
  • The sagebrush steppe dominates the drier parts of the West, including parts of Southeast Oregon, much of Nevada, southern Idaho, western Wyoming, western Colorado, western Utah, and parts of New Mexico. Sagebrush steppe covers 165 million acres of the West. Due to many factors, including farming, ranching, subdivisions, and, most importantly, range fires, sagebrush vegetation…

  • This past December 2018 the Bureau Field office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released a final Environmental Assessment for the Battle Creek, East Castle Creek, and Owens Allotments Grazing Permit Renewal, at least partially within the Little Jacks Creek Wilderness, part of the stunningly beautiful Owyhee Canyonlands Wilderness Complex in Idaho. The BLM…

  • The Forest Service is currently seeking public comments regarding the development of alternatives for the Forest Plan Revision on the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests in North Central Idaho. The deadline is February 28. The new forest plan will guide management direction over the next 10 – 30 years. A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for…

  • Award-winning documentary exposing Wildlife Services’ war on wildlife  coming to four different communities in Idaho  Moscow- An award-winning wildlife documentary that Jane Goodall wants millions of people to see is coming to Idaho. Predator Defense’s film, EXPOSED: USDA’s Secret War on Wildlife, features three former federal agents, and a prominent Congressman, blowing the whistle on…

  • Feeding often makes things worse, especially when done half-heartedly- Expect predators to show up– Perhaps millions of Americans feed the birds, squirrels, feral cats, much larger animals too, such as deer. All animals are interested in food and as a population they obviously know how to find it, or they would not exist. They probably…

  • Red-tailed’s kee-eeeee-arr is used to represent all raptors, and more- “Cry like an eagle” . . . you can just imagine it as you read the phrase. It must be bold. Maybe it should be the title of a song or a novel. The Colbert Report doesn’t use a real eagle cry. It would be a…

  • Valuable wildlife reports can be downloaded by the public- While it might seem — it might be true — that most politicians and many of the public get all their knowledge about Yellowstone from “urban” legends, interest groups, and lobbyists, there is a segment that read scientific reports and, especially the summaries of naturalist’s observations,…

  • Birds in city parks benefit as coyotes stalk cats. But, hey, it’s best for the cats too- Feral and stray cats (free roaming cats) are known to take a huge toll on birds, and the number of these small predators is burgeoning. There are perhaps as many as 40-million in the US alone. The number…

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