wolf folks understand and use the Middleton piece as proof that The wolves changing the course of rivers is BS, yet avoid like the plague this paragraph.
          “This bitterness has led a vocal minority of Westerners to popularize their own myths about the reintroduced wolves: They are a voracious, nonnative strain. The government lies about their true numbers. They devastate elk herds, spread elk diseases, and harass elk relentlessly — often just for fun.”

          As an aside, when the original Middleton study on elk in that region came out, in regard to elk migration, climate change and wolf impact, the anti-wolfers, one who has commented on WM’s link, had their shorts in a bunch as to who funded the study.
          “Study must have been funded by Earth Justice or Ralph Maughan”.

          Truth be told, the funders, who were listed (more proof of selective reading were posted, included:- WY Game and Fish Dept.; Wyoming Animal Damage Management; US Fish and Wildlife Service; Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation; Boone and Crocket Club; Bow Hunters of Wyoming; Safari Club International.

          Rockholm. Everybody’s still waiting with baited breath for his book and movie, while he continues posts such as wolves killed all the Isle Royale Moose

          “For those of you who do not know the truth about Isle Royale; It is quite possible the single greatest failure in wildlife experiments. Without going into great detail, I will try to bring it to the simplest terms possible.

          As any third-grader would guess, the wolves had finally killed off all the moose, and eventually died themselves. Now these geniuses want to bring in more wolves, and start the racket all over again. This is insane and criminal.”

          A picture with a 188 pound wolf shot in Montana.

          David Mech, someone vilified at times by both sides of the wolf issue said it best in his Is Science in Danger of Sanctifying the Wolf

          “The wolf is neither saint nor sinner except to those who want to make it so”.

          1. Ida Lupine Avatar
            Ida Lupine

            Oh yes. I know discussions can get heated at times.

          2. WM Avatar

            +1 Immer

          3. Jeremy B. Avatar
            Jeremy B.

            Using hyperbole to accuse others of hyperbole. At least Mech has a sense of irony.

          4. Mareks Vilkins Avatar
            Mareks Vilkins

            Brought this sort on conundrum up to one of Mech’s associates a short while ago and she said, He must be doing something right.

            wolf biologists is NOT a homogenous crowd.

            in Poland and Germany where wolf hunting is banned since 1998 – wolf biologists represent wolf cull at zero % of the wolf population

            however in other places wolf biologists who are under POLITICAL pressure try to sell the mantra that ‘population matters and individual wolves – don’t’. So it’s ok to kill 30-40% of the wolf population annually.

            saints/sinners rhetoric maybe is ok for the US public which was established by religious fundamentalists but in more secular societies such rhetoric/phrasing is outdated and a tad tacky

            1. Immer Treue Avatar
              Immer Treue

              I believe the statement is analogy, that borrows both from his paper Is Science in Danger of Sanctifying the Wolf, and needless to say, those who continue to maintain and develop their own evil fairy tales of the wolf.

              1. Immer Treue Avatar
                Immer Treue

                Nothing to do with religion.

    1. Jeremy B. Avatar
      Jeremy B.

      “CO has been pretty clear they don’t want wolves…”

      This is a bit misleading. Colorado’s agency has made it clear that THEY don’t want wolves. Colorado’s public, on the other hand, has made it clear that they do want wolves (once in a study in the late ’90s, and more recently in polling presented this past year at a conference on wolves sponsored by the state chapter of the Wildlife Society).

      Like Michigan, Colorado’s wildlife agency is now in the business of expressly overruling the expressed desires of the people. Lessons in great governance.

      1. WM Avatar

        My recollection of speaking with one of the academics on CO’s state wolf Committee made it pretty clear to me several years ago, the appetite was not there in the agency, and at the many county commissions, ag businesses, and a number of other entities who perceived they would be adversely affected by wolves.

        Even Senator Mark Udall (Boulder resident and Udall family legacy politician and whose wife Maggie Fox is a big environmental figure in the state) had a hard time walking the line. Mark got beat in the last US Senate election by an R, by the way. I don’t think Cory Gardner is much into wolves, and that is probably being reflected on the national scene.

        While the interest for reintroduction of wolves might be there in the “polls,” the reality is better reflected in duly elected officials which still are the voice of the state on policy, not just the “agency.”

        1. WM Avatar

          Forgot to mention, the National Western Stock Show & Rodeo were just last month, as was the huge International Sportsmans Exposition (where all the guides from Western states and goods manufacturers rub elbows with prospective clients and other hunters and fishers). These are big draw events bringing in folks of that ilk from all over the country, and I bet there was even quite a bit of talk of wolves with folks in the adjacent states that have them.

        2. Jeremy B. Avatar
          Jeremy B.

          “While the interest for reintroduction of wolves might be there in the ‘polls,’ the reality is better reflected in duly elected officials which still are the voice of the state on policy, not just the ‘agency.’”

          So what you’re saying is, “it ain’t just the agency, it’s other policy-makers.” My reply is this: in a representative democracy we expect that policy will generally reflect the will of the public (i.e., public opinion). So your statement, while factually accurate, describes the symptom of a problem– i.e., lack of good governance. Put simply, when government prioritizes the interests of the few over the interests of the many, it isn’t something to be celebrated, but rather, cause for alarm. Unfortunately, this condition is all too common today. Witness efforts to undermine the ESA (despite the fact that ~85% of the public supports the law), double down on greenhouse gases producing non-renewable energy, and the ‘no way, no how’ response to controlling gun violence via control of firearms (for examples). Wolves are yet another case of republican lawmakers who continuously place the interests of well-funded industry ahead of the very people they allegedly represent.

          1. WM Avatar

            Not to get too far off topic, JB, but here in Seattle we have a growing homeless population. A certain percentage of that population are substance abusers. The general public doesn’t like what is going on. No polls done, but nearly everyone has an opinion which seems to be drastically different than the course of action taken by our policy makers (Mayor and a very left leaning City Council bordering on socialist- even one declared one on Council). Bad governance or should the electorate have their say and boot these homeless druggers from any public property which they currently occupy (and which could be done under existing ordinances).

            I tend to believe elected officials are given a certain amount of license to be the “thinkers for the people,” at least for some time, until it is time to elect new ones.

            By the way, I’d like to see some of these druggers and substance abusers gone. But, I dont’ feel competent to know the complexities of what to do with them. Perhaps my elected officials (and their trained staffs do).

            1. Jeremy B. Avatar
              Jeremy B.


              First, I’m not convinced that–were it to come to a vote– a majority of Seattle residents would vote to forcibly remove homeless people. There are, of course, options available to policy makers that fall between doing nothing and forcibly removing homeless people, and I suspect that, given the choice, citizens would choose one of those options.

              I would characterize the obligation of elected officials a bit differently then ‘thinking for the people’; rather, I would argue that elected officials are sometimes put in a position of sorting out stated preferences from interests. When I teach about governance I make the analogy of a parent picking foods for a child. If it were left to the child’s preferences, they would eat nothing but cake, candy and treats, but it is in their interest to eat fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.

              In the cases I presented (above), I would argue that you’d have a hard time selling the idea that the preferences of the people are misaligned with their long-term interests. Again, I’m not sure what to think in your Seattle case?

              The bottom line is this: policy that reflects the public will can lead to a tyranny of the majority, which is democratic, but not necessarily wise. On the other hand, tyranny of the minority is worse– it is not democratic, nor necessarily wise.

  132. Kathleen Avatar

    An unending assault by the oligarchs and kleptocrats: “THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TARGETS MARINE MAMMALS…AGAIN”

    Excerpt: “The Marine Mammal Commission a legally mandated body under the US Marine Mammal Protection Act which “provides independent oversight of the marine mammal conservation policies and programs being carried out by federal regulatory agencies”. It is the only US Agency which provides unbiased oversite on the science, policies and management of marine mammals in the US. According to a statement from the Chair of the Marine Mammal Commission, the newly proposed FY2019 budget released by the Trump Administration eliminates funding for this Agency.”

    1. Immer Treue Avatar
      Immer Treue


      1. Nancy Avatar


        1. Immer Treue Avatar
          Immer Treue

          I’ve been trying to respond to WM and I continue to get a 404. Didn’t know if site was down or if replying to WM was blocked.

  133. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Bird sightings:

    I’m taking part again this year in the Great BackYard BirdCount – I went down to the beach to count any waterbirds. A snowy owl swooped down about ten feet away from me, and decided to set for a spell. What a sight!

    For anyone who might be interested, it’s this weekend:

    1. G.O.P. Avatar

      Yes!. This president, his entire family and his corrupt foreign government dealings from new york; are bad for Nature and for the environment.

      What are You going to do!.

      We environmentalists in this country hunter and (carrying) NON Hunters alike want to know!.

  134. Nancy Avatar

    A very live glimpse of what wildlife endures (2 eggs so far in this nest) 2 Dads & a Mom. A unique relationship in nature.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      I don’t know. Constant disruption of the sea bed has to cause problems for marine life as well as commercial fishermen – not to mention birds. Trying to survive and adapt is different than ‘thriving’, IMO.

      Smaller scale wind I don’t mind, some places only need a few, so the damage is limited. But the large scale farms to me are bad news, not a utopian solution. I don’t know why people have to do everything big.

  135. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Barnacles growing on the submerged portion of turbines isn’t my idea of a thriving underwater ecosystem.

  136. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    It’s really too soon to be touting large scale windfarms as a benefit to the environment, or even helpful. Let’s see what ‘preliminary studies’ (and long-term studies) show:

    “For marine mammals, it’s the wind turbine construction phase for that has the biggest impact, according to marine biologist and consultant Victoria Todd, who has spent years studying seals, dolphins and whales around wind farms and drilling rigs.

    The loud sound pulses during construction affect some species up to 12.5 miles (20 kilometers) distant.

    Harbor porpoises, for example, are especially sensitive to the frequencies generated by pile driving — the process of installing poles into the ocean floor for the wind turbine foundations.

    For up to six weeks, construction can push out marine mammals from large areas of their habitat, Todd said, explaining that offshore operators are bound to strict measures to try and ensure that marine mammals are not physically hurt.”

    Apparently some of the marine mammals do return, but what studies show any damage or injury they might receive?

    Just imagine construction and drilling going on all over our oceans at any given time. Where are they going to escape to? It’s immoral, and propaganda. We never volunteer to cut back our usage, or do things on a smaller scale.

    1. Nancy Avatar

      Things can be done to minimize the impact of wind farms on wildlife but fact is, continuing to depend on fossil fuels, has resulted in far more wildlife deaths and destruction of habitat.

  137. Carl Safina Avatar

    A number of biologists have recently made the argument that extinction is part of evolution and that saving species need not be a conservation priority. But this revisionist thinking shows a lack of understanding of evolution—and an ignorance of the natural world.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Yes. It’s to an unnatural, accelerated degree now. Thanks for such a great article! I hate to see biologists and conservations throw their hands up in resignation and give up.

  138. Kathleen Avatar

    “Animals Are Losing Their Vagility, or Ability to Roam Freely”

    “A global study of 57 species of mammals, published in the journal Science, has found that wildlife move far less in landscapes that have been altered by humans, a finding that could have implications for a range of issues, from how well natural systems function to finding ways to protect migratory species.”

    “Predators may suffer more than other animals from restricted movement because they range over wider areas and encounter more development as they roam. “Wolves are caught in a pinball game, stuck between fences and highways and they can’t get around as much as wolves in wilder situations,” said Mark Hebblewhite, a wildlife biologist at the University of Montana who has a long running study on wolves and elk in British Columbia and contributed data to the new paper.”

  139. Yvette Avatar

    I’ve been out of pocket for a while so if anyone posted this already I’m sorry for the dup.

    But man!

  140. Yvette Avatar

    And there is this:

    The agency in January 2016 put collars on four wolves and 57 elk in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. Western Watersheds Project and other conservation groups sued.

    “Winmill ruled that the U.S. Forest Service broke environmental laws by authorizing Fish and Game to land helicopters in the wilderness to collar elk. Idaho also collared four wolves in an action the Forest Service didn’t authorize. Fish and Game blamed miscommunication with a helicopter crew.”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Good to see you, Yvette!

  141. Kathleen Avatar

    Kudos to this animal services manager in Carrolton, TX (with the unfortunate name of Shooter) for his calm, rational approach to increased wildlife sightings in neighborhoods. At a time when hysteria (think coyotes)and an eradication mentality rule the day, this guy says:

    “’For a long time bobcats were not common, but as the undeveloped properties become developed, and their habitat has become limited, we’re seeing more and more of all wildlife. Seeing this wildlife does not necessarily mean we have a wildlife problem. It just means we have wildlife in our community,’ said Carl Shooter, Carrollton Animal Services manager.”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Very nice. 🙂

  142. Kathleen Avatar

    Way to go, Idaho legislature! Good grief. This segment was on the PBS Newshour last night…regarding the ID legislature…

    “…which this month voted again, this time deleting one science standard that linked air pollution with fossil fuels, and scrapping pages and pages of content that backed up every area of science instruction, including global warming.”

    “Some states are trying to downplay teaching of climate change. Teachers see ‘educational malpractice’” segment can be viewed here:

  143. Kathleen Avatar

    Trump Forest: A global initiative to plant trees

    From website: “Trump wants to bring back coal despite scientists telling us we cannot afford to burn it, and despite economists telling us there’s more money and jobs in renewable energy.

    “So we’re planting a forest to soak up the extra greenhouse gases Trump plans to put into our atmosphere.

    “We’re planting a global forest to offset Trump’s monumental stupidity.”


    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      I have always wondered if this contributes to the tick problem in moose, because they are restricted to less area?

  144. Kathleen Avatar

    “Interior Secretary Zinke asked for confidential energy data. So two scientists left.”

    Excerpt: “Two senior U.S. Geological Survey officials have stepped down after Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke asked that they provide his office with confidential data on the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska before it was released to the general public.
    …’This is simply a matter of them wanting to control information.’”

    “Interior Department reorganization could change how national parks, public lands are managed”

    Excerpt: ““We’re chiefly concerned about the lack of detail, in particular for a Park Service that has been struggling with considerably insufficient staffing and other budgetary challenges,” said John Garder, a senior director with the National Parks Conservation Association.

    “Garder said the Park Service is currently operating with 11 percent fewer employees than just five years ago. “While there may be opportunities for efficiencies, which are always welcome, we don’t want to see the role of the National Park Service diminished,” he said.”

  145. Kathleen Avatar

    An addendum to the discussion above about returning wolves to Colorado. Even tho I’m now a Colorado resident, and one who loves wolves, after living in western Montana for 18 years in the midst of virulent wolf hatred, my enthusiasm is tempered. This article in the indy Boulder Weekly gives the big picture:

    “Will Coloradans free wolves on the state’s public lands?”

    Excerpt: There is a contingent of opponents to wolf reintroduction headed by the Utah-based lobbying group Big Game Forever (BGF). And at the center of the debate sits the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife (CPW).

    “In Colorado, BGF is led by its director, Denny Behrens, also President Trump’s Colorado Sportsmen coalition chair. BGF believes wolves deserve no federal protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and opposes reintroduction. …

    … “I don’t hate the wolf,” Behrens says. “It’s an awesome creature but it’s like any other predator. It has to be managed. If not, it’s going to continue doing what it’s doing, and it’s causing havoc in certain states.”

    “BGF was founded by Don Peay, former owner of Petroleum Environmental Management, Inc. Peay has called public ownership of lands socialism…”

    Excerpt: “In defense of its position not to support wolf reintroduction in Colorado, CPW (CO Dept. of Parks & Wildlife) has previously stated the agency can’t afford to manage wolves and that the presence of wolves in Colorado may be in conflict with the livestock industry and big game management objectives.”

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      Apologies if already posted. The article is dated Feb. 1 and I see some familiar names in the comments.

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine

        I can’t get the page to load properly. From what I could see, there was one pro-wolf comment that made me chuckle. Something to the effect of ‘these people think Little Red Riding Hood is a scientific study!” lol

        I saw one still chanting the same line about ‘wolves taking all the deer and elk’ despite a study that came out recently saying otherwise?

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      I find it outrageous that Colorado, one of the definitive Western states, won’t bring back its wolves – and that a small but very vocal group runs the show out there.

      Yes, you do see a handful of the same names out there. “I don’t hate them – and they don’t seem like awesome creatures, but they are like any other predator. They have to be managed. If not, they’re going to continue doing what they’re doing, and causing havoc in certain states.”

      Where are the younger people and others? I do see that in the upper lefthand corner there’s a note about an award for the best ‘recreational dispensary’. Maybe with all of the revenue from pot they can ‘afford’ to do other things? Priorities.

      1. Kathleen Avatar

        It’s a trip (pun intended) moving to a state with legalized marijuana. In Cortez (pop. 9000) a sixth dispensary just got a license. (I can tell you that the cannabis topical lotion that I got for arthritis in my hands *really works* –so there’s an endorsement for medical MJ if nothing else.) Some of the tax money is supposed to go to schools, but we still got hit up for a mill levy this past November.

        Colorado is a relief–in terms of attitudes toward animals–after the virulent, in-your-face attitudes in the Northern Rockies, found even in a more progressive place like Missoula. But you can’t scratch the surface too deeply here in CO, or else you find that those ugly attitudes about wolves and coyote-killing contests exist here, too; and you learn that CO Parks & Wildlife poisons prairie dogs by the thousands in state parks ( Wherever you find humans, there you also find speciesism.

        1. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          I’m all for medicinal marijuana use, recreational use feels a bit too hedonistic and self-involved for me.

          Glad to hear though that the state is a little better for wildlife, although I did hear about how bad they are about prairie dogs to make way for those gargantuan shopping malls and housing developments. They want to be the LA of the eastern West is what I read somewhere. Bad idea.

          Equating wolf killing with snowboarding just didn’t sit well with me. Wolf killing is extreme, but not in any desirable way, I don’t think. That guy who shot O-Six should not get one iota of consideration or sympathy. He is a selfish, misguided soul (and I am being kind here). He is just what he doesn’t want anyone to think of him as.

          1. Ida Lupine Avatar
            Ida Lupine

            And for those who are not familiar with Don Peay, here’s an older article from TWN. Talk about mismanagement of funds, how do they get away with it? Is he planning on buying CO’s division of wildlife too?


    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Good grief. There must be a conflict of interest in there somewhere?

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Zinke seems to run that department like an autocracy – he doesn’t seem to care about conflicts of interest, mismanagement of funds, etc. 🙁

    3. Kathleen Avatar

      “The NRA is using national parks to advance its extreme agenda:
      The National Rifle Association is becoming increasingly cozy with Trump’s Interior Department”

      “Time and again the NRA has demonstrated a cunning ability to eliminate regulations, preserve loopholes, and sell more guns. Now it seems the organization has found the Department of the Interior and the political appointees charged with overseeing America’s national parks as willing participants in advancing its agenda.”

      Of course they’re willing participants–trophy hunter Donald Jr. and the NRA put Zinke (unqualified, unprincipled poser that he is) in charge.

      1. Louise kane Avatar
        Louise kane

        Zinke just placed wayne la Pierre’s wife as a board member of the national parks
        Sleazy sob that he is

  146. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    ^^or nepotism.

    What’s the most dismaying about CO I think is that it is supposedly a liberal, blue state. What are they doing out there? MT, ID and Wy are conservative, so anti-wolf sentiment comes with the territory – but CO? It’s concerned me for years. I hope people that are attending this latest meeting attempt do a lot more than howl.

    Also, the book promotion angle is concerning – it seems to want to redeem the wolf killers, and polish up their bad image. Equating what they do with ‘snowboarding’ (according to the Boulder Weekly link) is insidious. Snowboarders don’t have it as their agenda to eradicate wolves, and to not allow the rest of us to have them either, due to vile, unshakable beliefs. Even the majority of hunters don’t all fall to the level of the angry, violent wolf killers.

  147. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    This is why I have so little faith in either party. The Democrats are only marginally better than the Conservatives (barely registering). But I have been a little slow on the uptake – I thought that if we could work with the current administration it might help mitigate the damage. But now I feel I must jump on the bandwagon and block everything objectionable for the next four years. And ‘the hope of the future’ (God help us) who didn’t vote better get their butts out there this time.

  148. Nancy Avatar

    “According to the researchers, commercial fishing operations covered at last 55 percent of the world’s oceans. That area, it calculates, is four times larger than the area devoted to agriculture on land”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Providing food for nearly eight billion people is an extensive proposition, it’s true – land or sea.

  149. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    I just don’t want to see hunting and wolf hunting, and even recreational sports, linked together and the anti-wolf attitudes considered part of hunting and recreation. They aren’t always.

    There’s a selfish, vindictive attitude that ordinary hunters don’t have with wolf hunters – unwilling to work together and defer at least the collared wolves for nature lovers, for the National Parks, and for visitors the world over to enjoy. They want to deprive others of the joy of having and seeing wildlife because of God-knows-why. They can at least, where possible, defer killing a collared wolf for the sake of others, and leave the Park wolves along. But they wont. In fact, they mean-spiritedly target the Park’s wolves and the collared ones deliberately, and harass environmentalists by sending photos out, and sending threats out.

    So that is not hunting – and it is terribly dismaying that O-Six’s killer is being held up as just a sympathetic, put-upon hunter. The author is obviously new to the game.
    Just wait until the public lands and parks are privatized. Then you’ll see a separation of the real hunters and the haters – the men from the angry little boys.

    Unless we consider venting anger and frustration by killing part of recreation, which we usually frown on today. But we’re a hypocritical society many times.

    I guess I’ll have to vote Green Party. It may not make much difference (yet), but like everything else I do that makes no difference – recycling like crazy, driving an hybrid car, giving up red meat – I’ll feel better knowing I’m doing the right thing.

  150. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    ^^or the threat of public lands privatization, I should say. Most hunters oppose it. Don Peay thinks the public lands are socialism.

  151. Kathleen Avatar

    For you birders (talkin’ to you, Ida…and others)

    “‘One in a million’ yellow cardinal spotted in Alabama”

    Great photo AND video here:

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Wow! Thanks!

  152. Kathleen Avatar

    “Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke wins 2017 Rubber Dodo Award”

    Excerpt: “Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is the winner of the Center for Biological Diversity’s 2017 Rubber Dodo award, presented to the person who has most aggressively sought to destroy America’s natural heritage or drive endangered species extinct.”

    “Zinke won the Rubber Dodo award after an online contest where tens of thousands of people were asked to choose between him, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah) and Sonny Perdue, head of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.”

    That was some stiff competition. I can’t think of a more deserving recipient.

    1. Nancy Avatar

      Ah, yes, political and not about wildlife but worth putting out there given how other countries view the US and an obsession with guns/rights etc.

      1. Nancy Avatar

        And just so we’re clear here on what the 2nd Amendment was actually all about:

        1. Mat-ters Avatar

          Nancy, I’m not going to even discuss your fake news article…. I’ll let the founding fathers speak for themselves.

          My favorite is: Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

          1. Nancy Avatar

            Oh but please do Mat-ters, discuss this so called “fake news” article. Inquiring minds want to know.

            “So, the Second Amendment read: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Contrary to some current right-wing fantasies about the Framers wanting to encourage popular uprisings over grievances, the language of the amendment is clearly aimed at maintaining order within the country”

            Oh and here are some words from KIDS, (via John Oliver) who are sick and tired of being targets in this sick debate that’s gone on for too long:


            AND a big thumbs up to this business that may be getting a clue:


            1. Immer Treue Avatar
              Immer Treue


            2. Jeremy B. Avatar
              Jeremy B.


              You forgot to mention that the ‘arms’ of the times were muzzle-loaders. I think it’s safe to assume that the founding fathers never contemplated modern assault weapons. And if the SCOTUS decides that the 2nd amendment forbids bans on such weapons (they haven’t!), that may be an indication that it is time to replace that particular AMENDMENT to the Constitution.

              1. Nancy Avatar

                About 14 minutes in on the Jim Jeffries video Immer posted… 🙂

              2. WM Avatar

                I think the argument about what type of weapon the Constitution inferred by the founding fathers also did not contemplate the level of sophisticated weaponry of the “state,” as well. Muskets for the citizen militia, and what for everyone else in the 21st Century? A Constitutional amendment may be in order, but suspect that may be an interesting and arduous journey.

                1. Jeremy B. Avatar
                  Jeremy B.

                  Indeed. After some reflection, I’m a bit ashamed at myself for getting drawn into the ‘what did our founding fathers think’ logic, as it too relies on a fallacy. The second amendment was ratified 227 years ago, and truth be told, life has changed a bit since then. In 1870 (less than 150 years ago) roughly half of the US population was employed in agriculture; today it is less 2%. At that time the idea that one would need to ‘post’ their land against hunting was completely foreign–hunters (as well as everyone else) enjoyed the ‘right’ to access uncultivated and unfenced lands. And, of course, in addition to modern weapons we might talk about modern cities, cars, airplanes, medicine, etc., ad nauseum. Point is– we live in a different world, and those differences, along with our exceptionally high rate of gun violence are (or rather, should be) cause for some serious reflection on just how much we’re willing to trade the lives of our citizens for the freedom to own any goddamn type of weapon we want. Me, I’m happy with the bow and the shotgun; they’re welcome to the rest.

              3. JEFF E Avatar
                JEFF E

                The argument that the arms at the time that the 2nd amendment was framed were muskets and that the founding fathers never contemplated modern assault weapons is at best a specious one.

                Almost certainly most or all of the founding fathers were aware of the advances in weaponry thorough the ages and just as certainly had no reason to believe that that the pinnacle of invention had been reached. In fact one of many…..

              4. rork Avatar

                I believe they already had the muzzleloaders we call cannons back in the day, and I suspect the militias would even practice using them on occasion. Cannons are extremely effective weapons.

                Disclaim: I’m not a gun rights activist by any means.

                1. JEFF E Avatar
                  JEFF E

                  At one time I had a neighbor who had a cannon that he had restored. About once a year he would take it out and torch a few off. pretty fun actually.

            3. Mat-ters Avatar

              I see ….. making policy based on the views of “KIDS” ….

              “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
              ― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

              1. Nancy Avatar

                Oh my, Mat-ters, what a lovely, yet sick, twist on words, from a certifiable,insane man, who wanted desperately to rule the world in his brief 15 minutes or so of fame, that sadly turned in to a holocaust of innocent people.

                I’d suggest you do a little research, and I know that will be hard to muster, given your steadfast views (and the ilk cheering you on) with something as simple as wolf reintroduction.

              2. Jeremy B. Avatar
                Jeremy B.

                Not only that, Nancy, the logic here relies on the genetic fallacy (i.e., something must be bad because of the source). Hitler (at least his leadership) also gave us the VW Beetle, which is one cool car! 🙂

                1. Mat-ters Avatar

                  “genetic fallacy” The “logic” here was to beware of those that use kids to further the depravity of taking away basic and fundamental liberties….

                  The one thing about conservative media is that you don’t get only the liberal twisted, one sided, Trump hate media’s version of the world…. They suppressed this quite well when it came out and I’m willing to bet NOT ONE of the poster on this site even knew of it…..


                  The link is well sourced!

                2. Nancy Avatar

                  “Major public research funding for gun violence prevention is estimated at $2 million annually,” the group found. “By contrast, in 2011, the National Institutes of Health devoted $21 million to the study of headaches.”



                3. Mat-ters Avatar

                  Nancy No real rebuttal to my latest post. Vox and PBS….sad!

                  “Guns kill 35,000 Americans a year” Twenty thousand of which are suicides….! That’s part of the game the left tries to play with the numbers.

                  Japan has a higher rate of suicide and a quite smaller portion done with guns…..those looking at the number objectively know that when they included things like suicides you’re typically playing games with the true numbers… far as the effect on society.

                  TO make it simple for a doltish lefty….. lets take a look at how it works … year one, where if you have 35,000 gun deaths of which 20,000 were suicide…… THEN Obama and Hillary take your guns away and what do you know … the next year only 30,000 gun deaths…..! Hillary, Obama, JB, and Nancy are all patting themselves on the back, CNN is tripping all over themselves to blather the great news! Isn’t his great! …… But then Rush Limbaugh steps in and says wait a minute here… Yes the number of gun deaths are 30,000 of which 14,000 are suicide (down 6000 via gun) BUT suicide by overdoes has gone up 2000, suicide by jumping off the bridge are up 500, suicide by gassing yourself in the garage are up 1000, hanging are up 2000! ALSO, Violent crime and rapes are also up….. stabbing deaths have gone through the roof!

                  …… then one must ask…. who is more informed!…. and safer!

                4. rork Avatar

                  The link may be well sourced, but it’s easy to cherry pick.
                  The same report notes that the rate of suicide and homicides in homes with guns is increased. You can disparage the suicide issue, but the fact remains that people in houses without guns are not just using other equipment or drugs to compensate, and that makes sense – guns are fast and effective. As for homicides, the increased chances of you killing your wife has to be balanced by some increased protection from others, so whether it makes sense to have guns depends on how much danger you are in, how good you are with weapons, and how much you mind killing your wife or her killing you. That we don’t know the answer to that very well is a big deal in that report. That we have trouble studying it because of lack of gun registries is certain. That we haven’t been funding such research enough is obvious. Get the epidemiologists on the issue. As individuals, and communities enacting law, we are flying blind.
                  I’ll note I’m no fan of counterfactual arguments either – like your certain knowledge of what Hillary would have done if elected. It is almost entirely state laws that have been being tweaked.

              3. Kathleen Avatar

                Godwin’s Law! Mat-ters wins! (or should that be ‘loses’?!?)

                Godwin’s Law is an internet adage that is derived from one of the earliest bits of Usenet wisdoms, which posits that “if you mention Adolf Hitler or Nazis within a discussion thread, you’ve automatically ended whatever discussion you were taking part in.”

                Accompanying meme:'s-law.jpg

                1. Mat-ters Avatar

                  Kathleen… The Internet is just full of hogwash and fake stuff isn’t it….. Godwin’s law is “as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches 1” you and your sources have taken liberties typical of what leftist do to get to “if you mention Adolf Hitler or Nazis within a discussion thread, you’ve automatically ended whatever discussion you were taking part in.” I don’t mind sandbagging here and there and may have even invoked the true Godwin’s theory in the past……SO, you’re no better than Hitler with all your bullying…… (drop the mic) gone!

            4. Mat-ters Avatar

                1. Mat-ters Avatar

                  Boy, blue has really lost it when anti-Christian bigotry is front and center!

                2. Nancy Avatar

                  Satire does matter, right, Mat-ters? 🙂

                3. Mat-ters Avatar

                  Nancy…. I love a little satire…. so, in our talks above we discuss suicide! Funny how Billy and Hillary know at least 10 percent of them…..isn’t it.



      2. Immer Treue Avatar
        Immer Treue

        Jim Jeffries take. Language warning.

  153. Nancy Avatar

    A live webcam at the Trio Bald Eagle nest. Its February and the high today there is 63.

  154. Kathleen Avatar

    “Number of people killed by animals each year in the US remains unchanged”

    All that hysteria about wolves or mountain lions snatching kids from their school bus stop? Ha. Top three animals responsible for human deaths? In order: farm animals; stinging venomous insects; dogs.

    Excerpt: “Importantly, most deaths are not actually due to wild animals like mountain lions, wolves, bears, sharks, etc., but are a result of deadly encounters with farm animals, anaphylaxis from bees, wasps, or hornet stings, and dog attacks. So, while it is important that people recreating in the wilderness know what to do when they encounter a potentially dangerous animal, the actual risk of death is quite low.”

    Read more at:

  155. Nancy Avatar

    Another Zinke arrangement?

    My math is a little rusty but if you take high end fencing, say @ $100 bucks a foot (materials & labor) that comes out to around what $11 mil?

    There are no fencing companies IN New Mexico who can do this kind of work?

  156. Kathleen Avatar

    Wild rabbits didn’t occur in New Zealand until humans introduced them in the 1830s for food and sport. Now…they’re a major “pest.” They “compete with livestock for pasture.” They burrow. NZ’s solution? Release a new Korean strain of a virus starting this month: “It affects an animal’s internal organs, causing fever and spasms, blood clots and respiratory failure.” It will cause two to four days of intense suffering and will also put domestic companion bunnies at risk. Human animals are a scourge on this planet and the other animal nations.

    1. Immer Treue Avatar
      Immer Treue

      One can only hold their breath at what might go wrong.

      1. Kathleen Avatar

        Exactly. Just one little mutation…our species deserves to reap what it has so abundantly sown.

  157. Nancy Avatar

    Live webcam – 5:40 pm – buffalo hanging out at Old Faithful (Yellowstone)

  158. Moose Avatar

    Michigan wolves staying out of trouble for most part.

    1. Jeremy B. Avatar
      Jeremy B.

      So according to the article…

      WT deer are increasing, and livestock depredations next to non-existent (“Records indicated that of the nearly 50,000 head of cattle in the U.P., wolves were responsible for the deaths of five calves and an adult cow”), and wolves remain protected by the ESA. How is this possible? [sarc]

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      “The Michigan Department of Natural Resources believes wolves should be managed for a variety of reasons, not just to cut down on livestock predation.”

      Really. Such as? Deer numbers up, depredations on cattle down. The usual excuses the delisters (both Democrat and Republican) screech about can no longer be used.

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine

        ^^Democrats Tammy Baldwin and Amy Klobuchar come to mind. They must think it will be an easy way to win them votes. It won’t be.

        1. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          An article from last year about Democrats who are trying to sabotage the Endangered Species Act:

        2. Immer Treue Avatar
          Immer Treue

          Klobuchar is from MN. I’ve spoken with her office that her position for delisting will probably cost her votes, as she panders to those who will not vote for her, and will lose votes from those who would normally vote for her.

      2. rork Avatar

        I think our DNR believes (with little or no evidence, and some evidence against) that some people will be appeased if we kill some wolves. They might even hope that wolves become prized trophy game, and people will quit poaching them. They hope people will think (without evidence) that wolves will be more wary of people if we shoot at them. They are hoping to be more chummy with our relatively more lawless DNR-hating “Yoopers” (from our upper peninsula) and the people of more northern lower Michigan, including some of my in-laws. They then might actually buy licenses before taking game more often. “How can we make friends with these people?”

        1. rork Avatar

          Oh, I forgot a big one. The vast majority of people in northern MI believe if we kill more wolves we will have many more deer, and believe that this is obvious, even though perhaps not a single biologist thinks so.
          As you can hopefully see “wolf management” in MI is almost entirely about managing people. I did not need to cite any actual scientific knowledge about biology of non-human animals.
          You can also hopefully see why our DNR does not come out and say the things I am saying – if they espoused the flawed views of the citizens they would be wrong, or lying, and if they revealed they were just manipulating a primitive and ignorant people, it would be insulting.
          PS: Lo, A new volunteer came to work with us last weekend. A wildlife management wonk from Maryland, come to MI so his wife could work on a PhD at Mich State. It was as pleasurable for me as having a PhD botanist to chat up. I paid no tuition, just like here.

  159. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    And this is without the disruption of massive wind farms:

  160. Kathleen Avatar

    “Oil Was Central in Decision to Shrink Bears Ears Monument, Emails Show”

    Excerpt: ““Please see attached for a shapefile and pdf of a map depicting a boundary change for the southeast portion of the Bears Ears monument,” said the March 15 email from Senator Hatch’s office. Adopting this map would “resolve all known mineral conflicts,” the email said, referring to oil and gas sites on the land that the state’s public schools wanted to lease out to bolster funds.”

  161. Kathleen Avatar

    “Dicamba Drift Could Put 60 Million Acres of Monarch Habitat at Risk”

    Excerpt: “Dicamba—a drift-prone herbicide linked to millions of acres of off-target crop damage across in 17 states—destroys mostly everything in its path except the crops that are genetically engineered to resist it. It’s so damaging that several states, including Arkansas, Tennessee and Missouri have introduced temporary bans on the weedkiller.

    “There’s now another reason to worry about the controversial chemical. It’s particularly harmful to milkweed, the only host plant for the iconic and already at-risk monarch butterfly.

    “In a new report published Thursday, researchers with the Center for Biological Diversity warn that the expanded use of dicamba, which is projected to increase by nearly 100-fold on cotton and soybean fields, will put more than 60 million acres of monarch habitat at risk by 2019.”

  162. Immer Treue Avatar
    Immer Treue

    Interesting proposition.

    Understandably, the ranching industry may not be too keen on this. Yet, as we look at the pace of technological innovation, this scenario for the not to distant future begins to sound less and less far fetched. Future for all wildlife populations would probably improve, and the farming industry could concentrate on growing food for people, not livestock.

    1. Nancy Avatar

      And maybe more than a few humans, might have a better view/understanding, when it comes to how food is produced/processed, etc. rather than it being shoved out there in bulk and coming from areas that could care less about other beings or the environment.

      1. Immer Treue Avatar
        Immer Treue

        And, as technology is so difficult to keep out of the hands of people, there may, and I emphasize may, when people can cultivate their own protein needs in the form of culture meat. When one thinks about the extraordinary technological innovations in such a short period of time, that argument might not be as far-fetched as it seems.

        1. Nancy Avatar

          “when people can cultivate their own protein needs?” And perhaps have less impact on what’s left of the environment that has no choice but to suffer from our perceived “needs”

          “We use 2,060 times less water, 14 times less feed, produce 40 times less methane, all of that using 1 percent of the comparable land mass. You get the same amount of protein but twice the iron,” marketing director and co-founder James Rolins said”

          1. Immer Treue Avatar
            Immer Treue

            Great source of protein. I’d be game save for the fact that a few years back I began having problems with shrimp. Recommended that I refrain from Arthropoda.

    2. Kathleen Avatar

      Poll: “One in Three Consumers is Willing to Eat Clean Meat”

      (‘Clean meat’ is meat grown in the lab from animal cells.)
      Excerpt: “The survey divided respondents based on dietary choices and found that 60 percent of vegans, 28 percent of meat-eaters (the largest segment of the study), 23 percent vegetarians, and 21 percent of pescatarians would eat cultured meat.”

      What a game-changer for billions of animals this would be…not to mention the Earth.

  163. Kathleen Avatar

    “One Year In, Ryan Zinke’s Conservation Legacy Would Make His Hero Scowl:
    The interior secretary’s critics say he’s no Teddy Roosevelt — not by a long shot.”

    Excerpt: WASHINGTON — Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke ― the pro-gun, cowboy hat-wearing, can’t-rig-a-fly-rod Montanan who outfitted his office with a slew of dead creatures he didn’t shoot and insists a special flag be raised above the agency’s headquarters each time he walks through the door ― speaks often of his love for America’s conservationist president, Theodore Roosevelt.

    And now for some rare good news on the Zinke front…

    “Zinke abruptly postpones lease sale near New Mexico’s Chaco Canyon”

  164. Kathleen Avatar

    “Lacoste Replace Iconic Crocodile Logo With Endangered Species”

    Back in the day, I had a Lacoste knit dress with the croc logo. But now the brand is replacing their usual logo with 10 of the world’s most endangered species for a special limited-edition collection. They’ll produce the number of polo shirts corresponding to how many of each species is left in the wild to call attention to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Save Our Species program. Anyone who wants a vaquita logo shirt had better not dawdle…only 30 shirts will be made. Video and more here:

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      I was just going to post this as well! What a great thing to do.

  165. Kathleen Avatar

    Check out the photos! Grab ’em by the…tail feathers!

    “Astonishing bald eagle PICTURES: Birds in ferocious mid-air battle for fish catch:
    A FISH supper got two screaming eagles in a flap when they performed a dogfight over the tasty catch.”

  166. Kathleen Avatar

    “Trump Administration Reverses Promise To Ban Elephant Hunt Trophies:
    The U.S. government will allow hunters to import elephant trophies on a case-by-case basis, breaking the president’s pledge.”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      What a disappointment, I know. I saw it on the news. 🙁

      I don’t even know what a ‘case-by-case’ basis would even mean. What would set one apart from another?

  167. Kathleen Avatar

    Time Magazine: “Trump’s Interior Secretary Claimed Wind Power Leads to Global Warming. His Numbers Are Wrong”

    Includes a discussion of bird deaths.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      I had to stop reading. When they don’t take all the threats to birds as cumulative, the argument for it falls apart for me. Audubon supports it when, to me, conditions and siting are perfect – which isn’t going to happen. I hate when it is made into a partisan issue, and I will never support large scale wind.

  168. Nancy Avatar

    “The corrals are where bison are held when they are captured leaving the park. Some are shipped to slaughter to reduce the herd’s size and over concerns of disease spread”


  169. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    I thought that was a very poor article (what I could stand to read) by TIME. Just more partisan politics.

    1. Same old talking points – saying that other dangers such as glass windows, cats, the oil industry, etc. presented individually is misleading information. The deaths from wind farms will be additive and cumulative.

    2. Audubon does support wind, but under certain conditions – proper siting, and other precautions taken. We all know that the most important consideration by any company is profit and what the people want.

    3. With the laws protecting birds such as the Migratory Bird Act, which have been weakened for industry to allow for ‘unintentional’ killings – instead of the wind industry raising the bar for bird protections – it will join all of the companies to the same standard – hiding behind the shield of what is ‘legal’. We’ve heard ‘oh but it’s legal’ too many times. We’ve heard empty promises from industry too many times.

    4. I don’t think anyone really knows how many birds and bats are killed by wind turbines, because there’s a lack of transparency and not enough study. And if the numbers are high now, just think how much the numbers will increase with more wind farms!

    So, to me it appears that neither party has wildlife and the environment on their agenda; and what’s dismaying is it seems the Democrats don’t really have a good understanding of it. I expect that the Republicans would be flat out honest that they don’t care about it.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Or I should say the Democrats care about alternative energy, and it really stops there. And they have made it a partisan issue, and do not care about wildlife or anything else.

        1. Nancy Avatar

          Very interesting approach when it comes to capturing energy, Kathleen.

          But these folks are WAY “out of the box” when it comes to convincing the dinosaur mentality/politicians, roaming (and getting kickbacks) from the fossil fuel industry, back there in DC.

          Case in point:

          “There is tremendous potential for renewable energy … However, we can’t get there tomorrow, right? We’re not going to get there tomorrow. So, we are going to have a transition phase while we develop alternatives to fossil fuels.”

          And the question is – how many years (decades really, if one wants to dwell on it) has this been the excuse, for NOT investing in renewable sources and companies who present answers?

  170. Kathleen Avatar

    “Trump official said scientists went ‘outside their wheelhouse’ by writing climate change ‘dramatically’ shrunk Montana glaciers”

    Suppressing science in the Trump Admin.
    Excerpt: “The news release began: “The warming climate has dramatically reduced the size of 39 glaciers in Montana since 1966, some by as much as 85 percent.”

    “Highlighting that sentence, Domenech wrote to three other Interior officials, “This is a perfect example of them going outside their wheelhouse.””

  171. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Are these bladeless turbines the rule or the exception?

    Where I live, the company threatening Nantucket Sound refused to implement the latest technologies (likely because it would have been too expensive).

    I’m not willing to have wildlife go into extinction while we work out the kinks of our energy usage. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, and I’m probably as naïve as all of you who think renewables are the utopian answer to it all – but I would prefer people use less, drive smaller cars.

    The days of 3-car garages and an SUV in every bay should be banished.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Some interesting things:

      “For example, only nine per cent of management systems had an explanation for how quotas were set. Similarly, less than 10 per cent of management systems underwent any form of review, including internal reviews, with fewer than six per cent subjected to external review.”

      And this reminds me of what’s going on in MI – now that deer numbers are up, and wolf depredations of cattle are down, the truth comes out about another motivating factor to hunting that probably will trump scientific management, despite claims to the contrary.

      Killing wildlife has important social and economic factors! What alarms me is that negative folklore and myth, human dominance, and false, unshakable belief are part of the social factors. Good grief:

      “We are not saying that wildlife hunting decisions should be based only on science, as there can be important social and economic considerations,” says SFU biological sciences professor John Reynolds. “But the extent to which these dimensions influence management decisions should be clearly articulated alongside claims of scientific rigour.”

      1. rork Avatar

        I would not say “deer numbers are up” in the UP. The population is growing. It is not where many folks want it to be though, and I think most everyone thinks rebound is slower than in pre-wolf times. How much slower? Difficult to say.
        I also would not over-interpret the small amount of cow killing by wolves this year – that goes up and down every year, is quite variable, and the other side over-interprets it when it happens to go up in any given year. Us nerdy people expected the distribution to have greater variation than a Poisson distrubution, so that if 15 dead cows are expected, it could be 5 or 25 without too much trouble in particular year.
        I’m not disagreeing with your conclusion though, just polishing arguments.

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Thanks, Louise. I soon as I read the stubborn will to keep killing wolves despite plenty of deer and depredations down for farmers in Michigan, the usual reasons claimed for it, alarms sounded.

      The truth comes out, doesn’t it. It all comes down to money and the human killer instinct. Sad.

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine

        I’ll give you a prime example. With 300 or less wolverines in the lower 48, there should be absolutely *no* other reason than science to protect them, no social or economic reasons to keep trapping them. I’m dismayed that ‘social and economic factors’ would be sanctioned. Dan Ashe’s “there’s plenty in Canada” comment doesn’t sound like scientific opinion either.

        And even if we were to consider trapping, by letting it continue the trapper is being self-defeating if his behavior wipes out the species.

        It’s especially bothersome with all the so-called alarm about the effects of climate change. When it comes to protecting wildlife, in this case the wolverine, there ‘wasn’t enough evidence to support it’.

        So climate change danger only applies to humans and their energy usage. Our thought processes are so bizarre.

    3. Immer Treue Avatar
      Immer Treue

      Face it, deer,elk, etc are the good animals. Where hunting is the rule, rather than the exception, wildlife managers attempt to maintain these animals in the sweet spot of the sigmoid growth curve for the benefit of the hunting population, and of course, at least a portion of their salary.

      Anything that interferes with this is looked upon with a frown, such as predation. It resembles farming of wildlife, with predators as weeds.

      Yet, forests pay the price for the overbrowsing by these “farmed” animals. The driving public, where critters such as deer are in overabundance, pay the price for this over abundance. Special hunts are becoming the rule, rather than the exception in farmland in Wisconsin due to agricultural damage done by deer.

      CWD is on the increase.

      1. Nancy Avatar

        Yep, CWD is on the increase and “special hunts” are becoming the norm/rule out here:

        But it begs the question – who really gives a sh*t until that tiny fraction of happy hunters start becoming stats, decades ago? Back when something should of been addressed?….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.49.3449…0j46j0i131k1j0i46k1.0.ZETtFbiRv2k

  172. Kathleen Avatar

    From Vermont: “Love coyotes or hate them, should we make a contest of killing them?”

    Excerpt: “They are “amazing animals,” in the words of Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Louis Porter, who is aware that some Vermonters hate coyotes so much that they organize hunting contests just to see how many they can wipe out.

    “Perhaps not for long. If a bill, H. 636, that has already passed the House becomes law, anyone who organizes or participate in a coyote-hunting competition could be fined at least $1,000 and lose his or her hunting license.”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Yay! I think a contest should be made by F&W officers to see who can nab the most wildlife poachers for fun and prizes!

      That used to be called bounty hunting, I think. 🙂

  173. Kathleen Avatar

    The minute there’s good news about coyotes, it’s countered by bad. It seems that Connecticut has declared war on coyotes and has a bill in the legislature to allow night hunting of said song dog.

    Someone interviewed for the above article made this claim: “Another consideration regarding the coyote and other large, mammalian predators is that their numbers are so high now, that they stand alongside of deer as major tick carriers in the state.” This statement was made by an officer for a sportsmen’s council–someone who would have an avid interest in being able to kill more predators day and night.

    Here’s a direct contradiction of that: “Ticks make you nervous? You need more coyotes”

    1. Nancy Avatar

      Not “rocket science” either to understand and relate to, what just a few stupid humans are doing to the delicate balance of wildlife and the landscape and how it WILL effect our species, here and there, in the long run if we continue to ignore it.

      No limits here (and in other states) on killing species that could manage far better than our species, as the climate warms.

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      I really don’t understand what is going on, why the nation is regressing. 🙁

      In the Middle Ages, cats were killed off, and the Black Plague took over.

  174. Kathleen Avatar

    “Humanity And The Disruption Of Animal Communication”:
    “As if surviving in the wild isn’t tough enough, human interference in animal communication makes things even more difficult”

    A nicely-done video (3 min.) accompanies this article.

  175. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    I really do hope that the following isn’t what is meant by ‘other important social and economic’ factors that should be considered right alongside science in determining why humans need to designate certain animals be hunted. It is an embarrassment and beneath humanity for these agencies to sanction it, including the Democratic senators of these states who I wonder are even aware what non-protection and delisting mean:

  176. Kathleen Avatar

    On Friday, the state of Wyoming (Game & Fish Dept.) proposed a death quota of “two dozen grizzly bears that could begin as early as this fall.” Without missing a beat, this comes on the heels of delisting the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem bears in 2017. The state claims it will protect bears exiting the parks “by regulating that bears cannot be shot within a quarter mile of many of the main highways used by park visitors. This offers no real protection for national park grizzly bears. It merely means the state does not want bears shot in front of the millions of visitors that travel to the region to see wildlife in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks each year,” according to a National Parks Conservation Assoc. statement which can be read in full here:

    Comments on the proposal accepted until April 30:

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine
    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Two dozen? 24 bears? Any bear? Does that mean cubs? I thought we were promised a very conservative season, as little as ten, which is still too many? When they were begging for a delisting? I knew we’d be lied to; this is why delisting is fought so much. Sad and predictable.

      I hope this goes to court.

  177. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    I wonder if the hunting quotas are abused if the bears can be relisted again? They probably think that under the current administration they can do whatever they want.

  178. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    The problem with any of this is that once the bullets start flying, it’s out of control. “If two females are killed, then the hunt is over” cannot be guaranteed.

  179. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Back to Whyoming’s threatened grizzly bear hunt for a moment.

    From reading the proposed regs, it appears yearling cubs are fair game? So not only are reproducing adults killed, but the young too. Not good and alarming considering grizzlies reproduce so slowly.

    People really don’t give much leeway to wildlife. Science definitely does not count for much, but $6,000 a tag for each of 24 bears certainly does. I hope it fails bigtime.

  180. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    It’s all just too iffy for me.

    How is an average hunter, especially the more trigger happy who can’t tell a pickup truck from an elk, going to determine that a female has cubs with her, or the age of the cubs?

    Outside of the core management area where any gender bear can be taken, are the cubs going to die too, being left motherless? No hunting has ever been allowed in the National Parks (except for elk in the Tetons as far I know), so that really doesn’t offset anything. But I suppose we should be grateful that hunting isn’t allowed in the National Parks, considering how protective laws are being cut back.

    How does poaching or going over quota, or mistake, going to figure in to it?

    You’d think that after time and time again of hunting being abused, people wouldn’t be so quick to trust assurances like this.

  181. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Re: Grizzies

    What about this? I understood there was,*at least*, a five-year period to monitor a delisted species before it could be left to the mercy of the states? The same thing happened with wolves, after they had been delisting and hunting started immediately. Some self-serving rationale about their being protected for so long that they didn’t need the five-year period?

    From USF&W:

    “What happens after a species is delisted?

    For delistings that result from recovery,
    the ESA requires the Service, in
    cooperation with the States, to monitor
    species for at least five years in order
    to assess their ability to sustain
    themselves without the protective
    measures of the ESA.

  182. Kathleen Avatar

    Despicable. And do check out the menacing photo they chose to run with the story.
    “Georgia looks to curb coyote population with prizes: The state’s Department of Natural Resources announced this month it would bring back the Coyote Challenge program that offers residents prizes for using deadly force to take care of the critters.”

    Excerpt: “The DNR held the first Coyote Challenge last year. During the 2017 challenge period, 83 hunters turned in a total of 195 coyotes.

    “Chris Mowry, an animal ecologist who coordinates the Atlanta Coyote Project, has been critical of the DNR’s Coyote Challenge calling it inhumane and ineffective. Mowry’s organization has argued coyotes are an essential part of the ecosystem of Georgia serving the role of a predator that was once filled by red wolves and do help in balancing the wildlife.”

    1. rork Avatar

      That’s had quite a few articles, the better ones noting that their DNR admits that bounties have never worked anywhere, ever, and that this is unlikely to curb the coyote population. It is performative – a performance. You now like your DNR better because they appear to be doing something.

    2. Louise kane Avatar
      Louise kane

      These events are despicable Kathleen and they serve to legitimize hate against a species and violence. Since co organizing a protesthere and co sponsoring a talk I have been threatened and called late at night and information about where I walk disseminated on the internet. F them we are retaliating by starting a steering committee with local NGOs and donors to engage and advance legislative reform. Some committed and interested participants two state legislators town councilors local dog owners associations mspca aspca Hsus Earthwatch ceo IFAW licsl lawyers PEER etc
      Watch for more news

      1. Kathleen Avatar

        Excellent! Brings to mind that much-loved Margaret Mead quote: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Kudos to you & all involved.

  183. Kathleen Avatar

    This is from the Alt Nat’l Park Service Facebook page posted 15 hours ago:

    “Attn: Secretary Ryan Zinke is heading to Capitol Hill in the coming week to defend Trump’s fiscal 2019 budget request. Zinke will face lawmakers on the House Natural Resources Committee on Thursday. The cuts including zeroing out Abandoned Mine Land Grants, the Centennial Challenge Fund, the Heritage Partnership Program, and the National Wildlife Refuge Fund. Trump’s proposed 16 percent cut to the Department of the Interior’s budget would sell out public lands. The Land and Water Conservation Fund, which is designed to protect national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, and other protected sites, would lose 92 percent of its budget. The proposal eliminates programs for historic preservation, heritage, and land acquisition and establishes a public lands infrastructure fund that relies on increased energy leasing and development. It would also cut funding for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by nearly 20 percent, including cuts to Endangered Species Act implementation, the National Wildlife Refuge System, grant programs, and wildlife trafficking prevention efforts that aid in protecting elephants, rhinos, tigers, and other endangered wildlife. Tell House Committee on Natural Resources Chair Rep. Rob Bishop and Ranking Member Raúl Grijalva that you will not stand for this unacceptable attack on our public lands, endangered species, and natural resources.”

  184. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    This is especially important now that grizzlies are going to be hunted. “24 permits” doesn’t include those lost to Wildlife Disservices, poachers and cubs who cannot survive due to their mother being shot. All to bring money in to the state and for someone to have big ego bragging rights and a trophy that they killed her.

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      I had missed that–thanks for posting. Here’s the settlement stipulation:

      “By no later than December 31, 2021, FWS will complete the Environmental Protection Agency’s requested reinitiated consultation on the active ingredients sodium fluoroacetate and sodium cyanide pursuant to Section 7 of the ESA and the ESA’s corresponding regulations.”

      It’s good news…but more than three years to get it done?!? And they’re already seven years overdue??? Tsk.
      Also, in your list of extraneous grizzly deaths, don’t forget those “defensive” kills where all you have is the hunter’s word that the bear charged him while he’s out elk hunting.

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine

        Absolutely. And hopefully no tourists being careless either.

        So when you look at it, there’s a lot more than 24 kills/deaths – and I hope this imprudent (and impudent)’hunt’ is fought vigorously in the courts.

        I also don’t know why the foot-dragging about removing deadly cyanide from the environment either.

  185. Nancy Avatar

    R.I.P. Stephen

    1. Kathleen Avatar

      His message on animals was mixed. One quote widely attributed to him is, “One should love animals. They are so tasty.” On the other hand, he was the guest of honor at the signing of the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness (signed July 7, 2012–a video on that event is here: The Declaration is here:

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      :'( A great loss to the world.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      How can they keep getting away with stuf like this? We remember the similar incident at the Frank Church Wilderness. This is not going to boost elk numbers. I wonder if another lawsuit can be filed:

      This is something we can be forever (unfortunately) grateful (sarcasm) to the Democrats for.

  186. Kathleen Avatar

    So beautiful…and poignant. We have so much to lose. After Santa Ana, the destruction will spread west to the National Butterfly Center. Feds arrived there and began destroying habitat in July 2017 with no notice and no due process. Unlike Santa Ana, the Nat’l Butterfly Ctr is on private land; they’ve filed a lawsuit.

    “Ay Santa Ana”:

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Wow. 🙁 this is what’s scary, that these things are happening now without notice to the public until after the facgt, like in what Nancy posted about 10 wolves killed in Idaho. It’s the second time for Idaho I think, with no regard for law. And it cannot be fixed, thanks to the way the delisting was done. Naïve and dumb.

      On the plus side, I wonder if Idaho is so wolf-obsessed they won’t get around to grizzly killings.? /sarc

    2. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      And a human dominated world is so dull and ugly. We really do have a lot to lose. But I don’t think there will ever be a border wall.

  187. Moose Avatar

    WA legislature approves funds to assess wolf and prey numbers in SW WA

  188. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    The wolves of WA might be better off moved. It will be interesting to see what the study finds.

  189. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    I have been curious about what Idaho will do about grizzly hunting. Montana is quiet for now, WY is blustering, and Idaho is too busy killing wolves and may not have a big enough budget for both, and a discrepancy in the laws.

    What to do, what to do:

  190. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    “Officials say Fish and Game license dollars paid for the federal agency to kill the wolves. State and federal officials didn’t have the cost immediately available.”

    How convenient. Doesn’t the public have the right to know what Federal agencies are doing with the taxpayers’ money on the public lands? Assuming that not all of it was paid for by state licensing dollars. If I recall the last time, it was quite expensive to have helicopters and Wildlife Disservices killers come in. The money comes from hunting, livestock owners and ‘the general fund’. The controversial, 5-year Wolf Control Board had a sunset clause that just ended, and (Surprise!) and funds were just approved for another year for $400,000.

    Hopefully, there’s an end in sight one day when the citizens get sick of it:

    Here’s an article from January of this year that says elk numbers are up all over the state, and the budget issues of devoting so much money to the obsession:

  191. Kathleen Avatar

    “Animal rights group sues for details on Interior’s pro-hunting group”

    The International Wildlife Conservation Council has been formed by the Trump admin to advise that unqualified, unprincipled poser, Zinke.

    Excerpt: “The IWCC is scheduled to hold its first public meeting March 16. The council is made up of 16 members, including many with pro-hunting ties. The group includes professional hunters, hunting tourism guides, Indiana coal executive and Trump donor Steven Chancellor, Safari Club International President Paul Babaz and a National Rifle Association (NRA) director.

    “‘Given these entities’ close relationship with Secretary Zinke, including support during campaigns, it is perhaps not surprising that FWS has been pushing a pro-hunting agenda, including the creation of the IWCC. It also is not surprising that FWS has chosen not to be transparent about the IWCC prior to its first public meeting,’ Born Free USA’s lawsuit read.”

    More here:

  192. Kathleen Avatar

    Night hunting for coyotes…now *there’s* an intelligent idea.

    “2 Finger Lakes area coyote hunters charged after family’s dog was mistakenly shot”

    1. rork Avatar

      Maybe I did not read carefully enough but it was not clear that fencing the rivers was legal. In Michigan a landowner does often own the stream bed or river bed, and they can say you can’t wade it, but they cannot do things to stop you from floating on the water, or fishing it when you do that. There are details about how to determine if a stream is big enough to float. We have some of these laws from the days of sending logs down rivers.

      1. Nancy Avatar

        “It’s a scene playing out with increasing frequency in New Mexico, where a recent bid to legally privatize streams has public users like Carpenter more than a little alarmed, not least for the precedent it might set beyond the borders of this western state”

        And its been going on for quite awhile here in Montana, Rork.

        More recent:

        Is this yet another organization hoping to address the problem OR… another organization looking for a handout?

        Maybe George, Ralph, Ken could weigh in on PLWA?

  193. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Have these people ever heard of conflicts of interest and corruption? These agencies seem to be crawling with them:

    “The Wyoming Game and Fish Department (whose Chief Game Warden, Brian Nesvik, is a Shikar-Safari Club International honoree) is moving to open up a season on the rare and much-beloved grizzly bears who live in the vicinity of Yellowstone this fall.”

    1. rork Avatar

      Here’s the email I got:
      “Dear Friend of Isle Royale National Park:
      Thank you for your comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement to Address the Presence of Wolves on Isle Royale (Plan/EIS). The Final Plan/EIS is available on the National Park Service Planning, Environment and Public Comment website at”
      URL resolves to

  194. Kathleen Avatar

    “On Outer Banks, a trapper has captured and killed 17 coyotes in Nags Head”

    “Federally protected red wolves also roam the five counties and look similar to coyotes. Hair samples from the disposed coyotes will be tested to make sure they were not part red wolf.”

    It’s a bit late for that, is it not???

  195. Kathleen Avatar

    Zinke seems to be suggesting that grazing is a good stand-in for *logging* in designated Wilderness?!? (chainsaw-wielding bovines!) The ID delegation wants BLM Manual 6340 “Management of Designated Wilderness Areas” rescinded. If Wilderness survives this corrupt, self-serving administration, it’ll be a miracle.

  196. WM Avatar

    Will WA move some of its growing population of wolves around now that the NE part of the state has more than they want? If they hit the Yakima elk herd very hard, it will likely be all over for “reintroduction.”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Not really. Unfortunately, it will be a way to make the case for hunting wolves when the population reaches a certain number. Then the Department of F&W will want to ‘manage’ both species like the demigods we think we are. And the hunters will be happy to have the opportunity to kill something new.

      Easy to follow, as it is the same story all over the West.

  197. Kathleen Avatar

    “Isle Royale Wolves: I Vote for Nature’s Way”

    Excerpt: “I vote for nature’s way. I do so because ninety-nine percent of Isle Royale’s 134,000 acres is Wilderness, and so a different type of “management” is required for this place, one that respects the area’s wild character and does not try to manipulate wildlife populations or habitat conditions on the island. In other words, impose a management decision not to manage.”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      It’s ironic that of all of the places some want to keep as wilderness, and ‘nature’s way’, this is the place they concentrate on? Isle Royale isn’t true wilderness – it has had a human footprint for millennia, and copper mining and deforesting in the 1840s, until it was designated a national park. If there were ice bridges, animals of all kinds would come and go. One wolf I believe was shot by a person crossing an ice bridge. So IMO nature needs a little help and guarding in this case.

      To me, it sounds like more read-between-the-lines anti-wolf reaction.

      Wolves were decimated when a person brought a pet dog despite the Park Service asking people not to, and introduced parvo to the island, killing off a lot of the wolves.

      All scientists are doing here is to try to restore them and the island, and instead of killing them in the UP I would imagine, relocate some of them to Isle Royale. Without the introduction of a (non-human) predator, moose are overbrowsing. It would seem a win/win to me.

      1. Immer Treue Avatar
        Immer Treue

        Have you ever been there?

        1. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          Not yet I haven’t. So what?

          This guy is from WY, so I think he ought to mind his own business. Unless the ‘long arm of the lawless’ will find its way to killing the Great Lakes wolves too.

          1. Immer Treue Avatar
            Immer Treue

            I simply asked if you had been there.

            With your logic, Perhaps Mech, originally from PA, now MN, should have minded his own business in regard to wolves in the northern Rockies.

            1. Ida Lupine Avatar
              Ida Lupine

              I haven’t been, but I do hope to visit.

              No, Dr. Mech is helping and has helped wolves, is doing something positive, that is different. He also has plenty of them in his own backyard to study. I think he and people like him are owed much gratitude. They help to save them, not destroy them.

              Anti-wolf rhetoric is harming, and continuing the harm. I don’t think this blogger is a scientist.

                1. Ida Lupine Avatar
                  Ida Lupine

                  Well, I don’t happen to agree with him on this issue of Isle Royale. Unless the recreation element is totally removed as well, and nature can truly recover without outside influence, I don’t see how nature can be left on its own.

                2. Ida Lupine Avatar
                  Ida Lupine

                  I also don’t agree that wolves are safe from extinction in the future. How does this man know this or how can he guarantee it?

                  They almost were driven to extinction once, and their recovery is the bare minimum. The forces against them are the same as they were hundreds of years ago, and they are the ones still in control.

                  Anything that we can do to preserve wildlife of all kinds helps for the future. We could wait and let nature take its course for the elk herds in the Clearwater National Forest too – but we intervene. As long as these kinds of thing go on in the rest of the wilderness, it is utter hypocrisy to single out Isle Royale to let alone.

                  I never realized how strict Baxter State Park was in Maine about visitors either, but I am very impressed.

                  I don’t mean to offend anybody intentionally, but it’s not my top priority to be diplomatic. Too much damage has been done, and too much is at stake.

                3. rork Avatar

                  “The forces against them are the same as they were hundreds of years ago” is baloney. They were shot on sight and poisoned in the old days, and there were hardly any. That’s much worse than now.

      2. Jeremy B. Avatar
        Jeremy B.

        “How does this maintain the Park’s or its Wilderness’ natural processes? It doesn’t.”

        Premise 1. Predation is a natural process.
        Premise 2. Reintroduction of wolves to Isle Royale will help maintain predation on the Island.
        Conclusion. Reintroduction of wolves will help maintain natural processes on Isle Royale.

        The real problem with the ‘leave it to nature’ argument is in determining what is a ‘natural’ phenomena. The [ecological] processes question is straightforward.

        People need to think harder.

        1. rork Avatar

          Camenzind has his (ideological) theory, and the actual consequences of it seemed entirely irrelevant.
          I was a bit surprised because he showed he is aware that the current situation is man-made, not natural.

          1. Immer Treue Avatar
            Immer Treue

            I’m all in favor of new wolves on Isle Royale, but the timing is not right. If, reintroduction occurs with the two remaining individual wolves, there exist two possible negative scenarios. The first would be a public relations fit if the reintro wolves killed the two survivors. The second would be, if the negative genes are amplified in these two survivors, one might not want to take the chance of these genes resurrected immediately in the new population if one of either of them were to breed with the new wolves. The latter is probably unlikely.

            1. Ida Lupine Avatar
              Ida Lupine

              Immer, are there two wolves left or only one? I thought I read that there was only one left?

              On rare occasions, ice bridges have formed where a couple three have crossed back (one was shot with a pellet gun).

              Rork, the entire decline of wildlife and the environment is man-made, so I don’t know where to draw the line.

          2. Jeremy B. Avatar
            Jeremy B.

            Rork: I’m not sure his position is even coherent? People are entitled to their opinions, I just wish they would think harder before expressing them.

            IT: Personally, I’m largely ambivalent on the subject. However, I think it is pretty clear that both natural processes (predation) and ecosystem health are promoted by the presence of wolves. From NPS policy perspective, these would favor reintroduction, though your points make perfect sense from a political perspective.

            1. Immer Treue Avatar
              Immer Treue

              First point may be political
              Second is strictly biological

              Have you ever gotten a new pup?

              1. Jeremy B. Avatar
                Jeremy B.

                Now that’s a really sore subject! We’re still dogless at the moment, but I’ve got permission to start looking once both kids are in school (my youngest starts this fall). Till then, I’m forced to get my canine love from friends and neighbors. 🙂

                1. Jeremy B. Avatar
                  Jeremy B.

                  Or rather, the dogs of friends and neighbors, LOL.

                2. Ida Lupine Avatar
                  Ida Lupine

                  Awwww, starting school already? It will be nice to have a puppy.

                3. louise kane Avatar
                  louise kane

                  If ever needed I am well connected with the german shepherd rescue world….I got my dog from an Ohio Rescue group

    2. Kathleen Avatar

      “To me, it sounds like more read-between-the-lines anti-wolf reaction.”

      I assure you, it is not. It’s entirely pro-wilderness. An age-old human footprint and prior uses do not disqualify any land from wilderness designation. If that were the case, there’d be no designated wilderness.

      1. Ida Lupine Avatar
        Ida Lupine

        I understand that.

        But the point this man is making is to ‘leave nature to it’s own’. It’s a little late for that. Legally designated wilderness and true wilderness are two different things, both valuable, but different. There still is true wilderness, but it is in jeopardy by opening up more of it.

        Repairing what we have interfered with or destroyed is the right thing to do, IMO.
        There’s already camping there, recreation, and a few grandfathered landowners, shipwrecks and mining pits from the past, evidence of climate change. People’s pet dogs have introduced disease. Motorized vehicles are prohibited.

        With all of that, how is assisting the wildlife, especially wolves, who are unfairly treated by human
        false belief, harming wilderness?

        My point is that if the man, who says he is from Wyoming, truly believes that – then maybe he should start in his home state, and protest wolf and grizzly hunting.

  198. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    We don’t have wolves in New England that I know of, and I’ll never have to waste money in the West again once the Park Service restores them to Isle Royale.

    1. rork Avatar

      No need to wait for the island. There are thousands of wolves in northern MI and MN. You can even go in winter. Ontario is nice too. There are missing things on the island like bears and porcupine.

  199. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    I got a chuckle from the title of this article about the proposed grizzly hunt:

    If people in WY have concerns about leaving nature alone, they need to start at home.

  200. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    These are the last remaining true wildnerness areas, and they need to be vigorously protected. Out of cell phone range, undeveloped, undisturbed wildlife, etc. There’s only one that has ‘eco-yoga’ as an attraction. I may never get to see them, and in a big way, I hope I don’t, to keep them the way they are:

  201. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Ooops, my bad. I just went to double-check and I see that the author of the opinion is a wildlife biologist and a PhD. Sorry!

    But that said, I am not overly impressed by the quality of the article. It was so anti-wolf (but interestingly, not anti-other wildlife) that it is surprising. There are very little places on earth and especially in this country that are ‘untrammelled’ in the sense of the Wilderness Act. To preserve what we have left is all we can do, I do support that very much.

    But if we were to leave Isle Royale completely alone, I fear that it would continue to decline the way the rest our the lands are – by overpopulation, overdevelopment, over-everything – basically, too much trammeling. And that includes recreation, which is hardly benign.

    I don’t subscribe to the Emma Marris or the neo-environmentalist theory of wilderness. The ‘constant gardener’ approach.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      We have a small island near where I live that is a bird watcher’s haven. It used to be a resort area a hundred or so years ago, but then they all left – and now it is a protected park, save for walkers, fishermen, and pruners of the coyote population, I do believe. But you’d hardly call it wilderness, because of the human presence – trash, illegal fires, graffiti and those little rock piles, roads, etc. I think ‘roadless’ is another hallmark of wilderness for me.

      Leaving Isle Royale totally alone – if the recreation element were also removed, then maybe we might be on to something.

  202. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Is it the ideal situation, bringing wolves in to Isle Royale, no – of course most people who care about nature would want it to be left to take care of itself. But, the old cliché ‘we’re not living in a perfect world’ now more than ever applies. It’s naïve at best – and utter hypocrisy at worst.

    At least the Park of Isle Royale would protect some wolves from poaching threats that will never change; and hunting, and should the worst come to pass and they are delisted in the Great Lakes. And let’s just face facts – ignorance and stubborn false beliefs. It pains me to even try to be diplomatic about it. Time’s up!

    Here’s an example that I’m sure we all remember:

    Just stupidity like that, shooting something because the poor thing was there!

    The description of Isle Royale on the Wolf and Moose study site is absolutely gorgeous.

  203. Nancy Avatar


    “The arguments about funding for conservation can quickly grow divisive. Hunters are quick to write off other outdoor recreationists as hippies and “free riders.” Wildlife advocates are quick to paint hunters as hillbillies, clinging to an outdated tradition. But many people are in the middle.

    “Wildlife conservation has been at its strongest when hunters and non-hunters are allied together for wildlife,” says Adena Rissman, an associate professor of forest and wildlife ecology at the University of Wisconsin”

  204. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    Rork, Wyoming has reinstated the ‘shoot on sight’ policy for wolves, and wolves and coyotes and others are still poisoned, either by a small group of haters, or the Federal government. It won’t take long to revert back to the old ways, if it is already starting.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      In other states, wolves are routinely shot on sight, such as New England, if they set one paw over the Canadian border, and the first wolf seen in 89 years in Iowa was shot on sight.

      I know they though it was a coyote, they did, they did! But shooting either should not be a knee-jerk reaction.

    2. rork Avatar

      We have many hundreds of wolves in the great lakes area. In some places there are as many as can possibly live there. That is radically different than what used to be. I’m not saying it’s perfect, but some things are getting much better.
      I have bald eagles nesting down the road at the nearest lake. It is full of golden eye and hooded merganser, and cranes, and there are trumpeters. It is much better than I expected. In 1880 there was none of this. There was not even a deer left in my county or even resident geese or a single beaver.

      1. Jeremy B. Avatar
        Jeremy B.

        Heck, in the 1980s there was…well…very little of that. I didn’t see a bald eagle in my part of Michigan (Big Rapids area) until the 1990s. The last time I was there I saw two just off the river right downtown. No bears when I was a kid, now we have plenty. No wolves, and now they’re reoccupying.

        We need to make every effort to get the policy right–and healthy debate is a part of that; but we shouldn’t lose site of the successes we’ve had.

  205. Kathleen Avatar

    Hmmm. “Illegal trail building a vexing problem for public land managers: Mountain bike trails crop up in past few years”

    Excerpt: “People in Durango are building illegal trails in closed areas that are critical winter habitat for wildlife, and it’s causing an issue for land managers, wildlife officials and trail advocates that can’t rein in the longstanding problem.

    “’We’re not talking small connector trails,” said Shannon Borders, spokeswoman for the Bureau of Land Management. ‘We’re talking miles of illegally built trails. And it’s not like there’s not a ton of recreational opportunities around town.’”

  206. Jeremy B. Avatar
    Jeremy B.

    “Incrementalism will not suffice. It’s a delusion being reinforced by a well-funded fossil fuel industry to distort the science. What we need demands leadership, guts and a forward-looking attitude that goes deeper than what’s convenient for us in the immediate now.”

  207. Kathleen Avatar

    A new wave of coyote persecution is at hand. With coyotes in closer proximity to humans, there have been highly-publicized and often hysterical or biased articles about conflicts and attacks. While this writer from North Carolina starts with “Attacking a person is highly unusual…” he proceeds with this:

    Excerpt: “The attack underscores the message that these animals are not a welcomed expansion of wildlife. They are vicious, invasive predators which are thriving along with the rapidly expanding deer population.” … “Coyotes are dangerous in any number.”

    “Coyote Threat Needs Hunters With Sharp Aim”

    1. louise kane Avatar
      louise kane

      man I hate to hear that kind of vicious vitriol directed at coyotes, specieism at its worst

      what was that word that should have never been apologized for, deplorable.

  208. Kathleen Avatar

    Would love to see/hear this. Video below.

    “Watch Thousands of Sandhill Cranes Lift Off From the Platte River at Sunrise”
    “Every year, hundreds of thousands of Sandhill Cranes, Snow Geese, and other waterbirds visit Nebraska in one of the greatest migration spectacles on Earth.”

    Article links to live crane cam.

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      🙂 Wow!

      Does anyone know if there are any bad environmental and wildlife killing riders being snuck into the omnibus spending bill?

      1. Kathleen Avatar

        I also heard this, but it’s from an advocacy group (posted 19 hours ago) and not a news source:

        Anti-Wolf Rider Dropped From Omnibus Bill!
        YOU DID IT!
        Congress heard your howls! Thanks to you, the 2018 spending bill is moving forward devoid of the “War on Wolves” rider seeking to eliminate Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in 4 states!”

        1. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          Thank goodness!!!! Let’s hope it’s true.

          1. Ida Lupine Avatar
            Ida Lupine

            Not only howls, but red in tooth and claw. ;(

      2. louise kane Avatar
        louise kane

        now they will push again
        the war is never ending

        1. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          And they will get pushed back. The coyote threat is only an opinion piece. I don’t know that it will get very far.

  209. louise kane Avatar
    louise kane

    more good news for wolves, in particular the rare Alexander Archipelago wolf calling the Tongass its home.

  210. Jeff N. Avatar
    Jeff N.

    A pure nonsense opinion piece regarding wolves moving into CA and the Yellowstone reintroduction. I find the comments following the article interesting in particular due to the fact that they come from a certain Norm B.

    1. Immer Treue Avatar
      Immer Treue

      From the comments.

      This reminds me of something called “the overwhelming urgencies of belief.” Our predispositions are powerful. There are always beliefs that we wish to reinforce. The author reminds me of “That’s my wolf story, and I’m stickin’ to it.”

      As I read this, it felt as if I was reading a Rockholm piece. At least he got the wolves breeding in February correct.

  211. Kathleen Avatar

    Wasting no time:
    “Idaho moves ahead with possible grizzly bear hunting season”

    1. rork Avatar

      I left comments, if they survive.

      1. rork Avatar

        They are still in moderation, and perhaps will stay there forever.
        I’m from lower Michigan. Most Pittman-Robertson money has historically been used to buy land – they often put up a sign telling you so. I claim that is good for wildlife and the environment. It helps with my mushroom hunting too. Hunters willingly pay the tax, as anglers do their extra taxes.
        Recruiting hunters does not involve preaching gun rights advocacy that I have ever noticed. It might allow a young person to imagine they might want to, and be able to, go hunting someday – which did not occur to me until I was 24 (and had examples of people who did it, and realized it was within my reach), and took up bow hunting for deer meat which abundant on the landscape near me. I know that’s lamentable for some people. That guns might be sold because of recruiting a hunter is true. I bought a muzzleloader when I was about 50. I do not like NRA though, nor do my hunting partners. I do want some way to let the kids in the cities, or who have relatives without hunting or fishing habits, to be introduced. I also want them educated about wildlife management, hoping MI hunters and non-hunters will be less ignorant someday, just as in Washington state volunteers try to teach kids about salmon and water.
        And while I would agree that the constitution gives one good reason to be able to keep and bear arms I did not see the sense of “only” in there, and would go so far as to suggest the writers were likely thinking fire arms might be used for hunting as well.
        To be clear: I want universal gun registration, even of hunting weapons – going further than Canada does (only handguns and full-autos are registered – it would be a good start). For my German relatives, the police can come to your house and make you show them your weapons, and if you don’t have them all, and stored properly, you are in big trouble – I want that too. I want the billboard that tells us that buying a handgun most likely will make you less safe (and for which people that is more or less likely). I want much more money spent on gun violence research. Don’t drive the wedge between hunters and non-hunters unless your purpose is to simply be anti-hunting.
        For Randolf, environmentalism and gun deaths are mostly just tools to advocate against hunting.

        1. JEFF E. Avatar
          JEFF E.

          for the most part I agree with you except the part about the police coming to your house without probable cause.
          I think that the part of the second amendment that should be focused on is the part that says “well regulated” and have that((well)) defined.

          1. JEFF E. Avatar
            JEFF E.

            I also think that every citizen should be required to go thru military basic training, for a verity of reasons, not the least of which is basic firearms instruction.

            1. Nancy Avatar

              Seems like a fine idea, Jeff E but it would appear the current administration is maybe making it harder for those who want to be citizens…. and willing to fight for our country?


              •About 24,000 immigrants were on active duty in 2012, and about 5,000 immigrants join each year

              •About 82 percent of immigrant veterans (417,000) are naturalized U.S. citizens.


              1. JEFF E. Avatar
                JEFF E.

                You notice I said citizen.
                Any one wanting to become a citizen, which I have no problem at all with, should also be required to go thru military basic training as part of that process…. that would also include DACA individuals.
                As far as the current admin, I wish circulating blood clots on the whole lot of them….

                1. JEFF E. Avatar
                  JEFF E.

                  and one of my favorite examples while cadet bone spurs and loser ted Nugent was busy dodging the draft…


  212. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    “In a world with a booming population that is consuming ever more resources—from food to water—the exploitation of the natural world has become normalized in order to meet demand. But the new research indicates that no region is faring well as a result.”

  213. Nancy Avatar

    Mother Nature raging and nature’s mothers coping with it:

    1. Nancy Avatar

      And I should of mentioned nature’s fathers too, since this nest has 2 males (an oddity) also caring for 2 newly hatched eaglets.

    1. WM Avatar

      Leave it to CBD and paid shill Amaroz Weiss to tell half-truths. Yes, the NET growth rate is down to 6 percent. But the real story is that the gross increase was much higher. Just have to add back in the wolves that had gotten in trouble killing livestock removed by WDFW, and the Colville Indian Tribe reported 3 killed in their open wolf season (they also raise cattle, so there may have been incentive for a sovereign nation to do what it felt was necessary for its members). And, let’s remember the report is MINIMUM number of wolves, always a conservative one.

      Probably the more objective view is that from WDFW’s official report and Commission presentation:

  214. aves Avatar

    “A decades-long debate over protection of the lesser prairie-chicken could usher the Endangered Species Act into a new and very different era.”

  215. Kathleen Avatar

    ‘Species other than ours are far more like ours than most of us believe’

    This author takes on science and anthropomorphism.

    Excerpt: “Like most other species, we see ourselves as the most important species – the only worthwhile species. We imagine that God made us in his image that we’re supposed to dominate the Earth.

    “We imagine that we are at the topmost rung of the evolutionary ladder, a ladder that we invented, with our characteristics as the important ones, which renders other species as lower. If dogs made an evolutionary ladder, dogs would be at the top, with acute sense of smell being the defining reason.”

  216. Kathleen Avatar

    Human hunting influences adaptation in bear cub parenting

    Excerpt: “The Anthropocene is characterized by human impacts extending to all corners of the globe. New research shows that it effects the relationship between mothers and cubs of the Scandinavian brown bear. Human hunting has changed the characteristics of mother bears’ behavior to their cubs.”

    Read more at:

  217. Kathleen Avatar

    “Zinke’s New Outdoor Recreation Panel Dominated by Industry Execs”

    Excerpt: “The 15-member “Made in America” Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee will advise Sec. Zinke on issues surrounding public lands. They include officials that represent fishing, shooting sports, motorized vehicles and hospitality as well as national park concessionaires. …
    “This is not the first time Zinke has created an advisory panel filled with business representatives. Most members of the Royalty Policy Committee come from the oil, gas and mining industries. The new International Wildlife Conservation Council is mainly comprised of trophy hunters and individuals with ties to President Trump’s oldest son, who is an avid hunter.”

    1. Jeremy B. Avatar
      Jeremy B.

      “There has been some huge changes,” Brimeyer told the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission on March 14 in Cody. “I know a lot of our guys have lost sleep over this. And I know [for] the outfitters, too, and the public that have taken their kids hunting to this drainage, it’s a fairly emotional thing.”

      Brimeyer was straight to the point when asked what he would like to see happen.

      “We need to put some pressure on these wolf packs that are in there,” he said.

      — So one way you might characterize the above is that WyF&G employees are advocating making wolf management decisions based upon emotion. Ah the sweet irony.

  218. Jeff N. Avatar
    Jeff N.

    Was lucky enough to see a few members of the Slate Creek pack in June 2015. The upper Gros Ventre is exceptional country.

    Not sure why there is concern regarding elk numbers in this drainage since they seem to return in good numbers after the snow melts despite the new migration patterns to different wintering grounds.

    Will “pressuring” the Gros Ventre wolf packs do anything to change the relatively new wintering behavior of Gros Ventre elk? who knows, but apparently it will make a few butt hurt locals feel good emotionally.

    1. Jeremy B. Avatar
      Jeremy B.

      Right. Moreover, not having elk in feedlots in the winter time is actually a GOOD thing. It reduces the risk of disease transmission. If elk are finding winter range elsewhere (as it seems they are), this seems like a win all around.

  219. Nancy Avatar

    Yet another reminder of what “Big Ag” and the greed associated,is doing to the environment:

  220. Nancy Avatar

    Yeah duh????

    “Baker is a former vice president for Pegasus Mining. Its bankruptcy left taxpayers on the hook for costly pollution cleanups including at the Zortman-Landusky gold mine”

    Little sh*t, like this, that seldom makes the national news and just seems to pass over most human’s radar, but should be a wake up call, if paying attention to what’s left of the natural environment.

  221. Kathleen Avatar

    “Ryan Zinke to reconsider rate hikes at national parks after public outcry”

    Excerpt: “The Interior Department is looking to back off proposed admission price hikes at 17 national parks after a deluge of public protest.

    “Interior officials said the agency is not planning to scrap the increases altogether, but will be looking to reduce them significantly after the agency received tens of thousands of public comments protesting the changes.”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      Disappointing. The Park fees are so ridiculously cheap as it is. It’s all well and good to hope that Congress will increase funding to the Parks, but it hasn’t happened in decades. Meanwhile, the Parks will continue to be beat up by too many visitors, and there will be very little money for upkeep and maintenance. What people don’t seem to realize in upholding this unrealistic ideal of theirs is that the money will have to come from somewhere, and it will be selling off the Parks piecemeal, if visitors won’t accept the responsibility for themselves.

      I hate policies that only allow for a continued spinning of our wheels, and do nothing to improve anything.

  222. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    An old but still (and probably always) relevant article:

    “Our presidents are good at praising America’s magnificent national park system, but they’re lousy at maintaining it.”

  223. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    What a bunch of whiners. The responsibility for our National Parks should not be all take and no giveback? I’d like to buy a Lifetime Pass when the time comes.

    The price increase on applies to 17 parks during peak season – many parks are already free to the public, and people are already free to travel to them on the off-season, when the fees will remain the same as they ever were.

    I personally will *never* go to the Parks during the peak season, because it would ruin my vacation. I always travel most places during the off-season because if is just quieter, less distracting and more comfortable for me.

  224. Kathleen Avatar

    “A fierce opponent of the Endangered Species Act is picked to oversee Interior’s wildlife policy”

    Excerpt: “Susan Combs, a former Texas state official who compared proposed endangered species listings to “incoming Scud missiles” and continued to fight the Endangered Species Act after she left government, now has a role in overseeing federal wildlife policy.

    “Combs was selected by Interior Department Secretary Ryan Zinke as acting secretary for fish, wildlife and parks.”

  225. Kathleen Avatar

    Alaska Belatedly Imposes No-Hunt Buffer to Avert Wolf Population Implosion

    -and- “Denali wolf buffer bill likely to stall in Senate”

    Excerpt: “The Senate Resources Committee is quite conservative and tends to have less interest in wildlife watching and nonconsumptive rights.”

    1. Ida Lupine Avatar
      Ida Lupine

      A day late and a dollar short, the story of government agencies. And I get so sick of reading the runnings of the mouth of “Sam Lobo”.

      1. Immer Treue Avatar
        Immer Treue

        Then when he comes over here in one of his aliases, ignore him.

        1. Ida Lupine Avatar
          Ida Lupine

          🙂 Will do!

  226. Immer Treue Avatar
    Immer Treue

    Apparently their sky god gave them dominion over the animals, but sadly no common sense.

    Images reflect the oxymoron of sportsman.

    1. Nancy Avatar

      10th Anniversary of a profound documentary dealing with:


      the assumption of human superiority leading to the exploitation of animals

      1. Immer Treue Avatar
        Immer Treue

        Endured the first ‘chapter’. On the docket for further viewing. Humans have put just about everything out of wack. Reminds me of the movie and accompanying soundtrack by Philip Glass Koyaniqatsi.

        When one remembers what humans are capable of doing to each other, oh, and history exposes this all too freaquently, the plight of those not of our species have little hope. Recently, I have made the decision to delete meat from my diet 3-4 times per week, hopefully transitioning into no meat other than perhaps venison.

        When one contemplates both the affect and effect from a movement that dictates perhaps a two consecutive day per week, no meat diet, just that, the dominos perhaps don’t fall, but begin to teeter.

        Nancy, that was an important post.

        1. Kathleen Avatar


          Excerpt: “Published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, researchers at Loma Linda University in California and the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique in Paris found that people who consumed significant amounts of meat experienced an increased risk of heart disease.

          “The opposite was true for those who consumed the majority of their protein from plant-based sources, such as nuts and seeds.”

        2. Nancy Avatar

          A chapter at a time is the best way to view it, Immer. The movie was dubbed the Vegan Maker and for good reason.

          The 2015 sequel:


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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